How to use the toInteger function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.toInteger code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.toInteger is a function provided by the Lodash library that converts a value to an integer, based on the rules of the JavaScript parseInt function.
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module.exports.times = _.times; module.exports.titleCase = _.titleCase; module.exports.toArray = _.toArray; module.exports.toDash = _.toDash; module.exports.toFinite = _.toFinite; module.exports.toInteger = _.toInteger; module.exports.toLength = _.toLength; module.exports.toLower = _.toLower; module.exports.toNumber = _.toNumber; module.exports.toPairs = _.toPairs;
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(toArray); // => [1, 2] const toFinite = _.toFinite(3.2); console.log(toFinite); // => 3.2 const toInteger = _.toInteger(3.2); console.log(toInteger); // => 3 const toLength = _.toLength(3.2); console.log(toLength); // => 3
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How does lodash.toInteger work?
lodash.toInteger is a function provided by the Lodash library that converts a value to an integer, based on the rules of the JavaScript parseInt function. When you call lodash.toInteger, you pass in the value to be converted as an argument. The function then attempts to convert the value to an integer using the following rules: If the value is already an integer, it is returned unchanged. If the value is a string, it is parsed as an integer using the JavaScript parseInt function. If the value is a floating-point number, it is truncated to an integer. If the value is NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity, 0 is returned. If the value is an object, the function attempts to convert it to a primitive value using the valueOf method, and then applies the above rules. If the value is null or undefined, 0 is returned. If the resulting value cannot be converted to a valid integer, NaN is returned. Overall, lodash.toInteger provides a convenient way to convert a value to an integer using the same rules as the JavaScript parseInt function, which can be useful for normalizing or validating input values.
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} if (v5Equivalents.length > 0) { if (v5Equivalents.length === phaseGroups[key].length) { const v5Equivalent = v5Equivalents[phaseOrder] logger.debug(`Will update phase ${phaseName}/${} from ${phase.duration} to duration ${v5Equivalent.duration * 1000} milli`) let newStatus = _.toInteger(phase.phase_status_id) if (v5Equivalent.isOpen && _.toInteger(phase.phase_status_id) === constants.PhaseStatusTypes.Closed) { newStatus = constants.PhaseStatusTypes.Scheduled }
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GitHub: achinwo/irev-exporter
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const text = $(a).prop('innerText'); const href = a.attribs.href; const fullUrl = `${BASE_URL}${href}`; const myURL = new URL(fullUrl); states.push({name: text, url: fullUrl, id: _.toInteger(myURL.searchParams.get('state'))}); } return states; }
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); console.log(_.toInteger(42)); // Output: 42 console.log(_.toInteger("42")); // Output: 42 console.log(_.toInteger("42.5")); // Output: 42 console.log(_.toInteger(42.5)); // Output: 42 console.log(_.toInteger("abc")); // Output: NaN console.log(_.toInteger({})); // Output: NaN console.log(_.toInteger(null)); // Output: 0 console.log(_.toInteger(undefined)); // Output: 0 console.log(_.toInteger(NaN)); // Output: 0 console.log(_.toInteger(Infinity)); // Output: 0 console.log(_.toInteger(-Infinity)); // Output: 0
In this example, lodash.toInteger is used to convert various values to integers. First, we call the function with the integer value 42. Since 42 is already an integer, the function simply returns it unchanged. Next, we call the function with the string value '42'. Since '42' can be parsed as an integer using the JavaScript parseInt function, the function returns 42. We repeat this process with a floating-point number, '42.5', and again, the function truncates the value to 42. Next, we call the function with the string 'abc'. Since this value cannot be parsed as an integer, NaN is returned. We repeat this process with an object and get NaN as the result, since the object cannot be converted to a primitive value using valueOf. Finally, we call the function with various special values, including null, undefined, NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity. In all of these cases, the function returns 0.
GitHub: achinwo/irev-exporter
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if(!resultFileName.endsWith('.json')) continue; const data = require(`${stateDir}/${lgaDirName}/${resultFileName}`); //console.log(data); results[data.result.pu.delim.replaceAll('-', '/')] = { votersRegistered: _.toInteger(data.result.pu.registered_voters), syncedAccreditations: _.toInteger(data.result.synced_accreditations), resultUrl: data.result.result, } }
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* @param {import('express').NextFunction} next - Express.js next 함수값 * @returns 없음 */ async function loginWithRememberMe(req, res, next) { function authRememberMeToken(token) { const dateNumber = _.toInteger(token.substring(3, 15)) const endDate = token.substring(15, 25) ? token.substring(15, 25) : '' ////console.log(dayjs(dateNumber.toString(), 'YYMMDD').startOf('d')) ////console.log(dayjs(new Date(2023, 0, 30)).startOf('d')) if(token.startsWith('MMS'))
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GitHub: Bleakki/Diceperor
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// Find the location where the modifications begin. const index = _.findIndex(dieAndMods, (char) => char === '+' | char === '-'); // eslint-disable-line let die; let mod; if (index > 0) { die = _.toInteger(dieAndMods.substring(0, index)); mod = Parser.evaluate(dieAndMods.substring(index)); } else { die = _.toInteger(args[1]);
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