How to use the sampleSize function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.sampleSize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.sampleSize is a function that returns an array of random elements sampled from a given array, with a specified size.
GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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} // choose the previews if (!options.albumPreviews || options.albumPreviews === 'first') { this.previews = _.slice(potential, 0, PREVIEW_COUNT) } else if (options.albumPreviews === 'random') { this.previews = _.sampleSize(potential, PREVIEW_COUNT) } else if (options.albumPreviews === 'spread') { if (potential.length < PREVIEW_COUNT) { this.previews = _.slice(potential, 0, PREVIEW_COUNT) } else {
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module.exports.reverse = _.reverse; module.exports.reverseOrder = _.reverseOrder; module.exports.round = _.round; module.exports.runInContext = _.runInContext; module.exports.sample = _.sample; module.exports.sampleSize = _.sampleSize; module.exports.second = _.second; module.exports.selectKeys = _.selectKeys; module.exports.seq = _.seq; module.exports.set = _.set;
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How does lodash.sampleSize work?
lodash.sampleSize is a method in the Lodash library that returns a random sample of elements from an array, with the number of elements in the sample specified by the user. The method takes two arguments: the array to be sampled, and the size of the sample to be returned. The elements in the returned sample are chosen randomly from the original array, and the order of the elements in the sample is arbitrary. If the specified size is greater than the length of the original array, lodash.sampleSize will return a shuffled copy of the entire array.
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(reject); // => [5] const sample = _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]); console.log(sample); // => 2 const sampleSize = _.sampleSize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2); console.log(sampleSize); // => [3, 1] const shuffle = _.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4]); console.log(shuffle); // => [4, 1, 3, 2]
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r = await mcDE.fetchDeRows(deName, {filter: deFilter})`Found ${r.length} rows`) // random show some candidate rows let sampleSize = 3 let sampleRows = _.sampleSize(r, sampleSize) // // manually assign the ContactId to preview // let targetContactId = '0032u00000DpihGAAR' // let foundContactRow = r.find(row => row.some(pair => pair.Name==="Id" && pair.Value===targetContactId))
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const size = 3; const sample = _.sampleSize(arr, size); console.log(sample); // Output: [3, 1, 5] (could be any random 3 elements)
In this example, lodash.sampleSize takes an array arr and a size size as arguments, and returns an array of size elements randomly sampled from arr. The resulting sample array could contain any size number of elements from the original arr, randomly selected.
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songlist.push(this.songlistData[genre]); return this.pickSong(songlist, amount); } pickSong = (songlist, amount) => { return _.sampleSize(_.flattenDeep(songlist).filter((el) => el !== null), amount) } removePickedSong = (song) => { for(let genre in this.songlistData) {
GitHub: chalonlubin/jobly-backend
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*/ static _createPassword(length = 8) { const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*"; const charArray = charset.split(""); return _.sampleSize(charArray, length).join(""); } /** Register user with data. *
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if (queryType === 'random') { const randomAllIdSql = `select id from ${tableName} ${where}`; const allIdList = (await jianghuKnex.raw(randomAllIdSql))[0].map( row => ); const idList = _.sampleSize(allIdList, limit); if (idList.length === 0) { return []; } const randomSql = `select * from ${tableName} ${where} and id in (${idList})`;
GitHub: OpenNTUA/bontua
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
} // When no id is given else { // Get a random subset of the questions of size 10 // If the size is bigger than the size of the array, it will return the whole array const questions = lodash.sampleSize(Array.from(data[subject]['quizes'].values()), 10); await respondWithQuiz(questions, interaction); } }, };
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}; app.get('/words/:amount', (req, res) => { const amount = req.params.amount; const words = getWordsList('finnish'); const response = _.sampleSize(words, amount).filter( (word) => word.length > 1 ); res.json(response); });
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console.log( String( isPrimitive(arg) ? arg : _.isFunction(arg) ? arg.toString() : serializer[serializeAs]( dontShrinkArrays ? arg : _.cloneDeepWith(arg, (value, key) => { if (_.isArray(value) && value.length > 3) { return _.sampleSize(value, 3); } }) ) ).split("\n").map(paint[color]).join("\n")
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isInvalid(""); isInvalid(""); }); test("should return false if the email is from a blacklisted domain", function () { _.sampleSize(MailChecker.blacklist(), 2000).forEach(function (domain) { isInvalid("test@" + domain); isInvalid("test@subdomain." + domain); isValid("test@" + domain + ""); });
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