How to use the compact function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.compact code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.compact is a function in the Lodash library used to create a new array with all falsey values removed.
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if (that.templateRequestsQueue.length() === 0) { resolve({ errors: {}, schemas: {} }); that.templateRequestsQueue = undefined; } else { that.templateRequestsQueue.drain = function () { var errors = _.compact(_.pluck(that.templateRequestsResults.errors, "typeid")); var results = that.templateRequestsResults; var resultsKeys = Object.keys(that.templateRequestsResults.schemas); var tempMissingDependencies = []; let tempConstant;
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* @category Arrays * @param {Array} array The array to compact. * @returns {Array} Returns a new array of filtered values. * @example * * _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function compact(array) { var index = -1,
How does lodash.compact work?
lodash.compact is a function provided by the Lodash library used to create a new array with all falsey values removed. When lodash.compact is called, it takes as input an array and returns a new array with all falsey values removed. In this context, "falsey" means any value that is considered false when used in a boolean context, such as null, undefined, false, 0, NaN, or an empty string (""). The function works by iterating over each element in the input array and checking if it is a falsey value. If the element is truthy, meaning it is not falsey, it is added to the new array. If the element is falsey, it is skipped and not added to the new array. lodash.compact is often used in JavaScript applications to filter out falsey values from an array, making it easier to work with only the values that are actually meaningful. By providing a simple and efficient way to filter out falsey values, compact makes it easier to write clean and maintainable JavaScript code.
GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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const items = [ itemCount(this.stats.albums, 'album'), itemCount(, 'photo'), itemCount(this.stats.videos, 'video') ] this.summary = _.compact(items).join(', ') } Album.prototype.sort = function (options) { const sortAlbumsBy = getItemOrLast(options.sortAlbumsBy, this.depth)
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module.exports.clone = _.clone; module.exports.cloneDeep = _.cloneDeep; module.exports.cloneDeepWith = _.cloneDeepWith; module.exports.cloneWith = _.cloneWith; module.exports.collate = _.collate; module.exports.compact = _.compact; module.exports.comparator = _.comparator; module.exports.complement = _.complement; module.exports.concat = _.concat; module.exports.cond = _.cond;
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const array = [0, 1, false, 2, "", 3, null, undefined, NaN, 4]; const result = _.compact(array); console.log(result); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
In this example, we first import the lodash library. We then define an array with ten elements, including several falsey values such as 0, false, '', null, undefined, and NaN. We then call _.compact with the array as input, which returns a new array with all falsey values removed. We store the resulting array in the result variable and log it to the console, which shows that the only remaining elements are the truthy values 1, 2, 3, and 4. By using _.compact, we can easily remove falsey values from an array, making it easier to work with only the values that are actually meaningful. This can be particularly useful when dealing with arrays of user input, where there may be many falsey values that need to be filtered out.
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performance: { // Silence warnings because the size includes the sourcemaps maxEntrypointSize: 15_120_000, maxAssetSize: 15_120_000, }, plugins: compact([ produceSourcemap && new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({ publicPath: sourceMapPublicUrl,
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oldcitycode: voie.codeAncienneCommune, lon: voie.lon, lat:, x: voie.x, y: voie.y, city: compact([getNomCommune(codeCommuneArrondissement), commune.nom, voie.nomAncienneCommune]), district: codeCommuneArrondissement ? commune.nom : undefined, oldcity: voie.nomAncienneCommune, context: buildContext(getCodeDepartement(commune.code)) }
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for (let key in objekt) updateFileFields(objekt[key], objekt, key, mappedAssetUids, matchedUids, unmatchedUids); } else if (_.isArray(objekt) && objekt.length) { for (let i = 0; i <= objekt.length; i++) updateFileFields(objekt[i], objekt, i, mappedAssetUids, matchedUids, unmatchedUids); parent[pos] = _.compact(objekt); } }
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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// Array const chunk = _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2); console.log(chunk); // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] const compact = _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]); console.log(compact); // => [1, 2, 3] const concat = _.concat([1], 2, [3], [[4]]); console.log(concat); // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]
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default: break; } } return { result: _.compact(validFields), id }; }; const filterFieldValidation = (filter, field, locale, ownership) => { field.locale === 'auto' ? field.locale = 'en-US' : null;
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toDelete.push(; } }); } toDelete = _.compact(_.uniq(toDelete)); if (!commits.length && !toDelete.length) {'Nothing to commit.');
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return acc; } acc[method] = { ...requestInfo, parameters: _.compact(_.concat(parameters, requestInfo.parameters)), }; return acc; },
GitHub: navgurukul/sansaar
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if (err) { logger.error(JSON.stringify(err)); return h.response(err).code(err.code); } const pathways = _.compact( => _.find(data, { code: pathway_code })) ); let pathway;
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line = subscriberNumber.substring(3); } const normal = nationalSignificantNumber ? _.compact([nationalSignificantNumber, extension]).join('x') : raw; const phone = new String(normal); phone.prefix = nationalPrefix;
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} return initiatetables } async function authorizecollection (username) { const S3Foldersarray = _.compact(S3Folders.split(';')) // if not match Logverz-MasterController than check user authorization for given s3 folders. if (username.match('Logverz-MasterController') === null) { const usertype = 'UserAWS'
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if (_.startsWith(url, '#') || _.startsWith(url, 'http://') || _.startsWith(url, 'https://')) { return url; } const basePath = _.trim(pathPrefix, '/'); return '/' + _.compact([basePath, _.trimStart(url, '/')]).join('/'); }
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var type = utils.sqlTypeCast(attribute.autoIncrement ? 'SERIAL' : attribute.type); var nullable = attribute.notNull && 'NOT NULL'; var unique = attribute.unique && 'UNIQUE'; return _.compact([ '"' + name + '"', type, nullable, unique ]).join(' '); }).join(','); var primaryKeys = _.keys(_.pick(obj, function (attribute) { return attribute.primaryKey;
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for (const color of [void 0, ...Object.keys(paint)]) { for (const serializeAs of [void 0, "json", "yaml"]) { if (color || serializeAs) _.set( log, _.compact([color, serializeAs]), (...args) => _log({ color, serializeAs }, ...args) ); } }
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res_limit = (data.request.limit < queryRes_Max) ? data.request.limit : (queryRes_Max); } const filtersOnConfig = ['medium', 'subject', 'gradeLevel']; const filters = {}; filters[Op.and] = _.compact(, (value, key) => { const res = {}; if (filtersOnConfig.includes(key)) { res[Op.or] =[key], (val) => { delete data.request.filters[key];
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try { let contents = []; let tableData = []; let response = resData[0].data; if (response && response.result && (_.get(response.result, 'content')|| _.get(response.result, 'QuestionSet'))) { contents = _.compact(_.concat(_.get(response.result, 'QuestionSet'), _.get(response.result, 'content'))); } if (contents.length) { tableData =, (c)=> { if (c.status === 'Live' || (c.status === 'Draft' && c.prevStatus === 'Live')) {
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// console.log(newArr) // let arr2 = _.chunk(arr, 5); // console.log(arr2) // _.compact(array) // Creates an array with all falsey values removed. // The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are falsey. // let arr = [1,2,3,4,5, 0, false,6, null, undefined, "", 7,8];
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