How to use the isUndefined function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.isUndefined code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.isUndefined is a method in the Lodash JavaScript library that checks whether a value is undefined.
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* @category Objects * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is `undefined`, else `false`. * @example * * _.isUndefined(void 0); * // => true */ function isUndefined(value) { return typeof value == 'undefined';
GitHub: compdemocracy/polis
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} function userCanSeeFooter() { var params = parseQueryParams(; var ucsf = params.ucsf; ucsf = (ucsf === "true" || ucsf === "1" || _.isUndefined(ucsf)); if (!ucsf) { ucsf = true; } return ucsf;
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How does lodash.isUndefined work?
lodash.isUndefined is a method in the Lodash JavaScript library that checks whether a value is undefined. When you call lodash.isUndefined, you pass in a value that you want to check. The method then checks whether the value is strictly equal to undefined, meaning that it has not been defined or has been explicitly set to undefined. lodash.isUndefined returns true if the value is undefined and false otherwise. This allows you to easily check whether a given value is undefined in your code. Note that lodash.isUndefined is just one of many utility methods in the Lodash library that allow you to manipulate and work with JavaScript data in a flexible and modular way. By using these methods, you can simplify your code and avoid common pitfalls and errors.
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var history = []; var interv = []; console.time('=H=', 'his', 'Got history in'); if ( _.isUndefined(range) || range === null) interv = _.range(this.stats.block.number - 1, this.stats.block.number - MAX_HISTORY_UPDATE); if (!_.isUndefined(range.list)) interv = range.list;
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if (delimiter && delimiter !== '/') { throw new Error('NamespaceFS: Invalid delimiter ' + delimiter); } const limit = Math.min(1000, _.isUndefined(params.limit) ? 1000 : params.limit); if (limit < 0) throw new Error('Limit must be a positive Integer'); // In case that we've received max-keys 0, we should return an empty reply without is_truncated // This is used in order to follow aws spec and behaviour if (!limit) return { is_truncated: false, objects: [], common_prefixes: [] };
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); // Define a variable with an undefined value let foo; // Check whether the variable is undefined using `_.isUndefined` if (_.isUndefined(foo)) { console.log("foo is undefined!"); } else { console.log("foo is defined!"); }
In this example, we start by requiring the lodash library and defining a variable called foo with an undefined value. We then use _.isUndefined to check whether foo is undefined. In this case, the method will return true, indicating that foo is indeed undefined. Finally, we log a message to the console based on the result of the _.isUndefined check. Note that lodash.isUndefined is just one of many utility methods in the Lodash library that allow you to manipulate and work with JavaScript data in a flexible and modular way. By using these methods, you can simplify your code and avoid common pitfalls and errors.
GitHub: 1024pix/pix
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customResultPageButtonUrl = null, multipleSendings = false, assessmentMethod, } = {}) { if (type === CampaignTypes.ASSESSMENT && !assessmentMethod) { targetProfileId = _.isUndefined(targetProfileId) ? buildTargetProfile({ ownerOrganizationId: organizationId }).id : targetProfileId; assessmentMethod = Assessment.methods.SMART_RANDOM; }
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GitHub: jumpserver/lina
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export function sleep(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)) } function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue } export function newURL(url) { let obj
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module.exports.isSequential = _.isSequential; module.exports.isSet = _.isSet; module.exports.isString = _.isString; module.exports.isSymbol = _.isSymbol; module.exports.isTypedArray = _.isTypedArray; module.exports.isUndefined = _.isUndefined; module.exports.isValidDate = _.isValidDate; module.exports.isWeakMap = _.isWeakMap; module.exports.isWeakSet = _.isWeakSet; module.exports.isZero = _.isZero;
