How to use the fromPairs function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.fromPairs code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.fromPairs is a utility function that creates an object from an array of key-value pairs.
GitHub: gemini-testing/hermione
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sandbox.spy(TestReader, 'create'); sandbox.stub(SetCollection.prototype, 'groupByBrowser').callsFake(() => { const config = TestReader.create.lastCall.args[0]; const browsers = config.getBrowserIds(); return _.fromPairs( => [p, []])); }); sandbox.stub(TestParser.prototype, 'loadFiles').callsFake(function() { this._tests = [{title: 'default-test'}];
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module.exports.forIn = _.forIn; module.exports.forInRight = _.forInRight; module.exports.forOwn = _.forOwn; module.exports.forOwnRight = _.forOwnRight; module.exports.frequencies = _.frequencies; module.exports.fromPairs = _.fromPairs; module.exports.fromQuery = _.fromQuery; module.exports.functionalize = _.functionalize; module.exports.functions = _.functions; module.exports.functionsIn = _.functionsIn;
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How does lodash.fromPairs work?
lodash.fromPairs is a utility function that takes an array of key-value pairs and returns an object with those keys and values. It works by iterating over the array, extracting the key and value from each element, and adding them to a new object.
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const formStructure = await PathwayFormStructure.query(txn).where( { pathway_id: pathwayId }, txn ); const existingQuestionIds = _.fromPairs( => [s.question_id, s]).filter((s) => s[0]) ); const existingParamIds = _.fromPairs( => [s.parameter_id, s]).filter((s) => s[0])
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} } function buildStreet(voie, forceAddOldCity = false) { const commune = getCommune(voie.codeCommune) const housenumbers = fromPairs( => [ [numero.numero || '0', numero.suffixe].filter(Boolean).join(''), { id: numero.cleInterop, x: numero.x,
Ai Example
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const pairsArray = [ ["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3], ]; const objectFromPairs = _.fromPairs(pairsArray); console.log(objectFromPairs); // Output: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
In this example, we have an array of pairs called pairsArray. We pass pairsArray as an argument to _.fromPairs function from the Lodash library. _.fromPairs function converts the array of pairs into an object. The resulting object is then logged to the console using console.log.
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]); const adminHelpersFE = Object.entries(roles.Admin).map(([roleType, roleName]) => [ `isValid${roleType}Admin`, isValidUser(isUserHasAdminRole, roleType, roleName) ]); // create object { isValidGMPUser: ture, isValidUMPUser: true, isValidStudentSearchUser: false, ...} const isValidUsers = (req) => fromPairs([roleType, verifyRole]) => [roleType, verifyRole(req)])); const isValidAdminUsers = (req) => fromPairs([roleType, verifyRole]) => [roleType, verifyRole(req)])); return ({...fromPairs([...userTokenHelpers, ...userHelpers, ...adminHelpers]), isValidUsers, isValidAdminUsers}); }
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(flattenDeep); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] const flattenDepth = _.flattenDepth([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]], 2); console.log(flattenDepth); // => [1, 2, 3, [4], 5] const fromPairs = _.fromPairs([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]); console.log(fromPairs); // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } const head = _.head([1, 2, 3]); console.log(head); // => 1
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GitHub: nx-lr/32chars-js
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if (key) quoteSequence.splice(2, 1) let quotedStrings = => [ quotes, jsesc(string, {quotes, wrap: true}), ]) quotedStrings = _.fromPairs(quotedStrings) let lengthMap = _.mapValues(quotedStrings, x => x.length) let lengthSorted = _.toPairs(lengthMap).sort(([, a], [, b]) => a - b)
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_.words, _.countBy, _.toPairs, _.partial(_.orderBy, _, 1, 'desc'), _.partial(_.take, _, 7), _.fromPairs ]) console.log('результат обработки текста с файла = ', top5Words(text))
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// check that all paths start at the same vertex const startVertices = new Set( => p[0])); assertTrue(startVertices.size === 1, "paths did not start at same vertex", startVertices); // create a dict that contains maps a vertex to its predecessor const vertexPairs = _.fromPairs(actualPathsVertices.filter(p => p.length > 1).map(p => p.slice(-2).reverse())); // create moving windows of length 2 on all paths const pathEdgeList = actualPathsVertices.filter(p => p.length > 1).map(p => { const pairs =, _.tail(p)); pairs.pop();
