How to use the required function from joi
Find comprehensive JavaScript joi.required code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
joi.required is a method in the Joi library that is used to specify a schema validation rule that a particular key or value is required to be present in the input data.
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descriptionFormat: Joi.string(), metadata: Joi.array() .items( Joi.object().keys({ name: Joi.string().required(), value: Joi.required(), }) ) .unique((a, b) => ===, timelineTemplateId: Joi.string(), // Joi.optionalId(),
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})) /* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */ const OAUTH2_STR = Joi.string().when('OAUTH2_BYPASS_SSO', { is: false, then: Joi.required(), }) const OAUTH2_URI = Joi.string() .uri() .when('OAUTH2_BYPASS_SSO', { is: false, then: Joi.required() })
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How does joi.required work?
is a validation rule in the Joi library for Node.js that specifies that a given key or value must be present and cannot be undefined, null or empty. If a field is marked as required and the provided value is not valid, Joi will return an error indicating that the field is required.
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const blueprintUsuario = Joi.object().keys({ usuario: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required(), password: Joi.string().min(6).max(200).required(), id_cargo: Joi.required(), id_usuario: Joi.required(), }); let validarUsuario = (req, res, next) => { let resultado = blueprintUsuario.validate(req.body, {
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GitHub: postalsys/emailengine
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.example('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs=') .description('Base64 formatted attachment file') .when('reference', { is: Joi.exist().not(false, null), then: Joi.forbidden(), otherwise: Joi.required() }), contentType: Joi.string().lowercase().max(256).example('image/gif'), contentDisposition: Joi.string().lowercase().valid('inline', 'attachment'),
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Ai Example
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const Joi = require("joi"); const schema = Joi.object({ username: Joi.string().required(), password: Joi.string().required(), }); const { error, value } = schema.validate({ username: "john", password: "1234", }); if (error) { console.log(error.message); } else { console.log(value); }
In this example, joi.required() is used to specify that the username and password properties in the Joi.object() schema are required. If the input object passed to the schema.validate() method does not contain these required properties, an error will be returned.
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description: Joi.string(), privateDescription: Joi.string(), descriptionFormat: Joi.string(), metadata: Joi.array().items(Joi.object().keys({ name: Joi.string().required(), value: Joi.required() })).unique((a, b) => ===, timelineTemplateId: Joi.string(), // Joi.optionalId(), phases: Joi.array().items(Joi.object().keys({ phaseId:,
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GitHub: ustaxcourt/ef-cms
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applicationForWaiverOfFilingFeeFile: joi .object() .when('petitionPaymentStatus', { is: PAYMENT_STATUS.WAIVED, otherwise: joi.optional().allow(null), then: joi.required(), }), applicationForWaiverOfFilingFeeFileSize: JoiValidationConstants.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES.when( 'applicationForWaiverOfFilingFeeFile',
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module.exports = searchApiValidations; // .when("addressIds",{is:Joi.undefined,then: Joi.required()
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}); const questionValSchema = Joi.object().keys({ options: Joi.array().items( Joi.object({ optionLabel: Joi.required(), isTrue: Joi.boolean().required(), placeholder: Joi.any(), lastSelectNumber: Joi.number(), isSelected: Joi.boolean(),
GitHub: xchenjwr/share
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}, { path: "/api/user/updata", schema: joi.object({ key: joi.string().required(), value: joi.required(), }), }, { path: "/api/blog/getUserBlog",
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const userValidate = (data, type) => { if (type === 'signup') { const userSchema = Joi.object({ name: Joi.string().min(2).max(25).required(), // avatar: Joi.required(), email: Joi.string().email().lowercase().required(), password: Joi.string().min(6).max(32).required(), }); return userSchema.validate(data);
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GitHub: xiaqianhan/timetable
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*/ // 用户名的验证规则 const title = joi.string().required() // 通知类型验证规则 const type = joi.required() // 新增讯息通知的验证规则对象 exports.add_notice_schema = { // 表示需要对 req.body 中的数据进行验证 body: {
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database: process.env.DB_DATABASE, }); const joi = require("joi"); const schema = joi.object({ id: joi.required(), }); exports.todoGetId = (req, res) => { const {id} = req.params;
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return Joi.validate(user, schema); } function idValidation(id) { const schema = Joi.object().keys({ user_id: Joi.required(), }); return Joi.validate(id, schema); }
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} loginSchema() { return Joi.object().keys({ email: Joi.string().email().insensitive().required(), password: Joi.required(), }); } signUpSchema() {
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GitHub: Ashraf5997/ws_p
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password : joi.string().min(6).max(12).required(), accesstype : joi.string().allow(null).required(), createdby : joi.string().allow(null).required(), createdon :, isdeleted : joi.required(), selctdMldId : joi.required(), selctdTileId : joi.required(), }), searchUserSchema : joi.object({ username : joi.string().max(50).allow(null),
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role: Joi.string().min(3).max(30).required(), email: Joi.string().email().required(), password: Joi.string() .regex(/[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}/) .required(), // image: Joi.required() }); const data = { username: "abcd1234",
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joi.string is the most popular function in joi (40578 examples)