How to use the unset function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.unset code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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this.options.verbose && this.serverless.cli.log( `Skipping peers dependency ${key} for dependency ${module.external} because it's optional` ); _.unset(peerDependencies, key); } }); }
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if (_.isArray(parent)) { return _.pullAt(parent, leavePath); } } return _.unset(object, path); }; exports.assignWithSet = (object, ...sources) => { while (sources.length) {
GitHub: gardener/dashboard
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}) _.set(config, 'frontend.apiServerUrl', config.apiServerUrl) _.set(config, 'frontend.clusterIdentity', config.clusterIdentity) if (!config.gitHub && _.has(config, 'frontend.ticket')) { _.unset(config, 'frontend.ticket') } return config },
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module.exports.unionWith = _.unionWith; module.exports.uniq = _.uniq; module.exports.uniqBy = _.uniqBy; module.exports.uniqWith = _.uniqWith; module.exports.uniqueId = _.uniqueId; module.exports.unset = _.unset; module.exports.unsplat = _.unsplat; module.exports.unsplatl = _.unsplatl; module.exports.unsplatr = _.unsplatr; module.exports.unzip = _.unzip;
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if (!currentUser.isMachine && !_hasAdminRole) { result = _.each(result, (val) => _.unset(val, "billing")); const ids = await helper.listChallengesByMember(currentUser.userId); result = _.each(result, (val) => { if (!_.includes(ids, { _.unset(val, "privateDescription"); } }); } } else {
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_.set(data, "billing.markup", markup || 0); } // Make sure the user cannot change the direct project ID if (data.legacy && data.legacy.directProjectId) { _.unset(data, "legacy.directProjectId", directProjectId); } /* BEGIN self-service stuffs */
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_.set(data, "billing.markup", markup || 0); } // Make sure the user cannot change the direct project ID if (data.legacy && data.legacy.directProjectId) { _.unset(data, "legacy.directProjectId"); } /* BEGIN self-service stuffs */
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GitHub: mdmarufsarker/lodash
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const transform = _.transform({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, (result, value, key) => { (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key); }, {}); console.log(transform); // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } const unset = _.unset({ 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 7 } }] }, 'a[0].b.c'); console.log(unset); // => true const update = _.update({ 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] }, 'a[0].b.c', n => n * n); console.log(update); // => { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 9 } }] }
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const servicePath = path.join('my', 'servicePath'); const rspackOutputPath = path.join('rspack', 'output', 'path'); _.set(serverless, 'config.servicePath', servicePath); _.set(module, 'rspackOutputPath', rspackOutputPath); _.unset(module, 'keepOutputDirectory'); return expect(prepareRun()) .resolves.toBeUndefined() .then(() =>
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
}); describe('with service packaging', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Setup behavior for service packaging _.unset(module, 'entryFunctions'); _.set(serverless.service, 'package.individually', false); }); it('should package', () => {
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_.forIn(newR, (v, k) => { if (k === 'label') return if (k === 'protected') return if (k === 'values') return if (k === 'name') return _.unset(newR, k) newR.values.push({ field: k,
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for (const transaction of this.existingData.transactions) { if (!this.shouldOnlyRemoveScriptObjects || isCreatedBySeedScript(transaction)) { await stelace.transactions.createTransition(, { name: 'cancel', data: { cancellationReason: 'forceCancel' } }) const alias = getObjectAlias(transaction) unset(this.referencedData, `transactions.${alias}`) log(`cancelled ${}`) } } }
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return Object.freeze(this._rawData.userEnteredFormat[param]); } _setFormatParam(param, newVal) { if (_.isEqual(newVal, _.get(this._rawData, `userEnteredFormat.${param}`))) { _.unset(this._draftData, `userEnteredFormat.${param}`); } else { _.set(this._draftData, `userEnteredFormat.${param}`, newVal); this._draftData.clearFormat = false; }
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lodash.get is the most popular function in lodash (7670 examples)