How to use the filter function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.filter code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The lodash.filter function creates a new array of elements that pass a given test function.
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}, getSortedBrews : function(brews){ const testString = _.deburr(this.state.filterString).toLowerCase(); brews = _.filter(brews, (brew)=>{ const brewStrings = _.deburr([ brew.title, brew.description, brew.tags].join('\n')
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GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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const nestedVideos =, 'stats.videos') const nestedFromDates =, 'stats.fromDate') const nestedToDates =, 'stats.toDate') // current level const currentPhotos = _.filter(this.files, { type: 'image' }).length const currentVideos = _.filter(this.files, { type: 'video' }).length const currentFromDate =, '') const currentToDate =, '') // aggregate all stats this.stats = {
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How does lodash.filter work?
The lodash.filter function is a utility function in the Lodash library that creates a new array of elements that pass a given test function. The function takes two arguments: the first argument is the array to be filtered, and the second argument is the test function. The test function is called for each element in the array and should return a boolean value indicating whether the element should be included in the filtered array. If the test function returns true for an element, the element is included in the new array. If the test function returns false, the element is excluded from the new array. The lodash.filter function does not modify the original array; instead, it returns a new array that contains only the elements that passed the test. The order of elements in the filtered array is the same as in the original array. For example, the following code uses lodash.filter to create a new array of even numbers: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const _ = require('lodash'); const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; const evenNumbers = _.filter(numbers, (num) => { return num % 2 === 0; }); console.log(evenNumbers); // Output: [2, 4, 6] In this example, we have an array of numbers and use lodash.filter to create a new array of even numbers. We pass the numbers array as the first argument and a test function that returns true for even numbers and false for odd numbers. The resulting evenNumbers array contains only the even numbers from the original array, [2, 4, 6]. Overall, the lodash.filter function provides a convenient way to create a new array that contains only the elements that satisfy a given condition.
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* return !match ? func(callback, thisArg) : function(object) { * return match[2] == 'gt' ? object[match[1]] > match[3] : object[match[1]] < match[3]; * }; * }); * * _.filter(characters, 'age__gt38'); * // => [{ 'name': 'fred', 'age': 40 }] */ function createCallback(func, thisArg, argCount) { var type = typeof func;
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if (_.find(formattedTests, testItem)) { return; } const browsers = _.filter(tests, testItem); formattedTests.push(_.extend(testItem, {browsers})); }); return formattedTests;
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const data = [ { id: 1, name: "John", age: 25 }, { id: 2, name: "Alice", age: 30 }, { id: 3, name: "Bob", age: 40 }, { id: 4, name: "Jane", age: 35 }, ]; const result = _.filter(data, (item) => { return (item.age = 30); }); console.log(result); // Output: [{ id: 2, name: 'Alice', age: 30 }, { id: 3, name: 'Bob', age: 40 }, { id: 4, name: 'Jane', age: 35 }]
In this example, we have an array of objects called data, where each object represents a person with an id, name, and age. We use lodash.filter to create a new array that contains only the people who are 30 years or older. We pass data as the first argument and a test function as the second argument that checks whether the age property of each object is greater than or equal to 30. The resulting result array contains only the objects that passed the test, which are the people who are 30 years or older. The output of the console.log statement shows the resulting array. Overall, lodash.filter is a useful utility function for filtering an array based on a given condition.
