How to use the maxBy function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.maxBy code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.maxBy is a function that returns the maximum element of an array based on a given criterion.
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}); }; const addRegistrationToDoc = (doc, registrations) => { if (registrations.length) { const latest = _.maxBy(registrations, registration => moment(registration.reported_date) ); doc.registration_id = latest._id; }
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module.exports.mapValues = _.mapValues; module.exports.mapcat = _.mapcat; module.exports.matches = _.matches; module.exports.matchesProperty = _.matchesProperty; module.exports.max = _.max; module.exports.maxBy = _.maxBy; module.exports.mean = _.mean; module.exports.meanBy = _.meanBy; module.exports.memoize = _.memoize; module.exports.merge = _.merge;
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How does lodash.maxBy work?
is a higher-order function that takes two arguments: a collection and an iteratee function. It returns the maximum element in the collection, based on the value returned by the iteratee function for each element. The iteratee function is called for each element in the collection to generate the value on which the maximum is determined, and the element with the highest value is returned.
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function getBestPosition(positions) { if (positions.length === 0) { return {} } return maxBy(positions, p => getPositionPriority(p)) } function buildNumero(numeroAdresses, {idVoieFantoir, codeCommune, forceCertification}) { const {numero, lieuDitComplementNom, lieuDitComplementNomAlt, parcelles, certificationCommune, codeAncienneCommune, nomAncienneCommune, dateMAJ} = numeroAdresses[0]
GitHub: pathikrit/newswall
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wifi: Math.min(Math.max(2*(100 - int(r.Status?.RSSI)), 0), 100), //See: battery: int(r.Status?.Battery), temperature: int(r.Status?.Temperature), updatedAt: r?.Date?.length === 6 ? dayjs.utc(r.Date).subtract(1, 'month').toISOString() : undefined, }}).filter(status => status.wifi && status.battery && status.temperature && status.updatedAt) const latest = _.maxBy(statuses, r => dayjs(r.updatedAt)) if (latest) { log.debug(`Updating db status for deviceId=${} to`, latest) db.devices.updateStatus(, latest) } else {
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Ai Example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
const users = [ { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 30 }, { name: "Charlie", age: 20 }, ]; const oldestUser = _.maxBy(users, "age"); console.log(oldestUser); // Output: { name: 'Bob', age: 30 }
In this example, lodash.maxBy is used to find the object with the maximum age property in the users array. The function takes two arguments: the array to search and the property to compare. It returns the object with the maximum value for the specified property. In this case, it returns the object with name "Bob" and age 30.
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(floor); // => 4 const max = _.max([4, 2, 8, 6]); console.log(max); // => 8 const maxBy = _.maxBy([{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }], o => o.n); console.log(maxBy); // => { 'n': 2 } const mean = _.mean([4, 2, 8, 6]); console.log(mean); // => 5
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if (ownerVotes.length) winningFields[id] = getSingleFieldsDisplay(_.maxBy(ownerVotes, 'adminVote.timestamp')); else if (adminVotes.length) winningFields[id] = getSingleFieldsDisplay(_.maxBy(adminVotes, 'adminVote.timestamp')); else winningFields[id] = getSingleFieldsDisplay(_.maxBy(approvedFields, 'adminVote.timestamp')); continue; } const heaviestField = _.maxBy(groupedFields[id], (field) => { if (_.get(field, 'adminVote.status') !== 'rejected' && field.weight > 0 && field.approvePercent > MIN_PERCENT_TO_SHOW_UPGATE) return field.weight; }); if (heaviestField) winningFields[id] = getSingleFieldsDisplay(heaviestField);
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if (_.includes(selectedFields, 'status-label')) { deviceInfo.push(device.status.label); } if (device.mmtune) { var best = _.maxBy(device.mmtune.scanDetails, function(d) { return d[2]; }); if (_.includes(selectedFields, 'freq')) {
