How to use the uniqBy function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.uniqBy code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.uniqBy is a function in the Lodash library that creates a new array containing only unique elements by using a provided iteratee function to compare values.
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module.exports.unescape = _.unescape; module.exports.union = _.union; module.exports.unionBy = _.unionBy; module.exports.unionWith = _.unionWith; module.exports.uniq = _.uniq; module.exports.uniqBy = _.uniqBy; module.exports.uniqWith = _.uniqWith; module.exports.uniqueId = _.uniqueId; module.exports.unset = _.unset; module.exports.unsplat = _.unsplat;
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if (this.isMultiSelect) { var selectedOptionIds = (_selectedOption) { return _selectedOption.key; }), optionsToSearch = lodash.uniqBy([].concat(_toConsumableArray(this.injected.value), _toConsumableArray(this.options)), 'id'), foundOptions = optionsToSearch.filter(function (option) { return selectedOptionIds.includes(; }); onChange(mobx.toJS(foundOptions));
How does lodash.uniqBy work?
lodash.uniqBy is a utility function in the Lodash library that returns a new array with unique values, based on a property of each element specified by an iteratee function. If multiple elements have the same value returned by the iteratee function, only the first one encountered is kept. The original array is not modified.
GitHub: nocturnalmc/gp2
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const { negeri } = req.query; const all = await Superadmin.find({ negeri: Dictionary[negeri], accountType: 'daerahSuperadmin', }); const specDaerah = _.uniqBy(all, 'daerah'); let daerah = []; specDaerah.forEach((item) => { let daerahDetails = {}; if (item.daerah !== '-') {
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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console.log(unionWith); // => [2.1, 1.2] const uniq = _.uniq([2, 1, 2]); console.log(uniq); // => [2, 1] const uniqBy = _.uniqBy([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], Math.floor); console.log(uniqBy); // => [2.1, 1.2] const uniqWith = _.uniqWith([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], (a, b) => Math.floor(a) === Math.floor(b)); console.log(uniqWith); // => [2.1, 1.2]
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Ai Example
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const arr = [ { id: 1, name: "Alice" }, { id: 2, name: "Bob" }, { id: 1, name: "Charlie" }, ]; const uniqueArr = _.uniqBy(arr, "id"); console.log(uniqueArr); // Output: [{ id: 1, name: 'Alice' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bob' }]
In this example, lodash.uniqBy is used to remove duplicate objects from the arr array based on their id property. The resulting array uniqueArr contains only the first occurrences of the objects with unique id values.
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// Unique events with last updated status function getUniqueStacksEvents(events) { // sort in reverse chronological order const sortedEvents = [].sort((a, b) => b.TimeStamp - a.TimeStamp); return _.uniqBy(sortedEvents, 'PhysicalResourceId'); } function filterNestedStacks(uniqueEvents, excludeWithStatus = CFN_SUCCESS_STATUS, includeWithStatus = []) { const nestedStacks = [];
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Boom.badRequest( i18n.translateError('DNS_CHANGES_TAKE_TIME', domain.locale) ) ); return { ns, txt, mx, errors: _.uniqBy(errors, 'message') }; } Domains.statics.getVerificationResults = getVerificationResults;
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const cwd = process.cwd(); const unl = (val, otherwise) => ((val !== undefined) ? val : otherwise); const clearDuplicated = files => _.uniqBy(files, f => path.parse(f.path).base); const filesToIgnore = [ '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db',
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}); if (!data[parsed.word]) { data[parsed.word] = cleaned; } else if (data[parsed.word] && Array.isArray(data[parsed.word])) { data[parsed.word] = _.uniqBy(data[parsed.word].concat(cleaned)); } } });
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createPage({ path: `/categorie/${collection.slug}`, component: './src/templates/Collection.vue', context: { global, products: _.uniqBy(products, 'slug'), collection, parentCollection: parent, siblingCollections: siblings, childCollections: children,
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GitHub: muhamed-didovic/ccdown
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async writeVideosIntoFile(file, logger, prefix, courses, filename) { if (!file) {`${prefix} - Starting writing to a file ...`) //await fs.writeFile(`./json/${filename}`, JSON.stringify(courses, null, 2), 'utf8'); courses = orderBy(courses, [o => Number(o.downPath.split('-')[0]), 'position'], ['asc', 'asc']); courses = uniqBy(courses, 'url'); await fs.ensureDir(path.resolve(__dirname, '../json')) await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `../json/${filename}`), JSON.stringify(courses, null, 2), 'utf8')`${prefix} - Ended writing to a file ...`) // return Promise.resolve()
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case "gameStateChanged": case "matchStateEnd": data.state = line.state; if (data.state === "PickLoadout") { //determine # of starting teams let count = _.uniqBy(Object.values(data.players), "teamId").length; console.log(count); data.totalTeams = count; data.teamsAlive = count; }
GitHub: ngomandat234/server
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] : []; return _([...this.dataMap.values()]) .groupBy('originalPath') .flatMap((instances, group) => { const locations = _.uniqBy(instances, 'location'); // #331 - When multiple locations are involved, all of them must pass the validation. // If none of the locations contain the field, we at least include one for error reporting. // #458, #531 - Wildcards are an exception though: they may yield 0..* instances with different // paths, so we may want to skip this filtering.
