How to use the padEnd function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.padEnd code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.padEnd is a function in the Lodash library that pads a string with characters until it reaches a specified length, starting from the end of the string.
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module.exports.over = _.over; module.exports.overArgs = _.overArgs; module.exports.overEvery = _.overEvery; module.exports.overSome = _.overSome; module.exports.pad = _.pad; module.exports.padEnd = _.padEnd; module.exports.padStart = _.padStart; module.exports.parseInt = _.parseInt; module.exports.partial = _.partial; module.exports.partialRight = _.partialRight;
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if (_.isString(walletPrivKey)) { walletPrivKey = Bitcore.PrivateKey.fromString(walletPrivKey); } var widHex = new Buffer(walletId.replace(/-/g, ''), 'hex'); var widBase58 = new Bitcore.encoding.Base58(widHex).toString(); return _.padEnd(widBase58, 22, '0') + walletPrivKey.toWIF() + (network == 'testnet' ? 'T' : 'L') + coin; }; API.parseSecret = function(secret) { $.checkArgument(secret);
How does lodash.padEnd work?
In Lodash, lodash.padEnd is a function that takes two arguments: a string and a length. The function pads the input string with characters until it reaches the specified length, starting from the end of the string. If the input string is already longer than the specified length, the function returns the original string unchanged. By default, lodash.padEnd uses a space character as the padding character. However, you can specify a different padding character by passing it as a third argument to the function. Here is the basic syntax of the lodash.padEnd function: c Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-c">_.padEnd(string, length, [chars=' ']) string: The input string to pad. length: The desired length of the padded string. chars (optional): The character(s) to use for padding. Defaults to a space character. For example, suppose we have a string myString that we want to pad with asterisks (*) until it reaches a length of 10 characters. We can use lodash.padEnd to achieve this as follows: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const _ = require('lodash'); const myString = 'hello'; const paddedString = _.padEnd(myString, 10, '*'); console.log(paddedString); // Output: "hello*****" In this example, we import the lodash library and define a string myString with the value "hello". We then use lodash.padEnd to pad the string with asterisks until it reaches a length of 10 characters. The resulting padded string, "hello*****", is stored in the paddedString variable. Overall, lodash.padEnd is a useful function for padding strings to a desired length, and can be used to create well-formatted and readable output in a variety of contexts.
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(lowerFirst); // => 'fred' const pad = _.pad('abc', 8); console.log(pad); // => ' abc ' const padEnd = _.padEnd('abc', 6, '_-'); console.log(padEnd); // => 'abc_-_' const padStart = _.padStart('abc', 6, '_-'); console.log(padStart); // => '_-abc'
+ 15 other calls in file
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if (result === null) { throw new Error('Invalid time format, expected HH:mm:ss.SSS'); } const [, hours, minutes, seconds, fraction = '.000'] = result; const fractionPart = _.padEnd(fraction.slice(1), 3, '0'); return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}.${fractionPart}`; };
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const myString = "hello"; const paddedString = _.padEnd(myString, 10, "*"); console.log(paddedString); // Output: "hello*****"
In this example, we define a string myString with the value "hello". We then use lodash.padEnd to pad the string with asterisks (*) until it reaches a length of 10 characters. The resulting padded string, "hello*****", is stored in the paddedString variable.
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dequote, titleize (...args) { // prepend first arg with space // and pad so that all messages line up args[0] = _.padEnd(` ${args[0]}`, 24) // get rid of any falsy values args = _.compact(args)
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format.timestamp({ format: timestampFormat }), format.errors({ stack: true }), format(info => { info.level = _.padEnd(info.level.toUpperCase(), 8) return info; })(), format.colorize(), format.splat(),
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