How to use the number function from joi
Find comprehensive JavaScript joi.number code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
joi.number is a function in the Joi library that validates whether a value is a number.
GitHub: mozilla/fxa
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response: { schema: isA.object({ passwordForgotToken: isA.string(), ttl: isA.number(), codeLength: isA.number(), tries: isA.number(), }), }, }, handler: async function (request) {
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}).required(), topic: joi.string().required(), groupId: joi.string().required(), queueProcessor: joi.func(), fromOffset: joi.alternatives().try('latest', 'earliest', 'none'), concurrency: joi.number().greater(0).default(CONCURRENCY_DEFAULT), fetchMaxBytes: joi.number(), canary: joi.boolean().default(false), bootstrap: joi.boolean().default(false), circuitBreaker: joi.object().optional(),
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How does joi.number work?
joi.number is a function in the Joi library that returns a schema object used for validating that a given value is a number. The schema can be further customized by adding optional constraints and properties, such as: min and max: define minimum and maximum values the number can take. greater and less: define minimum and maximum values the number can take, but exclude the boundary values. precision: define the maximum number of decimal places the number can have. integer: validate that the number is an integer. positive and negative: validate that the number is positive or negative, respectively. The joi.number function can also take an optional locale parameter, which determines the format of the number for localization purposes. After defining the schema, it can be used to validate a value using the validate method of a Joi object. If the value passes validation, the method returns an object with a value property containing the validated value. If the value fails validation, the method throws a ValidationError with a message describing the validation error.
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.items( Joi.object() .keys({ userId: Joi.number().integer().positive().required(), handle: Joi.string().required(), placement: Joi.number().integer().positive().required(), type: Joi.string() .valid(_.values(constants.prizeSetTypes)) .default(constants.prizeSetTypes.ChallengePrizes), })
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const { error: error_id, value: id } = Joi.string().required().validate(, { stripUnknown: true }); if (error_id) return res.status(400).send({ ok: false, code: ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMS }); // --- validate data const bodySchema = Joi.object().keys({ parent: Joi.number().valid(1, 2).required(), allow: Joi.boolean().required(), }); const result = bodySchema.validate(req.body, { stripUnknown: true }); const { error, value } = result;
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Ai Example
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const Joi = require("joi"); const schema = Joi.object({ age: Joi.number().integer().min(18).max(99).required(), }); const result = schema.validate({ age: 25 }); console.log(result); // { value: { age: 25 } }
In this example, we define a schema that expects an object with a property called age, which must be an integer between 18 and 99. The required method is used to indicate that the age property is mandatory. We then use the validate method to validate an object with an age property equal to 25. Since 25 is a valid number according to the schema, the validate method returns an object with a value property containing the validated value { age: 25 }.
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toRegion: Joi.string().trim().valid(null), centerId: Joi.string().trim().valid(null), centerName: Joi.string().trim().valid(null), centerCity: Joi.string().trim().valid(null), sessionId: Joi.string().trim().valid(null), youngsVolume: Joi.number().greater(0), gatheringPlaces: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), }); const { error, value } = bodySchema.validate(req.body, { stripUnknown: true }); if (error) {
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GitHub: postalsys/emailengine
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.max(1024 * 1024) .default(0) .example(0) .description('Page number (zero indexed, so use 0 for first page)') .label('PageNumber'), pageSize: Joi.number().min(1).max(1000).default(20).example(20).description('How many entries per page').label('PageSize') }).label('OutbixListFilter') }, response: {
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const tokenize = require('@avocadodb/foxx/router/tokenize'); const MIME_JSON = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; const DEFAULT_ERROR_SCHEMA = joi.object().keys({ error: joi.allow(true).required(), errorNum: joi.number().integer().optional(), errorMessage: joi.string().optional(), code: joi.number().integer().optional() });
