How to use the round function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.round code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mathjs.round is a function that rounds a given number to the nearest integer or a given precision.
GitHub: hollaex/hollaex-kit
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token: brokerQuote?.token, expiry: brokerQuote?.expiry, type: 'broker' } if (spending_amount != null) { const sourceAmount = math.round( side === 'buy' ? spending_amount / brokerQuote.price : spending_amount * brokerQuote.price, decimalPoint ); responseObj.receiving_amount = sourceAmount;
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angles[wire].theta = math.round(math.abs(theta), 12); angles[wire].phi = math.round(phi, 12); angles[wire].thetaDeg = math.round(math.multiply(math.abs(theta), (180 / math.pi)), 7); angles[wire].phiDeg = math.round(math.multiply(phi, (180 / math.pi)), 7); angles[wire].radius = math.round(radius, 7); } return angles; };
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How does mathjs.round work?
mathjs.round is a function provided by the Math.js library that rounds a number to a specified precision (number of decimal places) or to the nearest integer if no precision is specified. If the number to be rounded is exactly halfway between two possible results, the result will be rounded to the nearest even number, which is a behavior known as "banker's rounding" or "round-to-even". The function can also be used to round the elements of an array or matrix to a specified precision or the nearest integer.
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if(!quirkName) { quirkName = "~" +; if(basicGate.params.length && gate.options.params) {{ angle = math.round(math.evaluate(gate.options.params[param], globalParams), 3); quirkName += "_" + angle; }); }
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key ] ), 3 ); const min = math.round( math.min( benchmarkMetricsCollection[ key ]
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Ai Example
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const math = require("mathjs"); const num = 1.23456789; const roundedNum = math.round(num, 3); // round to 3 decimal places console.log(roundedNum); // Output: 1.235
In this example, we're using mathjs.round to round the num variable to 3 decimal places, and then logging the result to the console.
GitHub: fwdcp/pugchamp-legacy

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if (ret.stats.rating && _.isNumber(doc.stats.rating.mean) && _.isNumber(doc.stats.rating.deviation)) { ret.stats.rating.mean = math.round(doc.stats.rating.mean, 0); ret.stats.rating.deviation = math.round(doc.stats.rating.deviation, 0); ret.stats.rating.low = math.round(doc.stats.rating.low, 0); ret.stats.rating.high = math.round(doc.stats.rating.high, 0); } } else { delete ret.stats.captainScore;
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GitHub: i5hi/cypherpost

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export function s2b(sats: number): number{ return math.round((sats/SATS_DENOM),8); } export function b2s(bitcoin:number): number{ return math.round(bitcoin*SATS_DENOM,0); } // export function convertExponentialToDecimal(exponentialNumber: number): number|string { // // sanity check - is it exponential number
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function getMathInformationsEnhanced(data) { return { mean: math.round(math.mean(data), 3), /* variance: math.round(math.variance(data, "uncorrected"), 3), */ standardDeviation: math.round(math.std(data), 3), min: math.round(math.min(data), 3), max: math.round(math.max(data), 3), } }
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GitHub: marcelomf/tbfix

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percentD.push(mathjs.mean(dData)) } } s.period[key + '_K'] = percentK[0] == 0 ? 0 : mathjs.round(percentK[0], 2) s.period[key + '_D'] = percentD[0] == 0 ? 0 : mathjs.round(percentD[0], 2) //console.log('lib.srsi: For RSI', RSI[RSI.length - 1], '-', '%K is', s.period[key + '_K'], ', %D is', s.period[key + '_D'], ', period info', s.period); } }
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GitHub: jly36963/notes

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// abs math.abs(a); // absolute value // round math.floor(a) // round in negative direction math.round(a) // round to nearest int math.ceil(a); // round in positive direction math.fix(a) // round towards zero // factors & multiples
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* @param {*} playerId * @param {*} traderId */ static setTraderStanding(playerId, traderId, value) { const profile = AccountController.getPmcProfile(playerId); profile.TradersInfo[traderId].standing = mathjs.round(value, 3); } /** * Get player loyalty LEVEL for current trader...
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continue; } let similarUsedPosition = currentUsedPositions.find(p => mathjs.round(p.x, 3) == mathjs.round(lootData.Position.x, 3) && mathjs.round(p.y, 3) == mathjs.round(lootData.Position.y, 3) && mathjs.round(p.z, 3) == mathjs.round(lootData.Position.z, 3) ); if(similarUsedPosition !== undefined ) {
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// Angle is in degrees, but we need radians const radians = angle * math.pi / 180; const gradientLine = (math.abs(math.sin(radians)) + math.abs(math.cos(radians))); const cathetus = fn => math.round(fn(radians - math.pi / 2) * gradientLine / 2, 10); const x = cathetus(math.cos); const y = cathetus(math.sin);
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GitHub: ogneyar/LeidtogiServer
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// continue // пропусти }else { let myArticle = "tor" + newProduct.article let newPrice = Math.round( newProduct.price * 100 ) /100 if (response !== `{<br />`) response += ",<br />" let yes = false old.forEach(oldProduct => {
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let length, array = [], string = "" length = await this.getLength() if (pol && pol == 1) length = Math.round(length / 2) if (pol && pol == 2) pol = Math.round(length / 2) + 1 if (! pol) pol = 1
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return curr_price * Math.exp(drift + randomShock); } function normSinv(prob) { // Compute the inverse of the CDF of the standard normal distribution return math.round(math.invCdf('normal', prob, {mu: 0, sigma: 1}), 4); } export default Stock;
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GitHub: ogneyar/AstElectro
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// // continue // пропусти // }else { // let myArticle = "tor" + newProduct.article // let newPrice = Math.round( newProduct.price * 100 ) /100 // if (response !== `{<br />`) response += ",<br />" // let yes = false // old.forEach(oldProduct => {
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positionId: lastIndex + 1, name: "Доставка", quantity: { value: 1, measure: "штук" }, itemCode: "0001", tax: { taxType: 6 }, itemPrice: Math.round(body.deliverySum * 100) // перевод в копейки }] } let create = {
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GitHub: ogneyar/AstElectro
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let article = one.article let name = + " (" + article + ")" let url = translit(name) //+ "_" + article.replace("/", "_") let priceEuro = one.price let price = Math.round( (priceEuro * kursEuro) * 100 ) /100 let categoryUrl = one.category let category = await Category.findOne({ where: { url: categoryUrl } }) let categoryId = || null // return { categoryUrl, category, categoryId }
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xlsx = await parseXlsx(size, [ "Артикул", "гр.", "д (мм)", "ш (мм)", "в (мм)" ]) let desired, article, weight, length, width, height, volume for(let number = 2; number <= 317; number++) { article = "rgk" + xlsx[number-2]["Артикул"] weight = Math.round((Number(xlsx[number-2]["гр."]) / 1000), 2) length = xlsx[number-2]["д (мм)"] width = xlsx[number-2]["ш (мм)"] height = xlsx[number-2]["в (мм)"] volume = Math.round(((Number(length) /1000) * (Number(width) /1000) * (Number(height) /1000)), 4)
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GitHub: ogneyar/AstElectro
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if (response !== `{<br />`) response += ",<br />" let yes = false products.forEach(oldProduct => { if (oldProduct.article === `krs${newProduct.article}`) { let newPrice = newProduct.price newPrice = Math.round(newPrice * 100) / 100 if (newPrice != oldProduct.price) { response += `"krs${newProduct.article}": "Старая цена = ${oldProduct.price}, новая цена = ${newPrice}.` Product.update({ price: newPrice }, { where: { id: } }
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mathjs.evaluate is the most popular function in mathjs (87200 examples)