How to use the replace function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.replace code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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const Packagers = require('./packagers'); function rebaseFileReferences(pathToPackageRoot, moduleVersion) { if (/^(?:file:[^/]{2}|\.\/|\.\.\/)/.test(moduleVersion)) { const filePath = _.replace(moduleVersion, /^file:/, ''); return _.replace( `${_.startsWith(moduleVersion, 'file:') ? 'file:' : ''}${pathToPackageRoot}/${filePath}`, /\\/g, '/' );
+ 3 other calls in file
323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332
module.exports.reject = _.reject; module.exports.remove = _.remove; module.exports.renameKeys = _.renameKeys; module.exports.repeat = _.repeat; module.exports.repeatContrib = _.repeatContrib; module.exports.replace = _.replace; =; module.exports.result = _.result; module.exports.reverse = _.reverse; module.exports.reverseOrder = _.reverseOrder;
+ 92 other calls in file
GitHub: macCesar/purgeTSS
5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777
_.each(objectPosition, (properties, rule) => { _.each(modifiersAndValues, (value, modifier) => { if (typeof value === 'object') { _.each(value, (_value, _modifier) => { convertedStyles += `'.${removeLastDash(`${rule}-${setModifier2(modifier, rule)}${setModifier2(_modifier)}`)}': ` + _.replace(properties, new RegExp("{value}", "g"), parseValue(_value)) + '\n'; }); } else { convertedStyles += `'.${setModifier2(rule, modifier)}${setModifier2(modifier)}': ` + _.replace(properties, new RegExp("{value}", "g"), parseValue(value)) + '\n'; }
+ 23 other calls in file
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838
console.log(parseInt); // => 8 const repeat = _.repeat('*', 3); console.log(repeat); // => '***' const replace = _.replace('Hi Fred', 'Fred', 'Barney'); console.log(replace); // => 'Hi Barney' const snakeCase = _.snakeCase('Foo Bar'); console.log(snakeCase); // => 'foo_bar'
+ 15 other calls in file
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
let fixedRoute = _.reduce( pathParams, (fixedRoute, pathParam, i, arr) => { const insertion = this.config.hooks.onInsertPathParam(, i, arr, fixedRoute) ||; return _.replace(fixedRoute, pathParam.$match, `\${${insertion}}`); }, routeName || "", );
+ 3 other calls in file
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315
}, ); this.entryFunctions = _.flatMap(entries, (value, key) => { const entry = path.relative('.', value); const entryFile = _.replace( entry, new RegExp(`${path.extname(entry)}$`), '', );
GitHub: dimske-sys/primeflix
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
if (r) { forEach(r, function (item, index, arr) { item = _.replace(item, '[a]', ''); item = _.replace(item, '[/a]', ''); var url = decode(item); string = _.replace(string, '[a]' + item + '[/a]', decode(url)); }); } return string; }
+ 17 other calls in file
GitHub: shiyuq/sny-work
372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381
* 频闭简介敏感字 * @param {String} word * @returns */ const senseIntroduction = (word) => { word = _.replace( word, /髪|髮|珐|琺|蕟|発|沷|冹|發|彂|睽|葵|揆|骙|暌|戣|藈|票|鰾|驃|慓|徱|僄|魒|飃|飄|翲|螵|彯|勡|剽|飘|旚|犥|漂|嘌|缥|瞟/g, '*' );
GitHub: RizenPanelV1/Blaze
576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585
} path(location) { const dataPath = Path.join(Config.get('sftp.path', '/srv/daemon-data'), this.json.uuid); if (_.isUndefined(location) || _.replace(location, /\s+/g, '').length < 1) { return dataPath; } // Dangerous path, do not rely on this as the final output location until running it through
lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)