How to use the map function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript code examples handpicked from public code repositorys. is a method that creates a new array by applying a function to each element of an input array.
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return this.renderDummyPage(index); } }); } if(this.props.errors && this.props.errors.length) return this.lastRender; this.lastRender =, (page, index)=>{ if(typeof window !== 'undefined') { return this.renderPage(page, index); } else { return this.renderDummyPage(index);
GitHub: naturalcrit/homebrewery
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googleBrews =>({ ...brew, authors: [req.account.username] })); brews = _.concat(brews, googleBrews); } } req.brews =, (brew)=>{ return sanitizeBrew(brew, ownAccount ? 'edit' : 'share'); }); return next();
How does work? is a higher-order function provided by the Lodash library that allows the user to iterate over a collection and perform a transformation on each element of the collection, returning a new collection with the transformed elements. It takes two arguments, the first is the collection to be iterated over, and the second is a function that is called for each element in the collection. This function can be provided with up to three arguments: the current element, the index of the current element, and the entire collection being iterated over. The function then returns the transformed element which is added to the new collection that is returned by
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renderBrewCollection : function(brewCollection){ if(brewCollection == []) return <div className='brewCollection'> <h1>No Brews</h1> </div>; return, (brewGroup, idx)=>{ return <div key={idx} className={`brewCollection ${brewGroup.class ?? ''}`}> <h1 className={brewGroup.visible ? 'active' : 'inactive'} onClick={()=>{this.toggleBrewCollectionState(brewGroup.class);}}>{brewGroup.title || 'No Title'}</h1> {brewGroup.visible ? this.renderBrews(this.getSortedBrews(brewGroup.brews)) : <></>} </div>;
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GitHub: compdemocracy/polis
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return Object.fromEntries(params); } function toQueryParamString(o) { var pairs = _.pairs(o); pairs =, function(pair) { return pair[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(pair[1]); }); return pairs.join("&"); }
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Ai Example
1 2 3 4
const array = [1, 2, 3]; const result =, (value) => value * 2); console.log(result); // Output: [2, 4, 6]
In this example, is used to iterate over the array and multiply each value by 2, returning a new array with the updated values. The resulting array [2, 4, 6] is then logged to the console.
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} } } } return, (macs, intf) => { return {intf, macs: _.uniq(macs)}; }); }
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GitHub: plone/volto
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name: '@plone/volto', }, ); reg.forEach(({ customPath, name, sourcePath }) => { map( glob(`${customPath}/**/*.*(svg|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|less|js|jsx)`), (filename) => { const targetPath = filename.replace(customPath, sourcePath); if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) {
GitHub: plone/volto
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}); return result; }; map(glob('locales/**/*.po'), (filename) => { let { items } = Pofile.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')); const projectLocalesItems = Pofile.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')) .items; const lang = filename.match(/locales\/(.*)\/LC_MESSAGES\//)[1];
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GitHub: gardener/dashboard
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} async function listTerminalSessions ({ user, namespace }) { const terminals = await listTerminals({ user, namespace }) return, terminal => { return { metadata: toTerminalMetadata(terminal) } })
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GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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this.pickPreviews(options) } Album.prototype.calculateStats = function () { // nested albums const nestedPhotos =, '') const nestedVideos =, 'stats.videos') const nestedFromDates =, 'stats.fromDate') const nestedToDates =, 'stats.toDate') // current level
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GitHub: akeneo/pim-api-docs
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data.categories[escapeCategory].isAppCategory = true; } var groupedParameters = _.groupBy(operation.parameters, function(parameter) { return; });, function(parameter) { var readOnlyProperties = [];, function(property, propertyName) { property.default = (property.default === 0) ? '0' : (property.default === null) ? 'null' :
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GitHub: EpistasisLab/Aliro
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// Machine page app.get("/machines/:id", (req, res, next) => { db.machines.findByIdAsync( .then((mac) => { var projKeys = _.keys(mac.projects); // Extract project IDs projKeys =, db.toObjectID); // Map to MongoDB IDs db.projects.find({ _id: { $in: projKeys }
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self.api = { /// connected : function(nodes){ var connected = [] var promises =, function(node){ return => { var bchain = 'main'
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// it'll look for properties, traits and context.traits in the order const getValueFromPropertiesOrTraits = ({ message, key }) => { const keySet = ['properties', 'traits', 'context.traits']; const val = _.find(, (k) => get(message, `${k}.${key}`)), (v) => !_.isNil(v), ); return !_.isNil(val) ? val : null; };
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return _toDomain(framework); } async function findByRecordIds(frameworkIds) { const frameworkDatas = await frameworkDatasource.findByRecordIds(frameworkIds); const frameworks =, (frameworkData) => _toDomain(frameworkData)); return _.orderBy(frameworks, (framework) =>; } module.exports = {
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var nds = _.filter(self.initednodes(), (nd) => { return nd.allowRpc }) var np =, function(node){ return { node : node, probability : (Number(node.statistic.probability()) || 0) + Math.random() / 10000 }
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detach: function (modules) { if (!modules) modules = ['nodeControl'] var promises =, (i) => { return self[i].detach().catch(e => { return Promise.resolve() }) })
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GitHub: ncsoft/Unreal.js-demo
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defer(_ => busy = false) } ready() let scene = localStorage.get('demo') let sceneIds =, (v, k) => _.extend(_.clone(k), { description: v.description })) if (scene === null || scenes[scene] == undefined) { scene = sceneIds[0] }
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* @param {String} challengeId the challenge UUID * @param {String} userId the user ID */ async function userHasFullAccess (challengeId, userId) { const resourceRoles = await getResourceRoles() const rolesWithFullAccess =, r => r.fullWriteAccess), 'id') const challengeResources = await getChallengeResources(challengeId) return _.filter(challengeResources, r => _.toString(r.memberId) === _.toString(userId) && _.includes(rolesWithFullAccess, r.roleId)).length > 0 }
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} } else { req.authUser.userId = String(req.authUser.userId) // User roles authorization if (req.authUser.roles) { if (def.access && !helper.checkIfExists(, a => a.toLowerCase()),, r => r.toLowerCase()))) { next(new errors.ForbiddenError('You are not allowed to perform this action!')) } else { // user token is used in create/update challenge to ensure user can create/update challenge under specific project req.userToken = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]
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const errorResponse = {} const status = err.isJoi ? HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST : (err.httpStatus || _.get(err, 'response.status') || HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) if (_.isArray(err.details)) { if (err.isJoi) {, (e) => { if (e.message) { if (_.isUndefined(errorResponse.message)) { errorResponse.message = e.message } else {
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lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)