How to use the bool function from joi
Find comprehensive JavaScript joi.bool code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
joi.bool is a function in the Joi library that is used to validate and cast boolean values.
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BASIC_AUTH_USER: Joi.string(), // Used in conjunction with BASIC_AUTH_USER to setup security for the server BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: Joi.string(), // Turn on caching for Nunjucks templates CACHE_ASSETS: Joi.bool(), // Long term cache duration, usually used to store metadata CACHE_DURATION_LONG: Joi.number().integer().default(1000), // Short term cache duration CACHE_DURATION_SHORT: Joi.number().integer().default(100),
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GitHub: arangodb/arangodb
229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238, ''); }) .body(joi.object({ query: joi.string().required(), bindVars: joi.object().optional(), examples: joi.bool().optional() }).required(), 'Query and bindVars to generate debug dump output') .summary('Generate Debug Output for Query') .description(dd` Creates a debug output for the query in a zip file.
How does joi.bool work?
joi.bool() is a function provided by the joi library in JavaScript that returns a schema object for validating boolean values. It can validate whether a given value is a boolean or a string representation of a boolean, and can also apply optional rules such as required, default value, and allowed values.
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const mqSchema = Joi.object({ messageQueue: { host: Joi.string(), username: Joi.string(), password: Joi.string(), useCredentialChain: Joi.bool().default(false), appInsights: Joi.object() }, paymentSubscription: { address: Joi.string(),
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const mqSchema = joi.object({ messageQueue: { host: joi.string(), username: joi.string(), password: joi.string(), useCredentialChain: joi.bool().default(false), type: joi.string().default('subscription'), appInsights: joi.object() }, submitSubscription: {
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Ai Example
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const Joi = require("joi"); const schema = Joi.object({ isMarried: Joi.bool().required(), }); const input = { isMarried: true, }; const result = schema.validate(input); if (result.error) { console.log(result.error.message); // "child \"isMarried\" fails because [\"isMarried\" must be a boolean]" } else { console.log(result.value); // { isMarried: true } }
In this example, Joi.bool() is used to create a schema object that can validate the isMarried property of an object to ensure it is a boolean value. If the input is invalid, the validate() method returns an error message indicating the reason for the failure. Otherwise, it returns the validated object.
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}, cookiePolicy: { clearInvalid: Joi.bool().default(false), encoding: Joi.string().valid('base64json').default('base64json'), isSameSite: Joi.string().default('Lax'), isSecure: Joi.bool().default(true), password: Joi.string().min(32).required(), path: Joi.string().default('/'), ttl: Joi.number().default(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) // 1 year },
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GitHub: cube-js/cube
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inherit(BasePreAggregation, { type: Joi.any().valid('originalSql').required(), uniqueKeyColumns: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), partitionGranularity: BasePreAggregation.partitionGranularity.required(), timeDimensionReference: Joi.func().required(), allowNonStrictDateRangeMatch: Joi.bool(), }), inherit(BasePreAggregation, { type: Joi.any().valid('originalSql').required(), uniqueKeyColumns: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()),
+ 29 other calls in file
joi.string is the most popular function in joi (40578 examples)