How to use the derivative function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.derivative code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mathjs.derivative is a function in the Math.js library that calculates the derivative of a mathematical expression with respect to a given variable.
GitHub: North-West-Wind/ALICE
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case "eval": try { done = await math.evaluate(args.slice(1).join(" ")); } catch(err) {done = "Evaluation Error";;} break; case "derivative": case "ddx": try { done = await math.derivative(args.slice(1).join(" "), "x").compile().evaluate(); } catch(err) {done = "Differentiation Error";;} break; case "rationalize": case "rat": try { done = math.rationalize(args.slice(1).join(" ")).toString(); } catch(err) {done = "Rationalization Error";;}
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input.keyup(function (event) { console.log("RUNNNING!"); var derivativeIntial = input.val(); console.log("B"); console.log(derivative(derivativeIntial, 'x').toString()); var final = derivative(derivativeIntial, 'x').toString(); console.log("C"); document.getElementById("derivativeOutput").innerHTML = final; });
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How does mathjs.derivative work?
mathjs.derivative is a function provided by the Math.js library that computes the symbolic derivative of a mathematical expression with respect to a given variable, using differentiation rules such as the chain rule, product rule, quotient rule, and power rule. The function takes two arguments: the first is the expression to differentiate, and the second is the variable with respect to which to differentiate. The resulting derivative expression can then be manipulated and evaluated using other Math.js functions.
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const injector = new Injector(math, 'derivative', __filename, 'SSE23-derivative'); console.log(math.derivative('x^2', 'x')); let a = math.derivative('x^2', 'x'); let b = math.derivative('sin(2x)', 'x') console.log(a) console.log(b)
GitHub: signalitylabs/Baylee-v1
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if(checkderivative > -1) { var derivativeof = args.substring((checkderivative+derivative.length), args.length); args = args.substring(0, checkderivative); result = math.derivative(args, derivativeof).toString(); } var simplify = 'simplify'; var checksimplify = args.indexOf(simplify);
Ai Example
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const math = require("mathjs"); const expr = "x^2"; const varName = "x"; const derivative = math.derivative(expr, varName); console.log(derivative.toString()); // outputs "2 * x"
In this example, we use mathjs to calculate the derivative of x^2 with respect to x. We pass in the expression x^2 and the variable name x to the math.derivative() function. The function returns a new expression that represents the derivative of the input expression with respect to the input variable. Finally, we convert the resulting expression to a string so that we can print it to the console. The output of this example will be 2 * x, which is the derivative of x^2 with respect to x.
GitHub: kiks12/numec-calculators
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let xovar = parseInt(xo); for (let i=0; i<iteration; i++) { const fxo = f.replaceAll(unknown, xovar < 0 ? '(' + xovar + ')' : xovar); const fxoa = math.evaluate(fxo); const dfx = math.derivative(f, unknown).toString(); const dfxo = dfx.replaceAll(unknown, xovar < 0 ? '(' + xovar + ')' : xovar); const dfxoa = math.evaluate(dfxo); const xn = xovar - (fxoa / dfxoa); const fxn = f.replaceAll(unknown, xn);
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} } // Deriva Expresiones function deriveExp(exp) { console.log(exp); return math.derivative(exp[0], exp[1]); } // Genera un árbol con los datos del archivo xml function StructTree(json, padre) {
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} return xInicial; } function derivarFuncion(funcion) { return derivative(funcion, "x").toString(); } // newtonForm.addEventListener("submit", onSubmit);
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} // Função para Derivadas function differentiate() { let x = document.getElementById("calc").value; let y = math.derivative(x, 'x').toString(); document.getElementById("calc").value = y; } // Função para Integrais
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if (subIntervals !== "-1") { var potentialError = math.abs(math.evaluate(`((${end} - ${start})^3)/(24*(${subIntervals}^2))`)); totalText += ("\n**The potential error formula for this problem is:** ```|max(f''(x))| * " + potentialError + "```"); //Get derivative of function var derivative = math.derivative(math.derivative(functionToCalculate, "x"), "x").toString(); //Plug in numbers from -999 to 9999 for x in derivative and find maximum value var max = -999; console.log(derivative.replace(/x/g, `(${i})`));
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}; }; /* Let renderer load first */ const renderer = require('../../../../renderer.js'); const derivativeSymbolic = math.derivative; /** * Compute a derivative * @param {string} expression Expression, ie 'x^2'
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mathjs.evaluate is the most popular function in mathjs (87200 examples)