How to use the object function from joi
Find comprehensive JavaScript joi.object code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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* @param {Object} obj * @return {Object} */ utilities.toJoiObject = function(obj) { if (!utilities.isJoi(obj) && utilities.isObject(obj)) { return Joi.object(obj); } return obj; };
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const resultModel = Joi.object({ equals: Joi.number() }).label('Result'); const errorModel = Joi.object({ code: Joi.number(), msg: Joi.string() }).label('Error');
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GitHub: mozilla/fxa
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method: 'POST', path: '/password/change/start', options: { ...PASSWORD_DOCS.PASSWORD_CHANGE_START_POST, validate: { payload: isA.object({ email:, oldAuthPW: validators.authPW.description(DESCRIPTION.authPW), }), },
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GitHub: Twipped/joi-to-swagger
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// inspect(schema); if (!schema) throw new Error('No schema was passed.'); if (isPlainObject(schema)) { schema = joi.object().keys(schema); } if (!joi.isSchema(schema)) throw new TypeError('Passed schema does not appear to be a joi schema.');
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GitHub: ustaxcourt/ef-cms
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), }; joiValidationDecorator( Case, joi.object().keys(Case.VALIDATION_RULES), Case.VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES, ); /**
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GitHub: ustaxcourt/ef-cms
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otherwise: joi.optional().allow(null), then: joi.required(), }, ), statistics: Case.VALIDATION_RULES.statistics, stinFile: joi.object().optional(), // object of type File stinFileSize: JoiValidationConstants.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES.when('stinFile', { is: joi.exist().not(null), otherwise: joi.optional().allow(null), then: joi.required(),
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const configJoi = joi.object({ zookeeper: joi.object({ connectionString: joi.string().required(), }).when('kafka.backlogMetrics', { is: joi.exist(), then: joi.required() }), kafka: joi.object({ hosts: joi.string().required(), backlogMetrics: { zkPath: joi.string().required(), intervalS: joi.number().default(60),
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}) ) .unique((a, b) => ===, timelineTemplateId: Joi.string(), // Joi.optionalId(), phases: Joi.array().items( Joi.object().keys({ phaseId:, duration: Joi.number().integer().min(0), constraints: Joi.array() .items(
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GitHub: yoitsro/joigoose
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let joiSchema = Hoek.clone(originalJoiSchema); if (joiSchema._isObjectId) { joiSchema = Joi.alternatives( joiSchema, Joi.object().instance(internals.mongoose.Types.ObjectId) ); } try {
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).optional(), freeText: JoiValidationConstants.STRING.optional(), hasSupportingDocuments: joi.boolean().required(), lodged: joi.boolean().optional(), ordinalValue: JoiValidationConstants.STRING.optional(), previousDocument: joi.object().optional(), primaryDocumentFile: joi.object().required(), primaryDocumentFileSize: joi .number() .optional()
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password: Joi.string().min(Constants.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH).max(Constants.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH).required(), }); validateLoginInput = (loginData) => loginSchema.validate(loginData); const registerShema = Joi.object({ name: Joi.string().min(Constants.NAME_MIN_LENGTH).max(Constants.NAME_MAX_LENGTH).required(), email: Joi.string().min(Constants.EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH).max(Constants.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH).email().required(), password: Joi.string().min(Constants.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH).max(Constants.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH).required(), confirmPassword: Joi.string().required().valid(Joi.ref('password')),
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GitHub: adobe/aio-tvm

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* @returns {joi.ValidationResult} joi * @memberof Tvm * @private */ _validateRequestParams (params) { return joi.object().label('params').keys(this._validationSchema) .required() .pattern(/^$/, joi.any()).pattern(/^__ow_.+$/, joi.any()) // this means allow all unknown parameters that start with __ow_ and '' .validate(params) }
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> 它可能会将其他人从上小时的故障排查中解救 ```js const joi = require('joi') const envVarsSchema = joi.object({ NODE_ENV: joi.string() .valid(['development', 'production', 'test', 'provision']) .required(), PORT: joi.number()
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} }); router.get("/:cohort", passport.authenticate(["referent", "young"], { session: false, failWithError: true }), async (req, res) => { try { const { error, value } = Joi.object({ cohort: Joi.string().required(), }) .unknown() .validate(req.params, { stripUnknown: true });
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if (error) { capture(error); return res.status(400).send({ ok: false, code: ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMS }); } const { errorBody } = Joi.object({ options: Joi.object().allow(null, {}), }).validate({ ...req.body }, { stripUnknown: true }); if (errorBody) return res.status(400).send({ ok: false, code: ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMS });
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const young = await YoungModel.findById(; if (!young) return res.status(404).send({ ok: false, code: ERRORS.NOT_FOUND }); let value; if (["imageRight"].includes(document)) { const { error: bodyError, value: tempValue } = Joi.object({ [`${document}FilesStatus`]: Joi.string() .trim() .valid(FILE_STATUS_PHASE1.TO_UPLOAD, FILE_STATUS_PHASE1.WAITING_VERIFICATION, FILE_STATUS_PHASE1.WAITING_CORRECTION, FILE_STATUS_PHASE1.VALIDATED) .required(),
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var json = lodash_1.cloneDeep(_json); if (Utils_1.isObject(json) && "then" in json) return translateWhen(json); if (!Utils_1.isObject(json) || !("type" in json)) return json; var validation = json.type === "object" ? Joi.object(Utils_1.propertiesToJson( : Joi[json.type || "any"](); var _loop_1 = function (k) { var _a, _b; switch (k) { case "type":
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const previousPath = `${urlPrefix}/summer-abstraction-mains` const { WATER_SOURCE, UNSUSTAINABLE_WATER_SOURCE } = require('../helpers/water-source-data') let waterSourceArray = [] let waterSourcePlannedArray = [] const schema = Joi.object({ waterSourceCurrent: Joi.array().single().required().custom((value, helper) => { waterSourceArray = value.filter((item) => UNSUSTAINABLE_WATER_SOURCE.includes(item)) return value }),
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const Joi = require('joi'); const isOnlyLetters = /(^[а-яА-ЯёЁa-zA-ZЇїІіЄєҐґ ]+$)/u; const isEmpty = /[\S\s]+[\S]+/; const addSchema = Joi.object({ transactionType: Joi.boolean().required().messages({ 'boolean.base': `{{#label}} should be a type of boolean`, 'any.required': `{{#label}} is a required field`, }),
joi.string is the most popular function in joi (40578 examples)