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const projectId = _.get(challenge, "projectId"); const { billingAccountId, markup } = await projectHelper.getProjectBillingInformation(projectId); if (billingAccountId && _.isUndefined(_.get(challenge, "billing.billingAccountId"))) { _.set(data, "billing.billingAccountId", billingAccountId); _.set(data, "billing.markup", markup || 0); }
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if (currentUser) { if (!currentUser.isMachine) { memberResources = await listResourcesByMemberAndChallenge(currentUser.userId, } } const canAccesChallenge = _.isUndefined(currentUser) ? false : currentUser.isMachine || hasAdminRole(currentUser) || !_.isEmpty(memberResources) if (!canAccesChallenge) { throw new errors.ForbiddenError(`You don't have access to view this challenge`) } }
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.add(updatedPhase.duration, "seconds") .toDate() .toISOString(); } if ( _.isUndefined(phase.actualEndDate) && !_.isUndefined(newPhase) && !_.isUndefined(newPhase.constraints) ) { updatedPhase.constraints = newPhase.constraints;
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//modified from: const removeEmpty = retVal => Object.keys(retVal).forEach(key => { if (retVal[key] && typeof retVal[key] === 'object') removeEmpty(retVal[key]); // recurse else if (_.isEmpty(retVal[key]) || _.isUndefined(retVal[key]) || _.isNull(retVal[key])) delete retVal[key]; }); removeEmpty(retVal); return retVal; };
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if (currentUser) { if (!currentUser.isMachine) { memberResources = await listResourcesByMemberAndChallenge(currentUser.userId,; } } const canAccesChallenge = _.isUndefined(currentUser) ? false : currentUser.isMachine || hasAdminRole(currentUser) || !_.isEmpty(memberResources); if (!canAccesChallenge) { throw new errors.ForbiddenError(`You don't have access to view this challenge`);
GitHub: canboat/canboatjs
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} function writeField(bs, pgn_number, field, data, value, bitLength) { var startPos = bs.byteIndex if ( _.isUndefined(bitLength) ) { bitLength = field.BitLength } // console.log(`${field.Name}:${value}(${bitLength}-${field.Resolution})`)
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GitHub: canboat/canboatjs
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const ignoredPgns = []//130820, 126720 ] class Parser extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts) { super() this.options = _.isUndefined(opts) ? {} : opts = this.version = pkg.version =
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throw new TypeError( "SupportObjectGenerator: evaluation must be of type Object" ); } if ( _.isUndefined(evaluation.evaluation) || !_.isFunction(evaluation.evaluation) ) { throw new TypeError( "SupportObjectGenerator: evaluation key in evaluation parameter must be set and of type Function"
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* foo + false ➔ foo * foo/ + false ➔ foo * foo/ + true ➔ foo/ */ trailSlash: function(dirPath, slash) { if (_.isNull(slash) || _.isUndefined(slash)) { return dirPath; } if (typeof slash != typeof true) { throw Error("Illegal argument: boolean expected: " + slash);
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* @param {Object} toObject Object to compare with * @return {Object} Return a new object who represent the diff */ function difference(fromObject, toObject) { const changes = {} const buildPath = (_path, key) => _.isUndefined(_path) ? key : `${_path}.${key}` const walk = (_fromObject, _toObject, _path) => { for (const key of _.keys(_fromObject)) { const currentPath = buildPath(_path, key) if (!_.has(_toObject, key)) {
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(isSymbol); // => true const isTypedArray = _.isTypedArray(new Uint8Array); console.log(isTypedArray); // => true const isUndefined = _.isUndefined(undefined); console.log(isUndefined); // => true const isWeakMap = _.isWeakMap(new WeakMap); console.log(isWeakMap); // => true
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const tabifyAggResponse = Private(require('ui/agg_response/tabify/tabify')); const ratios = $scope.ratios = []; const localNumerator = $scope.localNumerator = 0 function isInvalid(val) { return _.isUndefined(val) || _.isNull(val) || _.isNaN(val); } $scope.processTableGroups = function (tableGroups, hitsCount) { console.log("tableGroups : ", tableGroups)
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function parseSetting (settings, name, defaultValue) { let s = _.find(settings, function (x) { return === name }) s = _.isUndefined(s) ? { value: defaultValue } : s return s }
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