GitHub: compdemocracy/polis
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return newItems; } function getBestTranslation(translations, lang) { var firstTwoOfLang = lang.substr(0,2); var matchingLang = _.filter(translations, function(t) { return t.lang.indexOf(firstTwoOfLang) === 0; }); matchingLang.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.lang !== b.lang) {
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await this.syncHost(hostbymac, ipv6AddrOld) } }) this.hostsdb = _.pickBy(this.hostsdb, {_mark: true}) this.hosts.all = _.filter(this.hosts.all, {_mark: true}) this.hosts.all.sort(function (a, b) { return Number(b.o.lastActiveTimestamp || 0) - Number(a.o.lastActiveTimestamp || 0); })
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//return Promise.resolve() return node.peers().then(nodes => { nodes = _.filter(nodes, function(n){ return !self.nodesmap[n.key] && !self.peers[n.key] }) _.each(nodes, function(n){
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var posts = || [] result = r posts = _.filter(posts, p => { return p }) var withvideos = _.filter(posts, p => {
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GitHub: usebruno/bruno
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return evaluateJsTemplateLiteral(rhsOperand, context); }; class AssertRuntime { runAssertions(assertions, request, response, envVariables, collectionVariables, collectionPath) { const enabledAssertions = _.filter(assertions, (a) => a.enabled); if(!enabledAssertions.length) { return []; }
GitHub: mingdaocom/pd-openweb
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return asset.emitted; }) .value(); title = '生成' + _.filter(assets, function (asset) { return _.endsWith(, '.js'); }).length + '个js文件,' + _.filter(assets, function (asset) {
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await spawnPromise(_7z, ['x', filepath, '-o' + tempFolder, '-p123456']) let list = await promisify(glob)('**/*.@(jpg|jpeg|png|webp|avif|gif)', { cwd: tempFolder, nocase: true }) list = _.filter(list, s=>!_.includes(s, '__MACOSX')) list = list.sort((a,b)=>a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'})).map(f=>path.join(tempFolder, f)) return list }
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let zipFileList = zip.getEntries() let findZFile = (entryName)=>{ return _.find(zipFileList, zFile=>zFile.entryName == entryName) } let fileList =>zFile.entryName) let imageList = _.filter(fileList, filepath=>_.includes(['.jpg', ',jpeg', '.png', '.webp', '.avif', '.gif'], path.extname(filepath).toLowerCase())) imageList = imageList.sort((a,b)=>a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'})) let targetFile let targetFilePath
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GitHub: sergeyksv/tinelic
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}, safe.sure(cb,function () { cb(null,result); })); }, getGrantedIds:function (t, p, cb) { var acl = _.filter(_acl, function (a) { return a.r.test(p.action); }); var checks = []; _.each(acl, function (a) {
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* @param {Array} winners the Winner Array * @param {String} winchallengeIdners the challenge ID */ async function validateWinners(winners, challengeId) { const challengeResources = await helper.getChallengeResources(challengeId); const registrants = _.filter(challengeResources, (r) => r.roleId === config.SUBMITTER_ROLE_ID); for (const prizeType of _.values(constants.prizeSetTypes)) { const filteredWinners = _.filter(winners, (w) => w.type === prizeType); for (const winner of filteredWinners) { if (!_.find(registrants, (r) => _.toString(r.memberId) === _.toString(winner.userId))) {
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const needToCheckForGroupAccess = !currentUser ? true : !currentUser.isMachine && !hasAdminRole(currentUser); const subGroupsMap = {}; for (const challenge of challenges) { challenge.groups = _.filter( challenge.groups, (g) => !_.includes(["null", "undefined"], _.toString(g).toLowerCase()) ); let expandedGroups = [];
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async validatePhases(phases) { if (!phases || phases.length === 0) { return; } const { phaseDefinitionMap } = await this.getPhaseDefinitionsAndMap(); const invalidPhases = _.filter(phases, (p) => !phaseDefinitionMap.has(p.phaseId)); if (invalidPhases.length > 0) { throw new errors.BadRequestError( `The following phases are invalid: ${toString(invalidPhases)}` );
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_.filter(resourceRoles, (r) => r.fullWriteAccess), "id" ); const challengeResources = await getChallengeResources(challengeId); return ( _.filter( challengeResources, (r) => _.toString(r.memberId) === _.toString(userId) && _.includes(rolesWithFullAccess, r.roleId) ).length > 0
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*/ async function searchChallengeTimelineTemplates (criteria) { let records = await helper.scanAll('ChallengeTimelineTemplate') if (criteria.typeId) records = _.filter(records, e => (criteria.typeId === e.typeId)) if (criteria.trackId) records = _.filter(records, e => (criteria.trackId === e.trackId)) if (criteria.timelineTemplateId) records = _.filter(records, e => (criteria.timelineTemplateId === e.timelineTemplateId)) if (!_.isUndefined(criteria.isDefault)) records = _.filter(records, e => (e.isDefault === (_.toLower(_.toString(criteria.isDefault)) === 'true'))) return { total: records.length, page: 1,
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*/ async function searchPhases (criteria) { const page = || 1 const perPage = criteria.perPage || 50 const list = await helper.scanAll('Phase') const records = _.filter(list, e => helper.partialMatch(, const total = records.length const result = records.slice((page - 1) * perPage, page * perPage) return { total, page, perPage, result }
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if (!needToCheckForGroupAccess) return challenges let userGroups for (const challenge of challenges) { challenge.groups = _.filter(challenge.groups, g => !_.includes(['null', 'undefined'], _.toString(g).toLowerCase())) if (!challenge.groups || _.get(challenge, 'groups.length', 0) === 0 || !needToCheckForGroupAccess) { res.push(challenge) } else if (currentUser) { if (_.isNil(userGroups)) {
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lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)