How to use the take function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.take code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.take is a function that creates a new array with a specified number of elements taken from the beginning of an existing array.
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await expect(areaGroupsLocator.nth(idx)).not.toHaveClass(/is-checked/) } // Test Clear Selection const groupsLocator = page.locator('.agenda-personalize .agenda-personalize-group') const groupsCount = await groupsLocator.count() const randGroupRange = _.take(shuffle(_.range(groupsCount)), 10) for (const idx of randGroupRange) { await groupsLocator.nth(idx).click() } await page.locator('.agenda-personalize .agenda-personalize-actions > button').first().click()
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module.exports.sub = _.sub; module.exports.subtract = _.subtract; module.exports.sum = _.sum; module.exports.sumBy = _.sumBy; module.exports.tail = _.tail; module.exports.take = _.take; module.exports.takeRight = _.takeRight; module.exports.takeRightWhile = _.takeRightWhile; module.exports.takeSkipping = _.takeSkipping; module.exports.takeWhile = _.takeWhile;
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How does lodash.take work?
The lodash.take method creates a new array with the first n elements of the given array or array-like object, where n is the number provided as the second argument or defaults to 1.
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// not sufficient to build chunks of the same size. chunk: function(array, n, pad) { var p = function(array) { if (array == null) return []; var part = _.take(array, n); if (n === _.size(part)) { return _.cons(part, p(_.drop(array, n))); }
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if (start <= end) { addDate(start, result, isStartDST, this.deviceTimeZone); } if (extraParameters.limit) { return _.take(result, extraParameters.limit); } return result; };
Ai Example
1 2 3 4 5 6
const _ = require("lodash"); const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const firstTwo = _.take(arr, 2); console.log(firstTwo); // Output: [1, 2]
In this example, lodash.take is used to create a new array firstTwo that contains the first two elements of the arr array. The first argument is the original array, and the second argument is the number of elements to take from the beginning of the array.
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results.suggestions = lodash(results.suggestions) .take(qs.rows) .map(factory()) .value() } return lodash.take(results.suggestions, qs.rows) }) .catch((error) => { throw preprocessSolrError(error) })
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(sortedUniqBy); // => [1.1, 2.3] const tail = _.tail([1, 2, 3]); console.log(tail); // => [2, 3] const take = _.take([1, 2, 3]); console.log(take); // => [1] const takeRight = _.takeRight([1, 2, 3]); console.log(takeRight); // => [3]
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var filteredTickets = ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.ticketList(), function(ticket) { const currentJobForTicket = getJobTimerForTicket(that.currentJobTimerList(), ticket) return !currentJobForTicket && ticket.done() == true && == true }); var sortedTickets = filteredTickets.sort(sortTickets) sortedTickets = _.take(sortedTickets, this.loadedDoneTicketsCount()) return sortedTickets }, this); this.showListElement = function(elem) { if (elem.nodeType === 1) $(elem).hide().slideDown(600,'swing') }
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GitHub: Qwiery/qwiery
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throw new Error(errors.emptyString("label", "JsonGraphStore.getNodesWithLabel")); } if (!Utils.isPositiveInteger(amount)) { throw new Error(errors.invalidNumber("amount", "JsonGraphStore.getNodesWithLabel")); } return _.take( _.filter(this.#nodes, (n) => _.includes(n.labels, label)), amount, ); }
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GitHub: Qwiery/qwiery
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throw new Error(errors.isNil("projection", "JsonGraphStore.getNodes")); } if (_.isFunction(projection)) { return _.take(_.filter(this.#nodes, projection), amount); } else if (_.isPlainObject(projection)) { return _.take(_.filter(this.#nodes, toPredicate(parseProjection(projection))) || [], amount); } else { throw new Error("Please use a Mongo-like projections for getNodes, see"); } }
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} } if (wrapper.limitCount !== null && _.isNumber(wrapper.limitCount)) { //'>>>limit count', wrapper.limitCount); results = _.take(results, wrapper.limitCount); } //'>>>toArray', name, wrapper.findQuery, wrapper.sortQuery, wrapper.limitCount, results.length);
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GitHub: Hupeng7/es6demo
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let tail1 = _.tail([1, 2, 3]); console.log('tail1--->', tail1); //tail1---> [ 2, 3 ] //_.take(array,[n=1]) let take1 = _.take([1, 2, 3]); console.log('take1--->', take1); //take1---> [ 1 ] let take2 = _.take([1, 2, 3], 2); console.log('take2--->', take2);
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var onlyMain = _.reject(addresses, { isChange: true }); if (opts.reverse) onlyMain.reverse(); if (opts.limit > 0) onlyMain = _.take(onlyMain, opts.limit); return cb(null, onlyMain); }); };
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} console.log('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'); const orderedArtists = _.orderBy(artistMap, 'count', 'desc'); const limitedArtists = limitPrint ? _.take(orderedArtists, limitPrint) : orderedArtists; for (const [index, artistObject] of limitedArtists.entries()) { console.log(`${(index + 1).toString().padStart(3)}: ${artistObject.artist} - ${artistObject.count}`); if (verbosePrint) {
lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)