How to use the parseInt function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.parseInt code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.parseInt is a JavaScript function in the Lodash library that parses a string into an integer, with optional radix and default value.
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* @param {string} value The value to parse. * @param {number} [radix] The radix used to interpret the value to parse. * @returns {number} Returns the new integer value. * @example * * _.parseInt('08'); * // => 8 */ var parseInt = nativeParseInt(whitespace + '08') == 8 ? nativeParseInt : function(value, radix) { // Firefox < 21 and Opera < 15 follow the ES3 specified implementation of `parseInt`
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module.exports.overEvery = _.overEvery; module.exports.overSome = _.overSome; module.exports.pad = _.pad; module.exports.padEnd = _.padEnd; module.exports.padStart = _.padStart; module.exports.parseInt = _.parseInt; module.exports.partial = _.partial; module.exports.partialRight = _.partialRight; module.exports.partition = _.partition; module.exports.partitionBy = _.partitionBy;
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How does lodash.parseInt work?
lodash.parseInt works by taking a string as its input and parsing it into an integer using the built-in parseInt function, with optional radix and default value. The function takes two optional arguments: a radix parameter that specifies the base for the conversion, and a defaultValue parameter that specifies the value to return if the input string cannot be parsed into an integer. When called, lodash.parseInt first checks if the input string is null, undefined, or an empty string, and returns the defaultValue if it is. Otherwise, it applies the parseInt function to the input string, using the specified radix if provided or auto-detecting the radix based on the string format. The resulting integer value is then returned by the function, or the defaultValue if the parseInt function fails to parse the input string. Note that lodash.parseInt is part of the Lodash library, which provides a set of utility functions for working with arrays, objects, strings, and other data types in JavaScript, and supports various data transformations and manipulations.
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{ type: 'number', name: 'codeId', message: chalk`What is the code ID of the contract to instantiate? {reset.dim (e.g. 1)}`, validate: value => !_.isInteger(value) || value > 0 || 'Invalid code', format: value => _.parseInt(value), }, { type: 'text', name: 'label',
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(padEnd); // => 'abc_-_' const padStart = _.padStart('abc', 6, '_-'); console.log(padStart); // => '_-abc' const parseInt = _.parseInt('08'); console.log(parseInt); // => 8 const repeat = _.repeat('*', 3); console.log(repeat); // => '***'
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const input1 = "123"; const input2 = "0xff"; const input3 = "abc"; const result1 = _.parseInt(input1); const result2 = _.parseInt(input2, 16); const result3 = _.parseInt(input3, 10, 0); console.log(result1); // Output: 123 console.log(result2); // Output: 255 console.log(result3); // Output: 0
In this example, we first import the lodash library and define three input strings representing decimal, hexadecimal, and non-numeric values. We then use lodash.parseInt to parse each input string into an integer, using various combinations of the optional radix and defaultValue parameters. In the second example, we use a radix of 16 to parse a hexadecimal value. In the third example, we specify a default value of 0 to be returned if the input string cannot be parsed. The resulting result1, result2, and result3 variables are integers representing the parsed values, or the default value if the parsing fails. Note that lodash.parseInt can also be used with other utility functions such as or _.reduce to transform or manipulate arrays or objects of data.
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let currentDuration = 0; let previousMovies = initialMovies; previousMovies = _.uniq(previousMovies); let selectedInjectedMovies = []; let currentDay = _.parseInt(moment.unix(initialTimePoint).format("DD")); let currentTimePoint = initialTimePoint; while (mediaDuration > currentDuration) { let currentTimePointDay = _.parseInt(moment.unix(currentTimePoint).format("DD")); if (currentTimePointDay !== currentDay) {
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