How to use the add function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.add code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mathjs.add is a function that adds two or more numbers or matrices together.
GitHub: hollaex/hollaex-kit
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orders.reduce((total, [, size]) => math.add(total, size), 0); const sumOrderTotal = (orders) => orders.reduce( (total, [price, size]) => math.add( total, math.number(math.multiply(math.fraction(size), math.fraction(price))) ), 0
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while(base--) { var row = insertBit(base, qpos, el & 2 ? 1 : 0); if(this.state[row]) { var col = insertBit(base, qpos, el & 1 ? 1 : 0); if(this.state[col]) { trace[el] = math.add(trace[el], math.multiply(this.state[row], math.conj(this.state[col]))); } } } }
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How does mathjs.add work?
mathjs.add is a function provided by the mathjs library that adds two or more numbers or arrays element-wise. When called with two or more arguments, it returns a new array with the sum of the corresponding elements of each input array. If called with a single argument that is an array, it returns the sum of all the elements in the array. If called with a single argument that is a number, it returns a function that takes another number as input and returns the sum of the two numbers.
GitHub: Curtion/douyu-gift
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if (!/(.*)%/.test(val)) { this.$message('格式不正确') } else { let count = 0 any) => { count = math.add(math.multiply(Number(element.send.split('%')[0]), 0.01), count) }) count = strip(count) if (count !== 1) { this.$message('百分比合计不为100%')
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)); } function eta_left(w) { const z = w.neg(); const zp1 = math.add(z, 1); if ( < 0) {return math.conj(eta_left(math.conj(w)));}
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Ai Example
1 2 3 4 5
const math = require("mathjs"); const result = math.add(2, 3); console.log(result); // 5
In this example, mathjs.add is used to add the numbers 2 and 3, and the result is stored in the result variable. The console.log statement then outputs the result to the console.
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const mod = (z, w) => math.multiply(w, fract(math.divide(z, w))); const add4 = (a, b, c, d) => math.add(math.add(a, b), math.add(c, d)); const I = math.complex(0, 1); const fns = { add8: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => math.add(add4(a, b, c, d), add4(e, f, g, h)), add4, mul4: (a, b, c, d) => math.multiply(math.multiply(a, b), math.multiply(c, d)), rawpow: math.pow, sub: math.subtract,
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return math.pow(A, factor); }; exports.addDiagonal = function addDiagonal(A, value) { const diag = math.eye(A.size()); return math.add(A, math.multiply(value, diag)); }; /* A is a square matrix */ exports.getClusters = function getClusters(A) {
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var p1 = maths.sqrt(maths.chain(q) .dotMultiply(q) .add(maths.dotMultiply(j2,omega[i]*Math.PI*4.0e-7*this.mr1*this.con1)) .done()); var qp1a = maths.add(maths.dotMultiply(q, this.mr1), p1); var qp1s = maths.subtract(maths.dotMultiply(q, this.mr1), p1); var p1p2a = maths.add(maths.dotMultiply(p1, this.mr1), maths.dotMultiply(p2, this.mr1)); var p1p2s = maths.subtract(maths.dotMultiply(p1, this.mr1), maths.dotMultiply(p2, this.mr1));
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GitHub: cpnota/rl-js-agents
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getDiscountedReturn(rewards) { const discountedRewards = (reward, index) => Math.pow(this.environment.gamma, index) * reward ) return math.add(0, ...discountedRewards) // mathjs gets mad if you only pass one value } }
GitHub: ellis/roboliq
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const d = math.subtract(valueGE, valueLE); const p = math.divide(math.subtract(targetValue, valueLE), d); // console.log({d, p}) // console.log(math.multiply(math.subtract(1, p), volumeLE)) // console.log(math.multiply(p, volumeGE)) item.volume = math.add(math.multiply(math.subtract(1, p), volumeLE), math.multiply(p, volumeGE)); } // console.log({spec, dataLE, dataGE, volume: item.volume}) } }
GitHub: jly36963/notes
