How to use the format function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.format code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mathjs.format is a function that formats a given math expression or number into a string, according to specified formatting options.
GitHub: lin-xin/calculator
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res.innerHTML = result = math.eval(result + '*-1'); _this.resize(); _this.isEqual ? _this.flag = true : ''; break; case '%': res.innerHTML = result = math.format(math.eval(res.innerHTML + '/100'),16); _this.flag = true; _this.resize(); break; default:
+ 63 other calls in file
GitHub: SciCatProject/backend
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} }; exports.convertToRequestedUnit = (value, currentUnit, requestedUnit) => { const converted = math.unit(value, currentUnit).to(requestedUnit); const formatted = math.format(converted, { precision: 3 }).toString(); const convertedValue = formatted.substring(0, formatted.indexOf(" ")); const convertedUnit = formatted.substring(formatted.indexOf(" ") + 1); return { valueRequested: Number(convertedValue),
+ 2 other calls in file
How does mathjs.format work?
mathjs.format is a function in the Math.js library that takes a number or an expression and returns a formatted string, with the number or expression converted to a human-readable form based on specified formatting options. The function can handle a wide variety of input types, including scalars, arrays, matrices, units, and BigNumbers, and can be used to control the number of digits, rounding, scientific notation, and other formatting aspects of the output.
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} // shixiangailv += "==>" + math.format(chaibieitem1[0], 2) + "%~" + math.format(chaibieitem1[1], 2) + "%"; console.log("散户球数投注情况:" + "-------".yellow + math.format(chaibieitem[0], 2) + "%," + math.format(chaibieitem[1], 2) + "%"); element.set("qiushutouzhu", [math.format(chaibieitem[0], 2), math.format(chaibieitem[1], 2), shixiangailv, (home10diuqiu + guest10diuqiu) / 4, math.format(chaibieitem1[0], 2), math.format(chaibieitem1[1], 2)]); oneresult.set("test17", [math.format(chaibieitem[0], 2), math.format(chaibieitem[1], 2)]); }
+ 37 other calls in file
GitHub: AlexKliger/mathomizer
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choices.push(math.format(wrongAnswer)) } } // Insert the real answer into a random index. const answerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.answerChoiceCount) choices.splice(answerIndex, 0, math.format(this.answerFormat === 'fraction' ? math.fraction(answer) : answer)) return {choices, answerIndex} }
Ai Example
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const math = require("mathjs"); const expr = math.parse("2x + 3y"); const formatted = math.format(expr); console.log(formatted); // prints "2 * x + 3 * y"
In this example, we first use math.parse to parse the mathematical expression "2x + 3y" into a Node object. We then use math.format to format the Node object into a human-readable string, which is stored in the formatted variable. Finally, we log the formatted string to the console.
mathjs.evaluate is the most popular function in mathjs (87200 examples)