How to use the template function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.template code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.template is a function that generates a reusable function for rendering a template string with interpolated variables and control statements.
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* @returns {Function|string} Returns a compiled function when no `data` object * is given, else it returns the interpolated text. * @example * * // using the "interpolate" delimiter to create a compiled template * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= name %>'); * compiled({ 'name': 'fred' }); * // => 'hello fred' * * // using the "escape" delimiter to escape HTML in data property values
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module.exports.takeRight = _.takeRight; module.exports.takeRightWhile = _.takeRightWhile; module.exports.takeSkipping = _.takeSkipping; module.exports.takeWhile = _.takeWhile; module.exports.tap = _.tap; module.exports.template = _.template; module.exports.templateSettings = _.templateSettings; module.exports.ternary = _.ternary; module.exports.third = _.third; module.exports.throttle = _.throttle;
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How does lodash.template work?
takes a string with embedded variables and control statements and returns a compiled template function. The compiled function takes an object as its argument and returns a rendered string, with variables replaced by their corresponding values from the object.
Here's a high-level overview of how lodash.template
- The template string is parsed to identify variables and control statements.
- The parsed template is transformed into a JavaScript function with the embedded variables and control statements replaced by appropriate JavaScript code.
- The transformed function is compiled using the
constructor and returned as the final compiled template function.
The resulting function can then be called with an object containing values for the variables used in the template. The function returns the final rendered string with the variable placeholders replaced by their corresponding values.
Note that lodash.template
supports a wide range of control statements, including conditionals, loops, and custom delimiters. The syntax for these statements is based on the Mustache templating language, with some additional extensions.
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let interpolatedMessageForUser if (errorFields.messageForUser) { const locale = conf.DEFAULT_LOCALE const translations = getTranslations(locale) const translatedMessage = translations[errorFields.messageForUser] interpolatedMessageForUser = template(translatedMessage)(errorFields.messageInterpolation) if (!interpolatedMessageForUser) throw new Error(`expectToThrowGQLError(): you need to set ${errorFields.messageForUser} for locale=${locale}`) } const message = template(errorFields.message)(errorFields.messageInterpolation)
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*/ ApiSigningUtil.getHMACSignature = (message, secret) => { winston.logEnter(message, secret); if (isNullOrEmpty(message) || isNullOrEmpty(secret)) { let compiled = _.template('<%= message %> and <%= secret %> must not be null or empty!'); let errorMessage = compiled({ message: 'message', secret: 'secret', });
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const templateString = "Hello <%= name %>! How are you feeling <%= feeling %> today?"; const compiledTemplate = _.template(templateString); const renderedString = compiledTemplate({ name: "Alice", feeling: "happy" }); console.log(renderedString); // Output: Hello Alice! How are you feeling happy today?
In this example, we're requiring the lodash package and importing the template function from it. We're then defining a string called templateString with embedded variables using the <%= %> syntax. We're then calling _.template with templateString as an argument to generate a compiled template function. The resulting function takes an object as its argument and returns a rendered string with the variable placeholders replaced by their corresponding values. We're then calling the compiled template function with an object containing the values for the name and feeling variables. The resulting rendered string is stored in renderedString. The output of console.log(renderedString) is Hello Alice! How are you feeling happy today?.
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}); var args = opts.argv.remain; var cmd = args[0]; var helpScreen = _.template(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'help.txt'), 'utf8')); var insight = new Insight({ trackingCode: 'UA-31537568-1', packageName:,
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const indexCss = findOutputFile(outputs, outdir, 'index', 'css') if (!indexJs || !indexCss) { throw new Error(`No output file for index.js or index.css for ${name}`) } const indexHtml = _.template( await fs.readFile(`${srcdir}/index-esbuild.html`) ) const bodyHtml = await fs.readFile('src/body.html') await fs.writeFile(
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console.log(startCase); // => 'Foo Bar' const startsWith = _.startsWith('abc', 'a'); console.log(startsWith); // => true const template = _.template('hello <%= user %>!'); console.log(template({ 'user': 'fred' })); // => 'hello fred!' const toLower = _.toLower('--Foo-Bar--'); console.log(toLower); // => '--foo-bar--'
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const opts = Object.keys(options).map(key => { return `${key}: ${options[key]}` }).join(', ') let errorMessage if (callable.errorMessage) { const template = _.template(callable.errorMessage) errorMessage = template({ field:, value: this.values[], opts
