How to use the overSome function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.overSome code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.overSome is a function in the Lodash library that returns a new function that returns true if any of the provided functions return true for a given set of arguments.
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module.exports.once = _.once; module.exports.orderBy = _.orderBy; module.exports.over = _.over; module.exports.overArgs = _.overArgs; module.exports.overEvery = _.overEvery; module.exports.overSome = _.overSome; module.exports.pad = _.pad; module.exports.padEnd = _.padEnd; module.exports.padStart = _.padStart; module.exports.parseInt = _.parseInt;
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(over(1, 2, 3, 4)); // => [4, 1] const overEvery = _.overEvery([Boolean, isFinite]); console.log(overEvery('1')); // => true const overSome = _.overSome([Boolean, isFinite]); console.log(overSome('1')); // => true const property ='a'); console.log(property({ 'a': 1 })); // => 1
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How does lodash.overSome work?
lodash.overSome is a function in the Lodash library that returns a new function that returns true if any of the provided functions return true for a given set of arguments. When you call lodash.overSome, it takes one or more functions as arguments and returns a new function. The new function takes the same arguments as the original functions and returns true if any of the original functions return true for those arguments. The lodash.overSome function uses the lodash.some function internally to determine if any of the original functions return true. The lodash.some function takes an array and a predicate function as arguments and returns true if any element in the array satisfies the predicate. Overall, lodash.overSome is a useful function for composing multiple functions that return boolean values. It can be used to create more complex logic by combining simple boolean tests into a single function.
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* ImportDeclaration: {multiline: boolean, minProperties: number, consistent: boolean}, * ExportNamedDeclaration : {multiline: boolean, minProperties: number, consistent: boolean} * }} Normalized option object. */ function normalizeOptions(options) { const isNodeSpecificOption = lodash.overSome([lodash.isPlainObject, lodash.isString]); if (lodash.isPlainObject(options) && lodash.some(options, isNodeSpecificOption)) { return { ObjectExpression: normalizeOptionValue(options.ObjectExpression),
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; const includesVowels = _.overSome( _.partial(_.includes, _, "a"), _.partial(_.includes, _, "e"), _.partial(_.includes, _, "i"), _.partial(_.includes, _, "o"), _.partial(_.includes, _, "u") ); console.log(includesVowels(str)); // Output: true
In this example, we create a function includesVowels using lodash.overSome. The function checks if a string contains any of the vowels using _.partial to create a partially applied function for each vowel check. We pass the partially applied functions as arguments to _.overSome to create a new function that returns true if any of the partially applied functions return true. Finally, we call the includesVowels function with a string that contains all the vowels to check if any of the vowels are present. In this case, the function returns true because the string contains the vowel letters. Overall, this example demonstrates how lodash.overSome can be used to compose multiple boolean tests into a single function that checks for multiple conditions.
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