How to use the default function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.default is a popular JavaScript utility library that provides a collection of useful functions for manipulating and working with arrays, objects, strings, and more.
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} const injectedContextVars = (baseCtx.globalContextVars || []) .concat(widgetDef.contextVars) .concat(widgetDef.privateContextVars || []); // Page context var values contains global and context vars. Add private values const injectedContextVarValues = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, page.contextVarValues), lodash_1.default.pick(widgetDef.privateContextVarValues || {}, (widgetDef.privateContextVars || []).map((cv) =>; // Wrap in context var injector return (react_1.default.createElement(ContextVarsInjector_1.default, { injectedContextVars: injectedContextVars, innerBlock: widgetDef.blockDef, injectedContextVarValues: injectedContextVarValues, instanceCtx: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, outerInstanceCtx), { database: page.database }) }, (innerInstanceCtx, loading, refreshing) => { if (loading) { return (react_1.default.createElement("div", { style: { color: "#AAA", textAlign: "center" } },
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schema, defaultColor: design.color, symbol: design.symbol || "font-awesome/circle", markerSize: design.markerSize, name, filters: lodash_1.default.compact(_filters), axis: axisBuilder.cleanAxis({ axis: design.axes.color || null, table: design.table, types: ["enum", "text", "boolean", "date"],
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How does lodash.default work?
is a library that provides a collection of utility functions for working with arrays, objects, strings, and more in JavaScript. It is designed to make working with data in JavaScript easier and more efficient.
The library is divided into several modules, each containing a set of related functions. Some of the most commonly used modules are lodash/core
, lodash/array
, lodash/collection
, lodash/chain
, and lodash/util
The lodash/core
module contains the most basic utility functions, such as clone
, isEqual
, and isNil
. The lodash/array
module provides functions for working with arrays, such as chunk
, difference
, and flatten
. The lodash/collection
module provides functions for working with objects and collections, such as map
, reduce
, and filter
. The lodash/chain
module provides functions for chaining operations together, such as map
, filter
, and groupBy
. The lodash/util
module provides various utility functions, such as noop
, now
, and uniqueId
One of the main benefits of lodash.default
is that it provides a consistent API for working with data, regardless of the differences between JavaScript environments (e.g., browsers and Node.js). Additionally, it provides many common utility functions that are not included in the core JavaScript language.
GitHub: mWater/jsonql
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query = new QueryOptimizer_1.default().optimizeQuery(query); } const frag = new SqlFragment_1.default(); // Make a copy for use internally aliases = lodash_1.default.clone(aliases); ctes = lodash_1.default.clone(ctes); // Compile withs if (query.withs && query.withs.length > 0) { const withClauses = []; for (let w of query.withs) {
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from: { type: "subquery", alias: "bes", query: { type: "union all", queries:, (pair) => { return { type: "query", selects: [ {
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Ai Example
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import _ from "lodash.default"; const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const sum = _.sum(numbers); console.log(sum); // Output: 15
In this example, we first import the lodash.default package using the ES6 import syntax. We then create an array of numbers and pass it to the _.sum() function provided by lodash.default. The function calculates the sum of all the numbers in the array and returns the result. Finally, we log the sum to the console.
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}; const checkObjectOverlap = () => { if ((0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(currentRoom).objects && Array.isArray((0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(currentRoom).objects)) { let overlapIndex = false; (0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(currentRoom).objects.filter((o) => !o.static).forEach((o) => { if ((0, import_inRange.default)((0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(players)[(0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(localPlayer).uuid].x, o.x, o.x + import_lodash.default.get(o, "dimensions.width", 0)) && (0, import_inRange.default)((0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(players)[(0, import_index_c41c42e8.g)(localPlayer).uuid].y, o.y, o.y + import_lodash.default.get(o, "dimensions.height", 0))) { overlapIndex = o._id; } }); if (overlapIndex) {
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console.log("Password is too short"); return res.status(403).send("Password is too short"); } try { const hashedPassword = bcrypt_1.default.hashSync(req.body.password, 10); const data = yield db.insertUser(lodash_1.default.upperFirst(firstName), lodash_1.default.upperFirst(lastName), lodash_1.default.toLower(email), hashedPassword, dateJoined, role) .then(userID => { return db.getUserById(userID); }); const user = data[0];
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axios_1.default .get(`${process.env.API_KEY}&q=${url}`) .then(response => { if (response.status === 200) { const { title, description, image, url } =; return db.insertRersource(title, lodash_1.default.toLower(url), description, image, category, submittedBy, approvalPending); } }) .then(response => { if (response) {
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await this.api.put(`/v1/service/${}/changeProject?project=${}`); await this.awaitServiceAction(; } if (crons && (crons.length !== service.crons.length || !crons.every((newCron) => service.crons.some((oldCron) => lodash_1.default.isMatch(oldCron, newCron))))) { await this.api.put(`/v1/service/${}/cron`, crons); await this.awaitServiceAction(; } }
