How to use the isNil function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.isNil code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.isNil is a function that checks whether a value is null or undefined.
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if (addTokenTo === ADD_TOKEN_TO_TARGETS.HEADER) { request.removeHeader(AUTHORIZATION, { ignoreCase: true }); let headerPrefix = auth.get(AUTH_KEYS.HEADER_PREFIX); headerPrefix = _.isNil(headerPrefix) ? BEARER_AUTH_PREFIX : headerPrefix; headerPrefix && (headerPrefix += SPACE); request.addHeader({ key: AUTHORIZATION,
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GitHub: 1024pix/pix
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? buildTargetProfile({ ownerOrganizationId: organizationId }).id : targetProfileId; assessmentMethod = Assessment.methods.SMART_RANDOM; } organizationId = _.isNil(organizationId) ? buildOrganization().id : organizationId; creatorId = _.isUndefined(creatorId) ? buildUser().id : creatorId; ownerId = _.isUndefined(ownerId) ? buildUser().id : ownerId; // Because of unicity constraint if no code is given we set the unique id as campaign code. code = _.isUndefined(code) ? id.toString() : code;
How does lodash.isNil work?
lodash.isNil is a function that checks if a given value is null or undefined. It returns true if the value is null or undefined, and false otherwise. The function uses the strict equality operator (===) to compare the value with null and undefined.
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module.exports.isMatch = _.isMatch; module.exports.isMatchWith = _.isMatchWith; module.exports.isNaN = _.isNaN; module.exports.isNative = _.isNative; module.exports.isNegative = _.isNegative; module.exports.isNil = _.isNil; module.exports.isNull = _.isNull; module.exports.isNumber = _.isNumber; module.exports.isNumeric = _.isNumeric; module.exports.isObject = _.isObject;
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return consumer } async function getReceiptsForServiceConsumer (context, date, serviceConsumer, billingCategory, extraArgs = {}) { if (isNil(date)) throw new Error('invalid date argument') if (isNil(serviceConsumer) || isNil(get(serviceConsumer, 'id'))) throw new Error('invalid serviceConsumer argument') const periodDate = dayjs(date) const period = periodDate.format('YYYY-MM-01')
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); let value1 = null; let value2 = undefined; let value3 = "something"; console.log(_.isNil(value1)); // true console.log(_.isNil(value2)); // true console.log(_.isNil(value3)); // false
In this example, we first import the lodash library and define three variables: value1 and value2 are set to null and undefined, respectively, while value3 is set to the string "something". We then use _.isNil to check if each of these variables is null or undefined, and log the result to the console. As we can see, _.isNil returns true for both value1 and value2, which are null and undefined, respectively, and false for value3, which is neither null nor undefined.
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} let authPrefix = reqProps.authPrefix.toLowerCase(); let signature = ''; let realm = reqProps.realm || reqProps.appId; let signatureMethod = _.isNil(reqProps.secret) ? 'SHA256withRSA' : 'HMACSHA256'; let baseProps = { authPrefix: authPrefix.toLowerCase(), signatureMethod: signatureMethod,
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GitHub: Arxivar/PluginGenerator
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return this.prompt(prompts); } Object.keys(this.options.arxivarPluginSettings).forEach(key => { const prompt = _.isNil(prompts) ? undefined : prompts.find(p => === key); const value = this.options.arxivarPluginSettings[key] if (!_.isNil(prompt) && !_.isNil(prompt.default) && _.isNil(value)) { this.options.arxivarPluginSettings[key] = _.isFunction(prompt.default) ? prompt.default(this.options.arxivarPluginSettings) : prompt.default } }); return Promise.resolve(this.options.arxivarPluginSettings)
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(isNaN); // => true const isNative = _.isNative(Array.prototype.push); console.log(isNative); // => true const isNil = _.isNil(null); console.log(isNil); // => true const isNull = _.isNull(null); console.log(isNull); // => true