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const b = 4; const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // arithmetic math.add(a, b); // add math.cube(a); // cube math.cbrt(8); // cube root math.divide(a, b); // divide math.exp(8) // exponent (e ** x)
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GitHub: coder0987/Taroky
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//Iterate over each and every weight and bias and add mutate * Math.random() to each this.inputWeights = math.add(this.inputWeights, math.random([2000, 1000], -mutate, mutate)); this.layersWeights = math.add(this.layersWeights, math.random([20, 1000, 2000], -mutate, mutate)); this.layersBias = math.add(this.layersBias, math.random([21, 1000], -mutate, mutate)); this.outputWeights = math.add(this.outputWeights, math.random([14, 1000], -mutate, mutate)); this.outputBias = math.add(this.outputBias, math.random([14], -mutate, mutate)); } this.evaluate = (inputs, output) => { let currentRow = math.add(math.multiply(inputs, this.inputWeights), this.layersBias[0]);
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x2o.push(x2); x3o.push(x3); x4o.push(x4); } console.log(obj); p = math.add(r, math.multiply(rsnew / rsold, p)); rsold = rsnew; }while(er > e); console.log(iter,"Iteration"); console.log(math.flatten(x));
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console.log(re); i = 0; err = tol + 1; z = [i,x[0],x[1],x[2],err]; while(err > tol && i<iter){ xi = mathjs.add(mathjs.multiply(T,x),C); console.log(xi); err = mathjs.norm(xi - x); x = xi; }
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let i = 0; let err = tol + 1; iteration.push([i,x[0],x[1],x[2]]); while(err > tol && i<iter){ let xi = mathjs.add(mathjs.multiply(T,x),C); err = mathjs.norm(mathjs.subtract(xi,x)); x = xi; i=i+1; iteration.push([i,x[0],x[1],x[2],err]);
GitHub: jmmcd/GEjs
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// notice using math.js evaluate we can use +, - // for elementwise addition, subtraction, but .* and .^ // for elementwise multiplication and power. (but the function // would be called dotMultiply) function target(x) { return math.add(x, math.dotPow(x, 2), math.dotPow(x, 3), math.dotPow(x, 4)); } var X = math.matrix([[0.0], [0.1], [0.2], [0.3], [0.4], [0.5]]); // console.log("s", s); var fX = math.evaluate(s, {"x0": X}); // could use {"x0": X[0], etc if needed}
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// // Returns moving average of the electrical band // if (this.electricalBandMovingAverage == null) { // this.electricalBandMovingAverage = electricalBand; // } else { // this.electricalBandMovingAverage = math.add(math.multiply(this.ELECTRICAL_BAND_MOVING_AVERAGE_CONSTANT, this.electricalBandMovingAverage), // math.multiply(1-this.ELECTRICAL_BAND_MOVING_AVERAGE_CONSTANT, electricalBand)); // } // return this.electricalBandMovingAverage }
GitHub: TakodaS/pyross-webui
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console.log("time series differs"); } if (typeof yout === 'undefined'){ yout = yvals; } else { yout = math.add(yout, yvals); } } catch (TypeError) { console.log(county, age, " not supported");
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GitHub: brin-eris/basic-bots
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let layerRow = layerColumns[j] = new Array(this.inputSize); for (var k = 0; k < layerRow.length; k++) { layerRow[k] = func(this.XBounds[j]) * funY(this.YBounds[k]); } } let funkyWeights = Mathjs.add(this.funkyWeightsA, this.funkyWeightsB); let temp = Mathjs.multiply(Mathjs.matrix(layerColumns), funkyWeights); temp =, index, matrix){ let result = 1.0/(1.0 + Mathjs.exp(-1 + value)); result-=0.5;
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GitHub: mljs/calculus
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var h = math.divide(math.add(b, -a), math.multiply(2, M)); var sum1 = 0; var sum2 = 0; for(var k = 1; k <= M; ++k) { var x = math.add(a, math.multiply(h, 2 * k - 1)); sum1 = math.add(sum1, f(x)); if(k != M) { x = math.add(a, math.multiply(h, 2 * k)); sum2 = math.add(sum2, f(x)); }
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GitHub: TakodaS/pyross-webui
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let k2 = Object.keys(b); let intersect = this.intersect(k1,k2); let outdict = {}; for (let ob of intersect){ if (!fixed.includes(ob)){ outdict[ob] = math.add(a[ob], b[ob]); } else { outdict[ob] = a[ob]; }
mathjs.evaluate is the most popular function in mathjs (87200 examples)