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} } else{ for(const item in raw_group){ const invoice = _.maxBy(raw_group[item], o => o.tariff.tariff_rate) //get conditions let conditions = allConditions.filter(item => item.agg_id === invoice.tariff.fk_agg_id) //convert the paremeters into array
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if (groupedKey === 'undefined') { uniqueProducts.push(...grouped[groupedKey]); continue; } if (grouped[groupedKey].length > 1) { const latest = _.maxBy(grouped[groupedKey], 'dateUpdated'); let parentAsin = _.find( latest.features, (f) => _.includes(PARENT_ASIN_FIELDS, f.key), );
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let recordPoint = find( examination.$extention.recordPoints, r => == record.parentId) let formRecords = examination.$ f => { let res = extend({}, f) res.examinationId = let key = maxBy(keys( =[key] return res })
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author: authorName, likes: _.sumBy(author, 'likes') })) .value() return _.maxBy(authorLikes, (author) => author.likes) } module.exports = { dummy,
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? undefined : most() } const mostLikes = (blogs) => { const most = _.maxBy(_(blogs).groupBy('author').map(group => ({ author: group[0].author, likes: _.sumBy(group, 'likes') })).value(), 'likes') return blogs === undefined
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} const mostBlogs = (blogs) => { const counts = _.countBy(blogs, 'author') const countsAsTuples = _.entries(counts) const maxTuple = _.maxBy(countsAsTuples, _.last) if(maxTuple === undefined){ return undefined }
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if (mean && _.isNumber(mean)) { details.mean = mean; } var mostRecent = _.maxBy(sgvs, 'mills'); if (mostRecent) { details.last = mostRecent.mgdl; details.mills = mostRecent.mills;
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
const mostLikedBlogFiltered = _.pick(mostLikedBlog, ['title', 'author', 'likes']); return [mostLikedBlog, mostLikedBlogFiltered]; }; const mostBlogs = (inputBlogs) => { const { author } = _.maxBy(inputBlogs, 'author'); const blogsCount = _.countBy(inputBlogs, 'author'); const blogs = _.max(Object.values(blogsCount)); return { author, blogs }; };
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// Group blogs by author -> object where key = author name, value = array of blogs written by that author const authorLikes = lodash.groupBy(blogs, 'author') // Map over grouped blogs, calculate total number of likes each author has received -> object where key = author name and value = total number of likes received const authorLikesTotal = lodash.mapValues(authorLikes, blogs => lodash.sumBy(blogs, 'likes')) // Find author with most likes. maxBy takes array of keys (author names) and a function that returns the value to compare (likes of that author) const maxLikesAuthor = lodash.maxBy(lodash.keys(authorLikesTotal), author => authorLikesTotal[author]) // Finally, total likes of author with most likes const maxLikesCount = authorLikesTotal[maxLikesAuthor] return blogs.length === 0
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return { author: authorName, blogs: nbBlog, }; }); return _.maxBy(formatedJson, (unit) => unit.blogs); } function authorWithMostLikes(arrList) { const authors = _.countBy(arrList, (unit) =>;
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
const sorted = Object.entries(_.groupBy(blogs, 'author')) const likes = [] sorted.forEach(element => { likes.push({ author: element[0], likes: _.sumBy(element[1], 'likes') }) }); return _.maxBy(likes, 'likes') } module.exports = { dummy,
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const mostBlogs = (blogs) => { const authorCounts = _.countBy(blogs, (b) => const authorFrequencies = Object.keys(authorCounts).map(key => { return { author: key, blogs: authorCounts[key] } }) return _.maxBy(authorFrequencies, 'blogs') } const mostLikes = (blogs) => { const authorBlogs = _.groupBy(blogs, 'author')
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GitHub: SparrowAcst/sync-data
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const getList = files => { const raws = f => extend(f, { path: getPath(files,f) })) const pathes = uniqBy(raws, "path").map( d => d.path) let res = [] pathes.forEach( p => { res.push( maxBy(raws.filter(r => r.path == p), "modifiedTime")) }) return res }
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