How to use the floor function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.floor code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mathjs.floor is a function from the Math.js library that rounds a number down to the nearest integer.
GitHub: hollaex/hollaex-kit
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const multipliedNumber = math.multiply( math.fraction(number), math.pow(10, decimals) ); const dividedNumber = math.divide( math.floor(multipliedNumber), math.pow(10, decimals) ); return math.number(dividedNumber); } else {
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GitHub: jly36963/notes
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// abs math.abs(a); // absolute value // round math.floor(a) // round in negative direction math.round(a) // round to nearest int math.ceil(a); // round in positive direction math.fix(a) // round towards zero
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How does mathjs.floor work?
mathjs.floor works by taking a number as an argument and rounding it down to the nearest integer using the Math.floor method. The function is part of the Math.js library, which provides a set of mathematical functions and utilities for JavaScript. It can be used with any number, including positive and negative numbers, fractions, and decimals. mathjs.floor is useful for converting floating-point numbers to integers or for performing arithmetic operations that require integer values. It is also useful for formatting numbers for display purposes, such as when displaying currency values or measurements with a fixed number of decimal places. Note that mathjs.floor is similar to the lodash.floor function, which provides additional options for specifying the precision of the rounding. However, mathjs.floor is more lightweight and does not require an external library.
GitHub: Asliddin18/Kilnika
574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583
var month = now.getMonth() + 1; var year = now.getFullYear(); var b = month + "-" + day + "-" + year; var getdata = [] for (let i = 0; i < UserData.length; i++) { var starting = math.floor((new Date(UserData[i].dedline) - new Date(now.getFullYear() - 1, 0, 0)) / oneDay) var myday = math.floor((new Date(b) - new Date(now.getFullYear() - 1, 0, 0)) / oneDay) if (UserData[i].dedline && starting - myday < 10) { var mal = {
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GitHub: vfp2/mindfind-backend
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index += math.pow(nl, l) * math.floor(nl * ps[k]); } // Interpolate // interpolated index = Floor[3.464 x 10^9 * index/(nl^10) let interpolatedIdx = math.floor(resolution * index/math.pow(nl, numStages)); return interpolatedIdx; }).then(async index => { var bumper = 0, loop = true;
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Ai Example
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const math = require("mathjs"); const num1 = 3.14159; const num2 = -2.71828; const rounded1 = math.floor(num1); const rounded2 = math.floor(num2); console.log(rounded1); // 3 console.log(rounded2); // -3
In this example, we have two numbers num1 and num2. We use the mathjs.floor function to round num1 down to the nearest integer and num2 down to the nearest negative integer. The resulting rounded1 should be 3, and rounded2 should be -3. Note that mathjs.floor can be used with any number, including fractions and decimals. For example, if we wanted to round a number down to the nearest tenth, we could use mathjs.floor(num * 10) / 10.
GitHub: Divya565/NodejsRepo
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app.get('/app/floor/:num1', async (req, res, next) => { res.send( { floor: floor(Number(req.params.num1)) } ) });
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// var math = require('mathjs'); // var coins = {'Q':0,'D':0,'N':0,'P':0}; // var remainder = 0; // if(money > 0){ // if(money >= 25){ // coins['Q']= math.floor(money/25); // remainder= money % 25; // console.log(remainder); // if(remainder >= 10){ // coins['D']= math.floor(remainder/10);
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GitHub: Kirigaya-Kazuton/IA
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// logaritmo console.log('logaritmo:', math.log([10, 12])); // logaritmo na base 2 console.log('logaritmo na base 2:', math.log2([10, 12])); // aproximação para baixo console.log('aproximação para baixo:', math.floor([1.2, 2.5, 3.9])); // aproximação padrão console.log('aproximação padrão:', math.round([1.2, 2.5, 3.9], 0)); // aproximação para cima console.log('aproximação para cima:', math.ceil([1.2, 2.5, 3.9]));
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if (x > 255) { return "ff"; } else if (x < 0) { return "00"; } else { let n = math.floor(x); if (n < 16) { return "0"+n.toString(16); } else { return n.toString(16);
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