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// Gets a list of Survey Requests router.get('/', isAuthenticated, asyncMiddleware(async function (req, res) { let { includeGeometry } = req.query; includeGeometry = _.isNil(includeGeometry) ? 'false' : includeGeometry; includeGeometry = (includeGeometry == 'true'); // convert string to bool let surveyRequestQuery = getConnection() .getRepository(SurveyRequest)
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let err = Boom.notFound( `Priority Area Submission ${} is deleted`); throw err; } const fname = _.isNil(priorityAreaSubmission.submittingOrganisation) ? :' ', '-'); const shpBuilder = shpBuilderFactory('priority-area-submission')
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queryProp = prop.join('.'); } const result = strapi.config.get( `plugin.content-moderation${queryProp ? '.' + queryProp : ''}` ); return isNil(result) ? defaultValue : result; }, // Find all content async findAll(slug, query) {
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toggleState(state) { return !state; } isNullOrEmpty(value) { return _.isNil(value) || _.isUndefined(value); } notNullOrEmpty(value) { return !this.isNullOrEmpty(value);
GitHub: nasolodar/test
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return _.reject( _(response) .map(key) .uniq() .value(), _.isNil ); }, /**
GitHub: Akemona/strapi
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return { type: 'Buffer' }; case 'time': return { type: String, validate: (value) => (!attr.required && _.isNil(value)) || parseType({ type: 'time', value }), set: (value) => !attr.required && _.isNil(value) ? value : parseType({ type: 'time', value }), }; case 'date':
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} // scalar values (including null/undefined) // Note: undefined equals null. // For all other objects, strict equality is applied if (obj1 === obj2 || (_.isNil(obj1) && _.isNil(obj2))) { return true; } // if any of those is null or undefined the other is not because
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GitHub: Qwiery/qwiery
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} } return false; }, isStringOrNumber(u, allowNil = false) { if (!allowNil && _.isNil(u)) { return false; } return _.isString(u) || _.isNumber(u); },
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return map; } function applyDefaults(manifest, workflowTemplate, stepsMap) { const ifNil = (value, defaultValue) => { return _.isNil(value) ? defaultValue : value; }; // First, we apply title, desc, builtin, hidden, runSpec from the workflow template const result = {
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? true : this.createError({ path: this.path, message: `contains conditions that don't exist` }); }); const permissionsAreEquals = (a, b) => a.action === b.action && (a.subject === b.subject || (_.isNil(a.subject) && _.isNil(b.subject))); const checkNoDuplicatedPermissions = permissions => !Array.isArray(permissions) || permissions.every((permA, i) =>
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balanceSheetRes['currentlyIssuedShares'] = undefined balanceSheetRes['currentLiabilities'] = undefined balanceSheetRes['currentAssets'] = undefined } if (_.isNil(quarterlySharesIssued) && _.isNil(quarterlyCurrentLiabilities) && _.isNil(quarterlyCurrentAssets) ) { let sleepFor = retryCount * 20000 retryCount += 1`Retry Count: ${retryCount}, Sleeping for ${sleepFor}`)
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* @param {string} [errorMessage] the error message. If defined and the predicate is not fulfilled an error with the message will be thrown * @param {string|number|(string|number)[]} [messageArgs] values for placeholders in the errorMessage * @returns {boolean} the result of the predicate */ nil(errorMessage, messageArgs) { let success = _.isNil(this.#contextValue); if (Debug.enabled) { this.#printDebug(, success); } return this.#handleError(success, errorMessage, messageArgs);
GitHub: FoodRates/vendors-menu
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const modifiedNodes = allNodes(modified); const originalLeafNodes = leafNodes(originalNodes); const modifiedLeafNodes = leafNodes(modifiedNodes); const nullified = (a, b) => !_.isNil(a.value) && _.isNil(b.value); const emptied = (a, b) => a.value !== "" && b.value === ""; let addedNodes; if (orphans) {
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lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)