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}) return { labelRecords: flattenDeep( r => r.labelRecords)), formRecords: uniqBy(flattenDeep( r => r.formRecords)), f => } }
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// }) // }) // }) // console.log('1series', specialCourses.length); series = [...series, ...specialCourses] // series = uniqBy(series, 'url'); // console.log('2series', series.length); return all ? series : ([series.find(({ url }) => link.includes(url)) ?? link]) /*const link = links.find(link => url.includes(link.txt)) if (!link) {
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const userTz = user.tz_info.timezone; const pickedUser = { ..._.pick(user, ["id", "email", "full_name", "image_id"]), timezone: userTz, }; const users = _.uniqBy([...collaborators, pickedUser], "id"); return { data: users, sync_token: null, full_sync: null }; }; module.exports.validate = async (account) => {
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function uniqCaseInsensitive (array, trim = true) { if (trim) { array = => String(item).trim()) } return _.uniqBy(array, item => String(item).toLowerCase()) } module.exports = { epochToDate,
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const res = await Promise.all(promises); let aggregatedRes = []; _.forEach(res, (response) => { _.forEach(response.rows, row => aggregatedRes.push(row)); }) aggregatedRes = _.uniqBy(aggregatedRes, 'dataValues.program_id'); loggerService.exitLog({responseCode: 'OK'}, logObject); return response.status(200).send(successResponse({ apiId: 'api.program.list', ver: '1.0',
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const res = await this.getContribUserPrograms(data, filters); let aggregatedRes = []; _.forEach(res, (response) => { _.forEach(response.rows, row => aggregatedRes.push(row)); }) return _.uniqBy(aggregatedRes, 'dataValues.program_id'); } else if(organisation_id || user_id) { let prg_list; if (_.get(organisation_id, 'ne') || _.get(user_id, 'ne')) {
GitHub: tanakorncode/sys-test
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const mapRetails = [] for (let i = 0; i < retails.length; i++) { let retail = retails[i]; const traders1 = _.filter(contractlist, (item) => item.ret_code === retail.ret_code) const traders2 = _.filter(pricelist, (item) => item.ret_code === retail.ret_code) const traders = _.uniqBy(traders1.concat(traders2), 'trd_code') // ลบ field ที่มีค่า null ออก retail = _.pickBy(retail, (v) => v !== null && v !== undefined && v !== '') // ลบ field ที่ไม่ต้องการนำเข้าข้อมูลออก
GitHub: tanakorncode/sys-test
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let plans = await TbPL.getPcPlanList3(req.body.ship_date, prdGradeId, truckplantids, plId) plans = _.orderBy(plans, ["plant_id", "prd_grade_qty"], ["asc", "desc"]) plans = _.filter(plans, (pcplan) => checkPcPlanBalance(pcplan)) pcplans = await getSlottimeToPcPlan(pcplans, plans, req.body.ship_date, hprdgrade) pcplans = _.uniqBy(pcplans, 'plant_id') // ถ้ามีมากกว่า 1 โรง ให้สลับกับโรงก่อนหน้า if (pcplans.length > 1) { lastpl = await TbPL.find()
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