How to use the debounce function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.debounce code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
In JavaScript, the _.debounce function in the Lodash library is used to limit the rate at which a function can be called.
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* 'trailing': false * }); * * // ensure `batchLog` is executed once after 1 second of debounced calls * var source = new EventSource('/stream'); * source.addEventListener('message', _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { * 'maxWait': 1000 * }, false); */ function debounce(func, wait, options) {
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module.exports.curry3 = _.curry3; module.exports.curryRight = _.curryRight; module.exports.curryRight2 = _.curryRight2; module.exports.curryRight3 = _.curryRight3; module.exports.cycle = _.cycle; module.exports.debounce = _.debounce; module.exports.deburr = _.deburr; module.exports.dec = _.dec; module.exports.defaults = _.defaults; module.exports.defaultsDeep = _.defaultsDeep;
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How does lodash.debounce work?
is a function in the Lodash library for JavaScript that limits the rate at which a function can be called.
When _.debounce
is called with a function as input, it performs the following operations:
- It returns a new function that wraps the input function and limits the rate at which it can be called.
- When the debounced function is called for the first time, it starts a timer that delays the execution of the input function by a specified amount of time.
- If the debounced function is called again before the timer has expired, the timer is reset and the input function is delayed again.
- If the debounced function is not called again before the timer expires, the input function is executed.
- The debounced function returns the result of the last execution of the input function.
By using _.debounce
, developers can limit the rate at which expensive or resource-intensive functions are called, which can improve performance and reduce the likelihood of errors. Note that _.debounce
may not be suitable for all types of function calls, and the delay time should be carefully chosen to avoid unexpected behavior.
GitHub: u-wave/core
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this.#pinger = setInterval(() => {; }, ms('10 seconds')); this.#recountGuests = debounce(() => { this.#recountGuestsInternal().catch((error) => { this.#logger.error({ err: error }, 'counting guests failed'); }); }, ms('2 seconds'));
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_initializerDefineProperty(_this, "previousEndpoint", _descriptor4, _assertThisInitialized(_this)); _initializerDefineProperty(_this, "previousSearchFilters", _descriptor5, _assertThisInitialized(_this)); _this.debouncedHandleSearch = void 0; _this.debouncedHandleSearch = lodash.debounce(_this.handleSearch, props.debounceWait); _this.updateValueCaches(); return _this;
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); // Limiting the rate at which a function can be called function expensiveFunction() { console.log("Expensive function called!"); } const debouncedFunction = _.debounce(expensiveFunction, 1000); debouncedFunction(); // Called immediately debouncedFunction(); // Ignored debouncedFunction(); // Ignored // Wait for 1 second // Outputs: "Expensive function called!"
In this example, we're using _.debounce to limit the rate at which the expensiveFunction is called. We provide the expensiveFunction as input to _.debounce, along with a delay time of 1000 milliseconds (1 second). The resulting debouncedFunction is then called three times in quick succession. Since the delay time has not elapsed, the first two calls to debouncedFunction are ignored. When the delay time expires, the third call to debouncedFunction triggers the execution of expensiveFunction, which outputs a message to the console. Note that in this example, we're passing the function directly to _.debounce, which returns a new function that limits the rate at which the input function can be called.
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(curry(1)(2)(3)); // => 6 const curryRight = _.curryRight((a, b, c) => a + b + c); console.log(curryRight(3)(2)(1)); // => 6 const debounce = _.debounce(() => console.log('hello'), 100); debounce(); const defer = _.defer(() => console.log('hello')); defer();
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GitHub: LTeemu/Next13_one
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useEffect(() => { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { bodyRef.current = document.body const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver( _.debounce(() => { setScrollVisible(bodyRef.current.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight * 1.1) //Visible if over 110vh }, 100) ) resizeObserver.observe(bodyRef.current)
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GitHub: LTeemu/Next13_one
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} useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', _.debounce(resizeBox, 800)) return () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', _.debounce(resizeBox, 800)) } }, []) return (
GitHub: norjs/event
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/** * Delayed version of .start() * * @member {Function} */ this._delayedStart = _.debounce(() => this._start(), UPSTREAM_START_DELAY); } // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
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module.exports = HttpProxyMiddleware function HttpProxyMiddleware(context, opts) { // var wsUpgradeDebounced = _.debounce(handleUpgrade) var wsInitialized = false var config = configFactory.createConfig(context, opts) var proxyOptions = config.options
GitHub: nasa/openmct
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this.locationBar = new LocationBar(); this.openmct = openmct; this.routes = []; this.started = false; this.setHash = _.debounce(this.setHash.bind(this), 300); openmct.once('destroy', () => { this.destroy(); });
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} catch (err) { console.error("Error reading from db", err); } }); const saveDb = _.debounce( async () => { try { const str = JSON.stringify(CACHE, null, __DEV__ ? 2 : undefined); await fs.promises.writeFile(PATH, str);
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this.emitter = new EventEmitter(); this.emitter.on('train', this.on_train.bind(this)); this.emitter.on( 'train', _.debounce(this.recalculate_weights.bind(this), recalculation_time) ); } on(event_name, cbk){
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constructor(cy, view) { = cy; this.view = view; this.mouseoverEdgeIds = []; this.debouncedHighlight = _.debounce(this.setNewEdgeHighlight.bind(this), 10); } /** * Handles an event.
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var _this =, props) || this; _this.apolloLinks = {}; _this.observers = {}; _this.graphiqlComponents = []; // debounce as we call this on each http header or endpoint edit _this.getSchema = lodash_1.debounce(function (props) { if (props === void 0) { props = _this.props; } return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { var first; var _this = this;
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var lodash_1 = require("lodash"); var deserialize_1 = require("./workspace/deserialize"); function serializeState(store) { return lodash_1.debounce(function () { var state = store.getState(); if (!state.stateInjected) { localStorage.setItem('graphql-playground', JSON.stringify(state));
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GitHub: blckhodl/fungit
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$(element).autocomplete('search', ''); } return true; }; ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'keyup', _.debounce(handleKeyEvent, 100)); }, }; function WindowTitle() {
GitHub: Hupeng7/es6demo
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console.log('curryRight4--->', curryRight4); //curryRight4---> [ 1, 2, 3 ] //_.debounce(func,[wait=0],[options={}]) // // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux. // jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150)); // // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls. // jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, { // 'leading': true,
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}); } function setupSchemaRefresh(refresh) { const service = this; service.refreshSchema = _.debounce(updateSchema => { const params = { ...cnFlexFormConfig.getStateParams(service.getParamOverrides()), ...service.params };
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