How to use the toLower function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.toLower code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.toLower is a function in the Lodash library that converts a string to lowercase.
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module.exports.toArray = _.toArray; module.exports.toDash = _.toDash; module.exports.toFinite = _.toFinite; module.exports.toInteger = _.toInteger; module.exports.toLength = _.toLength; module.exports.toLower = _.toLower; module.exports.toNumber = _.toNumber; module.exports.toPairs = _.toPairs; module.exports.toPairsIn = _.toPairsIn; module.exports.toPath = _.toPath;
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exports.getApp = (files, userConfRoot) => { const config = exports.merge({},, file => loadLandoFile(file))); return _.merge({}, config, { configFiles: files, metaCache: `${}.meta.cache`, project: _.toLower(|-|\.+/g, ''), root: path.dirname(files[0]), composeCache: path.join(userConfRoot, 'cache', `${}.compose.cache`), toolingCache: path.join(userConfRoot, 'cache', `${}.tooling.cache`), toolingRouter: path.join(userConfRoot, 'cache', `${}.tooling.router`),
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How does lodash.toLower work?
The lodash.toLower function is a part of the Lodash library, which is a popular JavaScript utility library that provides many useful functions for working with arrays, objects, strings, and other data types. When you call the lodash.toLower function, you pass in a string as an argument. The function then returns a new string with all uppercase characters converted to their lowercase equivalents. For example, if you call the lodash.toLower function with the following string as an argument: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const str = 'Hello World'; const lowerCaseStr = _.toLower(str); console.log(lowerCaseStr); The lodash.toLower function will return a new string with all uppercase characters converted to their lowercase equivalents: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">'hello world' In this example, the lodash.toLower function has converted the string 'Hello World' to its lowercase equivalent, 'hello world'. Overall, the lodash.toLower function provides a simple and reliable way to convert a string to its lowercase equivalent, which can be useful in many different contexts in a JavaScript application.
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*/ function partialMatch(filter, value) { if (filter) { if (value) { const filtered = xss(filter); return _.toLower(value).includes(_.toLower(filtered)); } else { return false; } } else {
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*/ function partialMatch (filter, value) { if (filter) { if (value) { const filtered = xss(filter) return _.toLower(value).includes(_.toLower(filtered)) } else { return false } } else {
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const str = "HELLO WORLD"; const lowerCaseStr = _.toLower(str); console.log(lowerCaseStr);
In this example, we first require the lodash module in our JavaScript application. We then define a string str with all uppercase characters. We then call the lodash.toLower function with str as an argument. The function returns a new string with all uppercase characters converted to their lowercase equivalents. Finally, we log the resulting string to the console, which outputs: javascript Copy code
GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(startsWith); // => true const template = _.template('hello <%= user %>!'); console.log(template({ 'user': 'fred' })); // => 'hello fred!' const toLower = _.toLower('--Foo-Bar--'); console.log(toLower); // => '--foo-bar--' const toUpper = _.toUpper('--foo-bar--'); console.log(toUpper); // => '--FOO-BAR--'
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const payload = { lead_id: parseInt(lead.int_lead_id, 10), patient_name: lead.txt_lead_name ? _.startCase(_.toLower(_.trim(lead.txt_lead_name))) : "DEMO", patient_email: _.toLower(_.trim(lead.txt_lead_email)), patient_contact: _.trim(lead.int_contact), patient_city_id: getNewMappedCityId(lead.txt_current_city), patient_state_id: getNewMappedStateId(lead.txt_lead_state), patient_country_id: getNewMappedCountryId(lead.txt_lead_country),
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const globalPolicy = ({ method, endpoint, controller, action, plugin }) => { return async (ctx, next) => { ctx.request.route = { endpoint: `${method} ${endpoint}`, controller: _.toLower(controller), action: _.toLower(action), verb: _.toLower(method), plugin, };
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GitHub: strapi/strapi
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}; const createProvider = (config) => { const { providerOptions, actionOptions = {} } = config; const providerName = _.toLower(config.provider); let provider; let modulePath; try {
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