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TEST_DOCUMENT_URL: document.document_url, TEST_DOCUMENT_BINARY_URL: document.document_binary_url, TEST_DOCUMENT_FILENAME: document.document_filename }; data = lodash.template(JSON.stringify(data))(placeholders); return JSON.parse(data); }
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fs.writeFileSync( "./js/scenes/animeVideosRender.js", `(function () { var _inited; _.templateSettings.interpolate = /\\{\\{([\\s\\S]+?)\\}\\}/g; var itemHtml = _.template('<div data-content="filmInfo" data-film="{{filmPageId}}" data-id="{{id}}" style="background: url({{imgurl}}); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover;" class="movieitem navigation-item nav-item" data-url="{{url}}" data-type="{{type}}"><h4>{{title}}</h4></div>'); = { init: function () { this.$el = $(".js-scene-video");
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278`The '${}' category was created.`) if (groupTemplate.categories) { const categories = _.filter(groupTemplate.categories, ['selfService', isSelfService]) for (const item of categories) { const urlCodeTemplate = _.template(item.urlcode) const { body: childCategory } = await vanillaClient.createCategory({ name:, urlcode: `${urlCodeTemplate({ challenge })}`, parentCategoryID: challengeCategory.categoryID,
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settings.useSchema ? settings.schemaName : undefined, settings.entityName, settings.scriptType )); var template = _.template( + '.ejs'))); mkdirp(getScriptFilePath(scriptFile)); data = generator.props;
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"./js/scenes/animeFilmInfo.js", `(function () { var _inited; _.templateSettings.interpolate = /\\{\\{([\\s\\S]+?)\\}\\}/g; var stb = gSTB; var filmPageHtml = _.template('<div id="{{filmPageId}}" data-id="{{id}}" class="filmInfoPage"><div class="film-info_inner"><div class="film-main"><div class="film-info"><img src="{{imgurl}}" alt="posterimg"><div class="film-dscrtn"><div><p class="actors">Актеры: {{actors}}</p><p>Страна: {{country}}</p><p>Год:{{created}}</p><p>Режиссер:{{director}}</p></div><h2>{{title}}</h2></div></div><p class="description">{{text}}</p></div><nav class="film-nav"><div class="film-nav_logo"><div class="UconCinema_logo"><img width="250" height="60" src="./images/UCS.svg" alt="logoimg"></div></div><ul class="film-voiceover menu-items" data-nav_type="vbox" data-nav_loop="true"><li data-content="video" class="back menu-item nav-item"><img width="30" src="./images/arrowBack.svg" alt="arrow" /> Назад</li><li data-url="{{url}}" class="voiceover menu-item nav-item video-item">Озвучка 1</div></ul></nav></div></div>'); window.App.scenes.filmInfo = { init: function () { this.$el = $(".js-scene-filmInfo"); this.$el.on("click", ".back", this.onItemBackClick)
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const EVENT_PAYLOAD = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(GITHUB_EVENT_PATH, "utf8")); const DEFAULT_MESSAGE = `@${GITHUB_ACTOR} (${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}) at ${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}`; _.templateSettings.interpolate = /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g; const ReplaceMustaches = data => _.template(data)({ ...process.env, EVENT_PAYLOAD }) //subject var subject = core.getInput('subject'); if (subject === undefined || subject == '') {
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}; templates.asset = _.template('<%= source %>?v=<%= version %>'); = _.template('<a href="<%= url %>"><%= text %></a>'); templates.script = _.template('<script src="<%= source %>?v=<%= version %>"></script>'); templates.input = _.template('<input class="<%= className %>" type="<%= type %>" name="<%= name %>" <%= extras %> />'); module.exports = templates;
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GitHub: myouiswan/blogku
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} return new hbs.SafeString(partial(context, data)); }; templates.asset = _.template('<%= source %>?v=<%= version %>'); = _.template('<a href="<%= url %>"><%= text %></a>'); templates.script = _.template('<script src="<%= source %>?v=<%= version %>"></script>'); templates.input = _.template('<input class="<%= className %>" type="<%= type %>" name="<%= name %>" <%= extras %> />');
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.query('plugin::users-permissions.user') .update({ where: { id: }, data: { role } }); }, template(layout, data) { const compiledObject = _.template(layout); return compiledObject(data); }, });
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exports.jsonSchema = <%= JSON.stringify(modelDef.schema || {}, null, 4) %>; ` async function dbMigrationFilesGenerate(){ const compiled = _.template(migrationTemplate2); // const modelDefs = [{tableName: 'users', columnDefs: [ // {name: 'id', typeFunc: 'increments', isPrimary: true, nullable: false, default: ''} // ]}]; const typeFuncMap = {
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if (dataSource) { return promise.create(resolve => { dataSource.filter(`it.${attrs.valueField} == '${value}'`).toArray().then(result => { result.forEach(e => { e[attrs.displayField] = _$1.template(attrs.displayExpression)({ item: e }); }); resolve(result);
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switch (options.interpolate) { default: interpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g } const compiled_template = _.template(template, { interpolate }) const rendered = compiled_template(variables) return rendered }
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