How to use the upperFirst function from lodash
Find comprehensive JavaScript lodash.upperFirst code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
lodash.upperFirst is a function in the lodash library that capitalizes the first character of a string.
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module.exports.unzipWith = _.unzipWith; module.exports.update = _.update; module.exports.updatePath = _.updatePath; module.exports.updateWith = _.updateWith; module.exports.upperCase = _.upperCase; module.exports.upperFirst = _.upperFirst; module.exports.values = _.values; module.exports.valuesAt = _.valuesAt; module.exports.valuesIn = _.valuesIn; module.exports.walk = _.walk;
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]; return this.prompt(prompts).then(props => { if (props.fieldAdd) { if (props.fieldIsEnum) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign props.fieldType = _.upperFirst(props.fieldType); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign props.fieldValues = props.fieldValues.toUpperCase(); }
How does lodash.upperFirst work?
In the lodash library, lodash.upperFirst is a function that takes a string as its argument and returns a new string with the first character capitalized. If the input string is empty or already has a capitalized first character, the function returns the input string unchanged. The lodash.upperFirst function works by converting the input string to an array of individual characters using the split method, capitalizing the first character using the toUpperCase method, and then joining the array back into a string using the join method. This can be accomplished using a combination of string methods and array methods, as shown in the following example: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ function upperFirst(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { return ''; } return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } In this example, we define a function upperFirst that takes a string str as its argument. We first check if the input is actually a string using the typeof operator, and return an empty string if it's not. If it is a string, we capitalize the first character using the charAt method to retrieve the first character and the toUpperCase method to capitalize it. We then concatenate this capitalized first character with the rest of the string using the slice method to extract the remainder of the string starting from the second character. For example, if we call upperFirst('hello'), the function will return 'Hello', with the first character capitalized. If we call upperFirst('World'), the function will return 'World', since the first character is already capitalized. Overall, lodash.upperFirst is a simple but useful function in the lodash library that can help you manipulate and format strings in various ways.
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formattedTitle = he.decode(formattedTitle); // Ensure every word is capitalized. formattedTitle = formattedTitle ?.split(' ') ?.map(word => _.upperFirst(word)) ?.join(' '); // Ensure every word is capitalized following a hyphen. formattedTitle = formattedTitle
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if (e.path === targetPath) { return true; } // Handle the case of choices (e.g., medicationCodeableConcept should match on path medication[x]) if (e.path.endsWith('[x]')) { return e.type.some(t => e.path.replace(/\[x]$/, _.upperFirst(t.code)) === targetPath); } return false; }); expect(element, `${} config refers to an invalid field: ${name}`).to.exist;
Ai Example
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const _ = require("lodash"); const str = "hello world"; const capitalizedStr = _.upperFirst(str); console.log(capitalizedStr);
In this example, we're first importing the lodash library and assigning it to the variable _. We then define a string str containing the value 'hello world'. We call _.upperFirst with the str argument to create a new string capitalizedStr with the first character capitalized. We then log capitalizedStr to the console, which will output 'Hello world'. Overall, lodash.upperFirst is a simple function that can help you easily capitalize the first character of a string, without having to manually manipulate the string using JavaScript's built-in string methods.
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let element = scopedElements.find(e => e.path === wantedPath); if (element == null) { // This may be a choice property (e.g., valueQuantity for value[x] element). // Try to find a match on choices for (const choiceEl of scopedElements.filter(e => e.path.endsWith('[x]'))) { const typeMatch = choiceEl.type.find(t => choiceEl.path.replace(/\[x]$/, _.upperFirst(t.code)) === wantedPath); if (typeMatch) { // To ease the further processing, reduce the type array to only the one that matches element = _.cloneDeep(choiceEl); element.type = [typeMatch];
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} function transformContactToOption({ id, first_name, last_name, job_title }) { return { value: id, label: upperFirst( filter([`${first_name} ${last_name}`, job_title]).join(', ') ), } }
GitHub: Arxivar/PluginGenerator
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var prompts = [{ type: 'input', name: 'pluginname', message: 'Your plugin name', // default: _.upperFirst(_.replace(_(this.appname).toString().trim().toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)/, ''), '.', '')), // Default to current folder name validate: function (pluginname) { if (_.isEmpty(_.trim(pluginname)) === true) { return 'Empty plugin name. Type a plugin name'; }
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console.log(unescape); // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles' const upperCase = _.upperCase('--foo-bar--'); console.log(upperCase); // => 'FOO BAR' const upperFirst = _.upperFirst('fred'); console.log(upperFirst); // => 'Fred' const words = _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles'); console.log(words); // => ['fred', 'barney', 'pebbles']
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} this._monitorItv = setInterval(this.monitor.bind(this), this.conf.monitorTimeout) _.each(['lookup'], fld => { const cfld = _.upperFirst(fld) const opts = { max: this.conf[`lruMaxSize${cfld}`], maxAge: this.conf[`lruMaxAge${cfld}`]
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function mountModel(model) { const definition = models[model]; definition.orm = 'mongoose'; definition.associations = []; definition.globalName = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(definition.globalId)); definition.loadedModel = {}; const hasDraftAndPublish = contentTypesUtils.hasDraftAndPublish(definition);
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if (event && &&"data-gtm")) { let node =, data = GTMController.parseJSON(node.getAttribute("data-gtm")); if (data.eventTypes.indexOf("click") != -1) { data.event = "click" + lo.upperFirst(data.event); if (!data.action) { data.action = "click"; }
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const dir = `./src/entities/${entityPrefix}`; if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) fs.mkdirSync(dir); const filePath = `${dir}/${kebabCase(tableName)}.entity.ts`; const columns = await inspector.columnInfo(tableName); const className = upperFirst(camelCase(tableName + 'Entity')); const classMapper = upperFirst(camelCase(tableName + 'Mapper')); const lines = [ `import { BaseEntity, MysqlMapper, linkTransform, toBool } from '@joktec/core';`,
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}); // vytvoření custom stránky s to do Listem app.get("/:customListName", (req,res) => { const customListName = _.upperFirst(req.params.customListName); // findOne() vrací object podle podmínky List.findOne({ name: customListName}).then((foundList) => { // console.log(foundList) if(!foundList) { // !foundList vrátí true pokud je undefined, neboli neexistuje v databázi
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// Continue to next iteration if routeInfo is undefined if (!routeInfo) continue; // Uppercase the first letter of the api name const apiName = _.upperFirst(; // Create a unique name if the api name and contentType name don't match const uniqueName = === contentTypeName ? apiName : `${apiName} - ${_.upperFirst(contentTypeName)}`;
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}; // add locale arguments in the existing queries if (isSingleType(contentType)) { const queryName = toSingular(modelName); const mutationSuffix = _.upperFirst(queryName); addGraphqlSchema({ resolver: { Query: {
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const fill = _.get(params, 'headFill', '_')'%s', _.pad(' ' + _.toUpper(_.get(params, 'headline')) + ' ', headLength, fill)) } const listing = (params) => { const field = _.upperFirst(_.get(params, 'field')) const value = _.get(params, 'value') const level = _.get(params, 'level', 'info') // const padField = _.get(meta, 'padField') ? (_.padEnd((_.get(meta, 'padField.field') + ': '), _.get(meta, 'padField.padLength', padLength)) + (_.get(meta, 'padField.value') === 200 ? '\x1b[32mSuccessful\x1b[0m' : _.get(meta, 'padField.value'))) : '' const message = _.padEnd((field + _.get(params, 'separator', '')), _.get(params, 'padLength', padLength)) + (value === 200 ? '\x1b[32mSuccessful\x1b[0m' : value)
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