How to use the orderBy function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.orderBy code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.orderBy is a JavaScript function that sorts an array of objects based on one or more of their properties, using a specified order and sorting direction.
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brew.tags].join('\n') .toLowerCase()); return brewStrings.includes(testString); }); return _.orderBy(brews, (brew)=>{ return this.sortBrewOrder(brew); }, this.state.sortDir); }, toggleBrewCollectionState : function(brewGroupClass) { this.setState((prevState)=>({
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GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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const sortAlbumsBy = getItemOrLast(options.sortAlbumsBy, this.depth) const sortAlbumsDirection = getItemOrLast(options.sortAlbumsDirection, this.depth) const sortMediaBy = getItemOrLast(options.sortMediaBy, this.depth) const sortMediaDirection = getItemOrLast(options.sortMediaDirection, this.depth) this.files = _.orderBy(this.files, SORT_MEDIA_BY[sortMediaBy], sortMediaDirection) this.albums = _.orderBy(this.albums, SORT_ALBUMS_BY[sortAlbumsBy], sortAlbumsDirection) } Album.prototype.pickPreviews = function (options) { // consider nested albums if there aren't enough photos
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How does lodash.orderBy work?
lodash.orderBy works by taking three arguments: an array of objects to be sorted, a list of property names to be sorted by, and a list of sort directions for each property. The function first checks if any properties have a descending sort order and reverses the order of the array if necessary. It then sorts the array based on the first property in the list using the specified sort order. If two objects have the same value for the first property, lodash.orderBy then sorts them based on the second property, and so on for each subsequent property in the list. If any property has a missing or undefined value, lodash.orderBy treats it as a lower value than any defined value. Finally, the sorted array is returned as the result of the lodash.orderBy function. Note that lodash.orderBy can also sort properties in nested objects, and can use custom comparator functions to sort complex data types.
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roomId.push(item); } } const newData = JSON.stringify({ roomId: _.orderBy(roomId, ['id'], ['asc']), buildTime: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }, null, 2); await fsP.writeFile(fileName, newData);
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} async function findByRecordIds(frameworkIds) { const frameworkDatas = await frameworkDatasource.findByRecordIds(frameworkIds); const frameworks =, (frameworkData) => _toDomain(frameworkData)); return _.orderBy(frameworks, (framework) =>; } module.exports = { list,
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const users = [ { name: "John", age: 30 }, { name: "Jane", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 35 }, ]; const sortedUsers = _.orderBy(users, ["name", "age"], ["asc", "desc"]); console.log(sortedUsers);
In this example, we first import the lodash library and define an array of objects representing users, with properties for their names and ages. We then use _.orderBy to sort the array by first sorting by the name property in ascending order, and then by the age property in descending order. The resulting sortedUsers array is [ { name: 'Bob', age: 35 }, { name: 'Jane', age: 25 }, { name: 'John', age: 30 } ], which is sorted first by name and then by age. Note that lodash.orderBy can also sort by nested properties, use custom comparator functions, and handle different data types, making it a versatile sorting function for complex data structures.
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module.exports.nths = _.nths; module.exports.omit = _.omit; module.exports.omitBy = _.omitBy; module.exports.omitWhen = _.omitWhen; module.exports.once = _.once; module.exports.orderBy = _.orderBy; module.exports.over = _.over; module.exports.overArgs = _.overArgs; module.exports.overEvery = _.overEvery; module.exports.overSome = _.overSome;
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GitHub: sluukkonen/iiris
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R.descend((obj) => obj.kConstant), R.ascend((obj) => obj.k1), ] return { iiris: () => A.sortWith(iirisComparators, shuffled), lodash: () => _.orderBy(shuffled, lodashIteratees, lodashOrders), ramda: () => R.sortWith(ramdaComparators, shuffled), } }, },
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}); return fieldTopicIdArray.join(' '); }; liquid.filters.alphabetizeList = items => { return _.orderBy(items, [item => item?.name?.toLowerCase()], ['asc']); }; liquid.filters.drupalToVaPath = content => { let replaced = content;
GitHub: ortexx/spreadable
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candidates.push(utils.getRandomElement(res.candidates)); res.appropriate && res.candidates.length < coef && freeMasters.push(res); } if(freeMasters.length > coef) { freeMasters = _.orderBy(freeMasters, ['size', 'address'], ['desc', 'asc']); freeMasters = freeMasters.slice(0, coef); } freeMasters = freeMasters.filter(m => m.address != this.address);