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const create = context => { const annotateReturn = (_lodash.default.get(context, 'options[0]') || 'always') === 'always'; const annotateUndefined = _lodash.default.get(context, 'options[1].annotateUndefined') || 'never'; const skipArrows = _lodash.default.get(context, 'options[1].excludeArrowFunctions') || false; // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference const excludeMatching = _lodash.default.get(context, 'options[1].excludeMatching', []).map(makeRegExp); // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference const includeOnlyMatching = _lodash.default.get(context, 'options[1].includeOnlyMatching', []).map(makeRegExp);
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GitHub: mayconwallas/Estudos
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}; var _default = { configs: { recommended: _recommended.default }, rules: _lodash.default.mapValues(rules, (rule, key) => { if (['no-types-missing-file-annotation', 'require-valid-file-annotation'].includes(key)) { return rule; }
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const screens = theme('container.screens', theme('screens')); const minWidths = extractMinWidths(screens); const paddings = mapMinWidthsToPadding(minWidths, screens, theme('container.padding')); const generatePaddingFor = minWidth => { const paddingConfig = _lodash.default.find(paddings, padding => `${padding.minWidth}` === `${minWidth}`); if (!paddingConfig) { return {}; }
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GitHub: markoff20k/f31-a
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minWidth: 0, padding: paddings.DEFAULT }); } _lodash.default.each(minWidths, minWidth => { Object.keys(screens).forEach(screen => { const screenMinWidth = _lodash.default.isPlainObject(screens[screen]) ? screens[screen].min || screens[screen]['min-width'] : screens[screen]; if (`${screenMinWidth}` === `${minWidth}`) {
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GitHub: elumeo/jfs-core
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var NotificationMax = (0, Redux_1.useSelector)(function (state) { return state.Core.Configuration.config.NotificationMax; }); var _a = react_1.default.useState([]), shown = _a[0], setShown = _a[1]; var snackbar = notistack.useSnackbar(); react_1.default.useEffect(function () { var missing = lodash_1.default.differenceBy(all, shown, 'id'); var deleted = lodash_1.default.differenceBy(shown, all, 'id'); var persistentShown = shown.filter(function (n) { var _a; return (_a = n.notistackOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.persist; }); var requiredDismissCount = Math.max(0, persistentShown.length + missing.length - NotificationMax); for (var i = 0; i < requiredDismissCount; i++) { var notification = persistentShown.shift();
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if (command.prefixColor && command.prefixColor.startsWith('#')) { color = chalk_1.default.hex(command.prefixColor); } else { const defaultColor = lodash_1.default.get(chalk_1.default, defaults.prefixColors, chalk_1.default.reset); color = lodash_1.default.get(chalk_1.default, (_a = command.prefixColor) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '', defaultColor); } return color(text); } /**
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* @see CompletionListener */ function concurrently(baseCommands, baseOptions) { assert_1.default.ok(Array.isArray(baseCommands), '[concurrently] commands should be an array'); assert_1.default.notStrictEqual(baseCommands.length, 0, '[concurrently] no commands provided'); const options = lodash_1.default.defaults(baseOptions, defaults); const prefixColorSelector = new prefix_color_selector_1.PrefixColorSelector(options.prefixColors); const commandParsers = [ new strip_quotes_1.StripQuotes(), new expand_npm_shortcut_1.ExpandNpmShortcut(),
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const rulesToInsert = []; applys.forEach(nearestParentRule === parent ? util => rulesToInsert.push(generateRulesFromApply(util, parent.selectors)) : util => util.rule.nodes.forEach(n => afterRule.append(n.clone()))); const { nodes } = _lodash.default.tap(_postcss.default.root({ nodes: rulesToInsert }), root => root.walkDecls(d => { d.important = important; }));
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} } else { const closestPath = findClosestExistingPath(config.theme, pathString); if (closestPath) { const closestValue = _lodash.default.get(config.theme, closestPath); if (_lodash.default.isObject(closestValue)) { error += ` '${pathToString(closestPath)}' has the following keys: ${listKeys(closestValue)}`; } else {
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} } } } }); return => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, cheatingCase), { first: lodash_1.default.omit(cheatingCase.first, 'code'), second: lodash_1.default.omit(cheatingCase.second, 'code') }))); }); this.getSourceCode = (submissionId, cookies) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.codesMemo.get(submissionId)) { return this.codesMemo.get(submissionId);
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let response; if (type === 'google') { const gRequest = async (url, method = 'GET', params, data, stripKeys) => { { if (stripKeys && data) { data = _lodash.default.omit(data, stripKeys); } } try { const f = await fetchFunction(url + (params ? '?' + new URLSearchParams(params) : ''), {
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const { spacesNavState } = this.props; const originalSpace = this.state.originalSpace; const space =; const editingActiveSpace = spacesNavState.getActiveSpace().id ===; const haveDisabledFeaturesChanged = space.disabledFeatures.length !== originalSpace.disabledFeatures.length || lodash_1.default.difference(space.disabledFeatures, originalSpace.disabledFeatures).length > 0; if (editingActiveSpace && haveDisabledFeaturesChanged) { this.setState({ showAlteringActiveSpaceDialog: true, });
lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)