How to use the has function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.has code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.has is a function that checks if a given object has a property with a specified key.
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* @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {string} key The name of the property to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if key is a direct property, else `false`. * @example * * _.has({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, 'b'); * // => true */ function has(object, key) { return object ?, key) : false;
GitHub: gardener/dashboard
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assert.ok(_.get(config, path), `Configuration value '${path}' is required`) }) _.set(config, 'frontend.apiServerUrl', config.apiServerUrl) _.set(config, 'frontend.clusterIdentity', config.clusterIdentity) if (!config.gitHub && _.has(config, 'frontend.ticket')) { _.unset(config, 'frontend.ticket') } return config
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How does lodash.has work?
lodash.has is a function that can be used to check if a given object has a property with a specified key. It takes two arguments: the object to check, and the key to look for. If the object has a property with the specified key, the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. Here's the syntax for using lodash.has: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ _.has(object, path) object (required): The object to check. path (required): The key to look for. If path is a string, lodash.has checks if the object has a property with the specified key. If path is an array, lodash.has checks if the object has a nested property with the specified key path. Here's an example that demonstrates how to use lodash.has to check if an object has a property with a specified key: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">const _ = require('lodash'); const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 30 }; console.log(_.has(person, 'name')); // true console.log(_.has(person, 'address')); // false In this example, we define an object person with two properties: name and age. We use lodash.has to check if person has a property with the key "name" and the key "address". The first call to _.has returns true, since person has a property with the key "name". The second call to _.has returns false, since person does not have a property with the key "address".
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module.exports.groupBy = _.groupBy; =; module.exports.gtContrib = _.gtContrib; module.exports.gte = _.gte; module.exports.gteContrib = _.gteContrib; module.exports.has = _.has; module.exports.hasIn = _.hasIn; module.exports.hasPath = _.hasPath; module.exports.head = _.head; module.exports.humanize = _.humanize;
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} function renderValue(fieldConfigPartial, model) { var fieldConfig = fillInFieldConfig(fieldConfigPartial), field = fieldConfig.field, render = fieldConfig.render, value = lodash.has(fieldConfig, 'value') ? fieldConfig.value : lodash.get(model, field); return render(value, fieldConfig, model || {}); } function renderLabel(fieldConfig) { var label = fieldConfig.label,
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const person = { name: "Alice", age: 30, }; console.log(_.has(person, "name")); // true console.log(_.has(person, "address")); // false
In this example, we define an object person with two properties: name and age. We use lodash.has to check if person has a property with the key "name" and the key "address". The first call to _.has returns true, since person has a property with the key "name". The second call to _.has returns false, since person does not have a property with the key "address".
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const languages = require('../data/languages') const sampleCourse = _.first(courses); function getSortingOption(field){ return ( _.has(sampleCourse, field) ) ? field : function sortingOptionCallback(course){ return ( field == 'skill' ) ? _.find(skills, function(skill){
GitHub: apostrophecms/apostrophe
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// Return the names of all schema fields present in the `input` object, // taking into account issues like relationship fields keeping their data in // a separate ids property, etc. fieldsPresent(input) { return self.schema .filter((field) => _.has(input, .map((field) =>; }, // Returns a query that finds docs the current user can edit. Unlike // find(), this query defaults to including docs in the archive. Subclasses
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fn.update = function(data) { var schema = this._options.schema; _(data).each(function(val, key) { if (val && this[key] !== val && _.has(schema, key)) this[key] = val; }, this); return this;
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(functionsIn); // => ['add', 'after', 'ary', 'assign', ...] const get = _.get({ 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] }, 'a[0].b.c'); console.log(get); // => 3 const has = _.has({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, 'b'); console.log(has); // => true const hasIn = _.hasIn({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, 'b'); console.log(hasIn); // => true
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GitHub: Eveble/eveble
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}); return actions; } hasHook(action, id) { const actions = this.getActions(); return lodash.has(actions, `${action}.${id}`); } hasAction(action) { const actions = this.getActions(); return lodash.has(actions, action);
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const ids = _(systems).map('system_id').uniq().value(); const resolvedSystems = await inventory.getSystemDetailsBatch(ids); remediation.issues.forEach(issue => = .filter(({system_id}) => _.has(resolvedSystems, system_id)) // filter out systems not found in inventory .map(({system_id, resolved}) => { // filtered above // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection const { hostname, display_name } = resolvedSystems[system_id];
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} } } function updateFileFields(objekt, parent, pos, mappedAssetUids, matchedUids, unmatchedUids, mappedAssetUrls) { if (_.isPlainObject(objekt) && _.has(objekt, 'filename') && _.has(objekt, 'uid')) { if (typeof pos !== 'undefined') { if (typeof pos === 'number' || typeof pos === 'string') { const replacer = () => { if (mappedAssetUids.hasOwnProperty(objekt.uid)) {
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GitHub: XBigTK13X/snowby
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} if (this.Type === 'Episode') { if (_.has(this.UserData, 'PlaybackPositionTicks') && this.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0) { return true } return _.has(this.UserData, 'Played') && this.UserData.Played } return true }
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GitHub: lando/core-next
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/* * Helper to load in all app plugins */ const loadPlugins = (app, lando) => Promise.resolve(app.plugins.registry) // Filter out .filter(plugin => _.has(plugin, 'app')) // LOADEM! .map(plugin => app.plugins.load(plugin,, app, lando)) // Remove any naughty shit .map(plugin => _.pick(, ['config', 'composeData', 'env', 'labels']))
GitHub: lando/core-next
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}); // Add some logic that extends start until healthchecked containers report as healthy'post-start', 1, () => lando.engine.list({project: app.project}) // Filter out containers without a healthcheck .filter(container => _.has(_.find(, {service: container.service}), 'healthcheck')) // Map to info .map(container => _.find(, {service: container.service})) // Map to a retry of the healthcheck command .map(info => lando.Promise.retry(() => {
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* @param fetchId {string} * @returns {EventServiceSessionObject} * @private */ _getSession (fetchId) { return _.has(this._sessions, fetchId) ? this._sessions[fetchId] : undefined; } /** *
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} this.rspackOutputPath = this.rspackConfig.output.path; // In case of individual packaging we have to create a separate config for each function if ( _.has(this.serverless, 'service.package') && this.serverless.service.package.individually ) { log.verbose( `Individually packaging with concurrency at ${this.configuration.concurrency} entries a time.`,
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// For the user model ONLY it is possible to disable validations. // This is used to bypass validation during the credential check, and must never be done with user-provided data // Should be removed when #3691 is done validate: function validate() { var opts = arguments[1]; if (opts && _.has(opts, 'validate') && opts.validate === false) { return; } return validation.validateSchema(this.tableName, this.toJSON()); },
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// in the database Object.keys(req.query).forEach((query) => { const arr = db.get(name).value() for (const i in arr) { if ( _.has(arr[i], query) || query === 'callback' || query === '_' || /_lte$/.test(query) || /_gte$/.test(query) ||
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GitHub: krieit/Node-vogels
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}; internals.updateTableCapacity = function (table, throughput, callback) { var params = {}; if (_.has(throughput, 'readCapacity') || _.has(throughput, 'writeCapacity')) { params.ProvisionedThroughput = {}; if (_.has(throughput, 'readCapacity')) { params.ProvisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits = throughput.readCapacity;
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const _ = require('lodash'); const parseType = require('./parse-type'); const isAttribute = (model, field) => _.has(model.allAttributes, field) || model.primaryKey === field || field === 'id'; /** * Returns the model, attribute name and association from a path of relation * @param {Object} options - Options
lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)