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if (!mainStudyRightEducation) { return res } const snapshotStudyRightElements = [] const orderedSnapshots = orderBy( snapshots, [s => new Date(s.snapshot_date_time), s => Number(s.modification_ordinal)], ['desc', 'desc'] )
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getFieldsToDisplay(obj.fields, locale, fields, obj.author_permlink, !!ownership.length)); /** Get right count of photos in object in request for only one object */ if (!fields) { obj.albums_count = _.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ALBUM, []).length; obj.photos_count = _.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ITEM, []).length; obj.preview_gallery = _.orderBy( _.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ITEM, []), ['weight'], ['desc'], ); if (obj.avatar) { obj.preview_gallery.unshift({
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(keyBy); // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } } const map =[4, 8], n => n * n); console.log(map); // => [16, 64] const orderBy = _.orderBy(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'a'], ['desc', 'asc']); console.log(orderBy); // => ['c', 'a', 'b'] const partition = _.partition([1, 2, 3], n => n % 2); console.log(partition); // => [[1, 3], [2]]
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switch (orderBy) { case 'asc': { if (activeCropDataCopy.length > 0) { // TODO: replace _ lowdash with array function will need to write a custom orderby function. const updatedCropData = _.orderBy(activeCropDataCopy, activeObjKeys, [ 'asc', 'asc', 'asc', ]);
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); /** Get right count of photos in object in request for only one object */ if (!fields) { obj.albums_count = _.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ALBUM, []).length; obj.photos_count = _.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ITEM, []).length; obj.preview_gallery = _.orderBy(_.get(obj, FIELDS_NAMES.GALLERY_ITEM, []), ['weight'], ['desc']); if (obj.avatar) { obj.preview_gallery.unshift({ body: obj.avatar, name: FIELDS_NAMES.AVATAR,
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let remediations = await queries.loadDetails(req.user.tenant_org_id, req.user.username, rows); if (column === 'name') { // TODO: remove null name support? // if sorting by name re-order as db does not order null names (Unnamed playbook) properly remediations = _.orderBy(remediations, [r => ( || '').toLowerCase()], [asc ? 'asc' : 'desc']); } await P.all([ resolveResolutionsNeedReboot(...remediations),
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function isPromotedProject(project) { return project.status === "promoted"; } function getDailyHotProjects(projects) { return orderBy(projects, "trends.daily", "desc") .slice(0, 5) .map(project => `${} (+${project.trends.daily})`); }
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GitHub: muhamed-didovic/vsdown
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// console.log('Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo', course.title, course.vimeoUrl); return null; } // console.log('progressive', url, progressive); let video = orderBy(progressive, ['width'], ['desc'])[0]; // console.log('video', video); return video.url; } catch (err) { console.log('error with findVideoUrl:', course.title, course.vimeoUrl, '-->err:', err);
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if (nextPageToken) { messageListResource.next_page_token = nextPageToken; } if (paramsArray.length > 1) { messageListResource.messages = _.orderBy(messageListResource.messages, 'date', 'desc').slice(0, params.limit); } return callback(null, messageListResource); });
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GitHub: TzMik/WebAnnotationSPL
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if (LanguageUtils.isInstanceOf(criteria, Criteria)) { rubric.criterias.push(criteria) } } // Order criterias by criteria id rubric.criterias = _.orderBy(rubric.criterias, ['criteriaId']) for (let i = 0; i < levelsAnnotations.length; i++) { let levelAnnotation = levelsAnnotations[i] // Get criteria corresponding to the level let levelConfig = jsYaml.load(levelAnnotation.text)
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unVisitedUniqueOrders = uniqueOrders.filter((order) => { return order.visited != 1; }); if (user.no_gps == 1) { => (order.sequence = order.order_id)); allOrders = lodash.orderBy(allOrders, ["sequence"], ["asc"]); } res.status(200).send({ status: langObj.success_status_text, statusCode: 200,
GitHub: muhamed-didovic/ccdown
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async writeVideosIntoFile(file, logger, prefix, courses, filename) { if (!file) {`${prefix} - Starting writing to a file ...`) //await fs.writeFile(`./json/${filename}`, JSON.stringify(courses, null, 2), 'utf8'); courses = orderBy(courses, [o => Number(o.downPath.split('-')[0]), 'position'], ['asc', 'asc']); courses = uniqBy(courses, 'url'); await fs.ensureDir(path.resolve(__dirname, '../json')) await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `../json/${filename}`), JSON.stringify(courses, null, 2), 'utf8')`${prefix} - Ended writing to a file ...`)
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