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const addSchema = Joi.object({ transactionType: Joi.boolean().required().messages({ 'boolean.base': `{{#label}} should be a type of boolean`, 'any.required': `{{#label}} is a required field`, }), amount: Joi.number().min(0).required().messages({ 'number.base': `{{#label}} should be a type of number`, 'number.min': `{{#label}} cannot be negative and must be greater than 0`, 'any.required': `{{#label}} is a required field`, }),
GitHub: arangodb/arangodb
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res.json({msg}); }) .body(joi.object({ query: joi.string().required(), bindVars: joi.object().optional(), batchSize: joi.number().optional(), id: joi.string().optional() }).required(), 'Query and bindVars to explain.') .summary('Explains a query') .description(dd`
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const resultModel = Joi.object({ equals: Joi.number() }).label('Result'); const errorModel = Joi.object({ code: Joi.number(), msg: Joi.string() }).label('Error'); const sumHTTPStatus = {
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GitHub: koopjs/FeatureServer
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const relationshipsInfo = require('./relationships-info-route-handler') const responseHandler = require('./response-handler') const queryParamSchema = joi.object({ limit: joi.number().optional(), resultRecordCount: joi.number().optional() }).unknown() const geojsonMetadataSchema = joi.object({ maxRecordCount: joi.number().prefs({ convert: false }).optional().default(2000)
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const envVarsSchema = joi.object({ NODE_ENV: joi.string() .valid(['development', 'production', 'test', 'provision']) .required(), PORT: joi.number() .required(), LOGGER_LEVEL: joi.string() .valid(['error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug', 'silly']) .default('info'),
GitHub: laino/final-pm
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number: Joi.number().integer().optional() }).optional() ], stop: [ Joi.number().integer() ], kill: [ Joi.number().integer()
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GitHub: adobe/aio-tvm
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* @protected */ constructor () { this._validationSchema = { /// deployment params - should not be setable by request - deployed as final expirationDuration: joi.number().integer().min(600).max(18000).required(), approvedList: joi.string().required(), owApihost: joi.string().uri().required(), disableAdobeIOApiGwTokenValidation: joi.string().allow('').optional(), imsEnv: joi.string().allow('').optional(),
GitHub: datawrapper/datawrapper
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limit: Joi.number() .integer() .min(0) .default(1000) .description('Maximum items to fetch. Useful for pagination.'), offset: Joi.number() .integer() .min(0) .default(0) .description('Number of items to skip. Useful for pagination.')
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GitHub: datawrapper/datawrapper
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.default(100) .description( 'We will take this number of latest jobs that finished and check ' + 'how many have completed and how many have failed' ), minCompletedJobsRatio: Joi.number() .min(0) .max(1) .default(1) .description(
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GitHub: nodemailer/wildduck
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res.charSet('utf-8'); const schema = Joi.object().keys({ type: Joi.string().empty('').lowercase().max(128), user: Joi.string().hex().lowercase().length(24), limit: Joi.number().default(20).min(1).max(250), next: nextPageCursorSchema, previous: previousPageCursorSchema, page: pageNrSchema, sess: sessSchema,
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GitHub: derek-oneill/halacious
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var optionsSchema = { absolute: joi.boolean().default(false), host: joi.string(), hostname: joi.string(), port: joi.number().integer(), protocol: joi.string(), strict: joi.boolean().default(false), relsPath: joi.string().default('/rels'), relsAuth: joi.alternatives().try(joi.boolean().allow(false),joi.object()).default(false),
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GitHub: arangodb/arangodb
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const { MergeStatisticSamples } = require('@arangodb/statistics-helper'); const router = createRouter(); module.exports = router; const startOffsetSchema = joi.number().default( () => internal.time() - STATISTICS_INTERVAL * 10, 'Default offset' );
GitHub: scality/cloudserver
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IAMEndpoint: joi.string().required(), STSEndpoint: joi.string().required() }), SystemRecommendations: joi.object({ S3ConcurrentTaskLimit: joi.number().min(0).default(64), S3MultiObjectDeleteLimit: joi.number().min(1).default(1000), StorageCurrentTasksLimit: joi.number().min(0).default(0), KbBlockSize: joi.number() .valid(256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192) .default(1024),
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joi.string is the most popular function in joi (40578 examples)