GitHub: NetsBlox/services
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baseType: "String", parser: (str, variants) => { const lower = str.toLowerCase(); const variantDict = !Array.isArray(variants) ? variants : _.fromPairs( => [name, name])); for (const variant in variantDict) { if (lower === variant.toLowerCase()) return variantDict[variant]; }
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GitHub: achinwo/irev-exporter
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updatedById: 1, }); } const recs = await User.query().select('display_name', 'contributor_id'); const mapping = _.fromPairs( => [r.contributorId, r.displayName])); const existingContribs = _.keys(mapping); const pus = await models.PuData.query() .select('contributor_username')
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_shardAttrPerShard(col) { const shards = col.shards(); // Create an array of size numberOfShards, each entry null. const exampleAttributeByShard = _.fromPairs( => [id, null])); const done = () => ! _.values(exampleAttributeByShard) .includes(null);
GitHub: achinwo/irev-exporter
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const lgaObj = _.first(data.lgas); const lgaDirName = _.snakeCase(; const wardObj = _.first(data.wards); const stateRes = await models.IrevWard.query().select('state_name', 'state_id').where('ward_uid', wardObj._id); const stateMap = _.fromPairs( => [_.toInteger(r.stateId), r.stateName])); const stateDirName = _.snakeCase(stateMap[wardObj.state_id]); const refdataKey = path.join(refdataDestPrefix, stateDirName, lgaDirName, fileName); const refdataRes = await client.uploadFile(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)), {bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME, key: refdataKey});
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const stepDim = this.horizontal ? 'x' : 'y'; const sorted = this.sortedComponents(partition.component); // Computes dictionaries from old --> new component positions. const newCompPos = _.fromPairs(, (x, i) => { return [x[0], this.stepPosition(i, 0)]; })); // Component --> slope for "step index --> position" function.
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const avatarDir = Path.resolve(__dirname, '../public/assets/img/avatar'); const prtsHome = ''; const prtsURL = ''; const sortObjectBy = (obj, fn) => _.fromPairs(_.sortBy(_.toPairs(obj), ([k, v]) => fn(k, v))); const idStandardization = id => id.replace(/\[([0-9]+?)\]/g, '_$1'); const getPinyin = (word, style = pinyin.STYLE_NORMAL) => { const py = pinyin(word, { style,
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{ darkColor = chroma.contrast(color, '#FFFFFF') > chroma.contrast(darkColor, '#FFFFFF') ? color : darkColor; })); // Generate the contrasting colors return _.fromPairs(, ((color, hue) => [ hue, chroma.contrast(color, darkColor) > chroma.contrast(color, lightColor) ? darkColor : lightColor ] )));
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* * @param theme */ const normalizeTheme = (theme) => { return _.fromPairs(, (palette, paletteName) => paletteName.startsWith('on') || _.isEmpty(palette)), (palette, paletteName) => [ paletteName, { ...palette,
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this.errors = {}; if (this.schema) { if (this.schema.isJoi) { this.schema = _.fromPairs(, function (prop) { return [prop.key, prop.schema]; })); } _.each(
GitHub: angelloor/wsfe
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const theme = normalizeTheme(value); const primary = (theme && theme.primary && theme.primary.DEFAULT) ? theme.primary.DEFAULT : normalizedDefaultTheme.primary.DEFAULT; const accent = (theme && theme.accent && theme.accent.DEFAULT) ? theme.accent.DEFAULT : normalizedDefaultTheme.accent.DEFAULT; const warn = (theme && theme.warn && theme.warn.DEFAULT) ? theme.warn.DEFAULT : normalizedDefaultTheme.warn.DEFAULT; return _.fromPairs([ [ key, { primary,
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GitHub: Hupeng7/es6demo
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let flattenDepth2 = _.flattenDepth(flattenDeepArr, 2); console.log('flattenDepth2--->', flattenDepth2); //flattenDepth2---> [ 1, 2, 3, [ 4 ], 5 ] //_.fromPairs(pairs) let fromPairs1 = _.fromPairs([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]); console.log('fromPairs1--->', fromPairs1); //fromPairs1---> { a: 1, b: 2 } //_.head(array)
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