How to use the multiply function from mathjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript mathjs.multiply code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The mathjs.multiply function returns the product of two numbers or matrices.
GitHub: hollaex/hollaex-kit
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const calculateMarketPriceByTotal = (orderSize = 0, orders = []) => orders.reduce( ([accumulatedPrice, accumulatedSize], [price = 0, size = 0]) => { if (math.larger(orderSize, accumulatedPrice)) { let currentTotal = math.multiply(size, price); const remainingSize = math.subtract(orderSize, accumulatedPrice); if (math.largerEq(remainingSize, currentTotal)) { return [ math.sum(accumulatedPrice, currentTotal),
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var theta = math.multiply(2, math.acos(alpha)); var phi = 0; if(!(math.round(, 8) == 0 && math.round(, 8) == 0)) { phi = math.multiply(math.complex(0, -1), math.log(math.multiply(beta,, 2))))).re; if(isNaN(phi)) { phi = 0; } }
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How does mathjs.multiply work?
is a function that multiplies two or more numbers, matrices, or complex numbers and returns the result. If the inputs are matrices or complex numbers, it performs matrix multiplication or complex multiplication, respectively.
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let k =,n) /,n); let pt = => x*k); //let pt = v; let coord = math.multiply(mtx, pt); return { x: coord[0]*scale, y: coord[1]*scale}; }
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const cadd = math.sum; const csub = math.subtract; const cdiv = math.divide; const cmul = math.multiply; const cmul_i = z => math.multiply(z, I); const creciprocal = z => math.divide(1, z); const csin = math.sin; const cexp = math.exp; const clog = math.log;
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Ai Example
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const math = require("mathjs"); const result = math.multiply(3, 4); console.log(result); // Output: 12
In this example, we import the mathjs library and use the math.multiply function to multiply two numbers 3 and 4. The result is 12, which is logged to the console.
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'tau': 2 * Math.PI, 'phi': (1 + Math.sqrt(5))/2, } function fract(z) {return math.complex( - Math.floor(, - Math.floor(;} const mod = (z, w) => math.multiply(w, fract(math.divide(z, w))); const add4 = (a, b, c, d) => math.add(math.add(a, b), math.add(c, d)); const I = math.complex(0, 1); const fns = {
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GitHub: shd101wyy/qubit.js
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const pairs = this.getSingleQubitPairs(offset) for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { const pair = pairs[i] const a = pair[0].amplitude, b = pair[1].amplitude const r = math.multiply(matrix, math.matrix([[a], [b]])) this.amplitudes[pair[0].i] = r.subset(math.index(0, 0)) this.amplitudes[pair[1].i] = r.subset(math.index(1, 0)) } }
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console.log(Gate.s.matrix); const circuit = Circuit.createCircuit(1); circuit.addGate(Gate.x, 0, 0).addGate(Gate.s, 1, 0).run(); console.log(math.pow(math.e, math.multiply(math.i, math.PI / 2))); console.log(math.i); console.log(circuit.stateToString());
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let W2 = W / 2; let H2 = H / 2; let coords = math.matrix([[-W2, W2, W2, -W2], [H2, H2, -H2, -H2]]) let res = math.multiply(rot, coords); let X = res.subset(math.index(0, math.range(0, 4))); let Y = res.subset(math.index(1, math.range(0, 4)));
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const dif = math.subtract(urCorner, ulCorner); const dist = math.norm(dif); const maxSize = 100; // max size of the bigest side of the image let ratio = maxSize / dist; let scaledXYZ = math.multiply(xyzCam, ratio); // Insert the computed coordinates in the collada template file // ------------------------------------------------------------ // create the coordinate string for collada scaledXYZ = math.transpose(scaledXYZ)
GitHub: stur86/crystcif-parse
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0 ]; vc[2] = Math.sqrt(l[2] * l[2] - vc[0] * vc[0] - vc[1] * vc[1]); // Convert to the Cartesian x, y, z - system var cell = mjs.multiply([va, vb, vc], [X, Y, Z]); return cell } module.exports.cellparToCell = cellparToCell;
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const exports = module.exports = {}; const math = require('mathjs'); exports.colSum = function colSum(A) { const ones = math.ones(A.size()[0]); return math.multiply(math.transpose(A), ones); }; exports.repmat = function repmat(row, n) { // Should really do ones(n, 1)*row but mathjs has very
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index = math.index(math.range(0, nCols), j); col = matrix.subset(index); scale = norm(col, p); if (scale > 0) { matrix.subset(index, math.multiply(col, 1 / scale)); } } return matrix;
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} this.#values = this.#applyPrecision(multipliedValues, this.#precision); if (signal.units.values != "-") { let multipliedUnit = mathjs.multiply(mathjs.unit(this.units.values), mathjs.unit(signal.units.values)); this.#units.values = multipliedUnit.toString(); } }
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console.log("enlarge bias = " + bias) } } if (!found) { var move_amount_energy = math.reshape( math.multiply(learning_rate, G), [N, 2]) config.points = math.subtract(config.points, move_amount_energy) console.log("follow G") } } else {
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51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 = m2.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, Math.cos(, -Math.sin(], [0, Math.sin(, Math.cos(]]); //Compute the aggregate transformation matrix this.matrix = m2.multiply(, m2.multiply(this.mb,; this.invMatrix = m2.inv(this.matrix); //Convert a standard lat/lng pair to a transformed coordinate
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GitHub: brin-eris/basic-bots
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return functions } doMagic(inputVector){ let postInputsWeightsVectorA = Mathjs.multiply(this.inputWeightsA, inputVector); let postInputsWeightsVectorB = Mathjs.multiply(this.inputWeightsB, inputVector); let postInputsWeightsVector = Mathjs.add(postInputsWeightsVectorA, postInputsWeightsVectorB);
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else if(temp.indexOf('translate') !== -1){ translateX = parseFloat(temp.substring(temp.indexOf('(')+1, temp.indexOf(','))); translateY = parseFloat(temp.substring(temp.indexOf(',')+1, temp.indexOf(')'))); } var tempmat = math.matrix([[scaleX, 0, translateX], [0, scaleY, translateY], [0, 0, 1]]); transmat = math.multiply(transmat, tempmat); } if ( !== undefined){ var viewBoxScale = Math.min((width * 90) /, (height * 90) /; //convert dimensions from inches to pixels, and scale coordinates to satisfy viewBox
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.re.toFixed(PRECISION); return sum == 1; } tensor(otherKet) { let tensored = => => math.multiply(a, b))) .reduce((v1, v2) => v1.concat(v2)); return new Ket(tensored); }
GitHub: jly36963/notes
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math.divide(a, b); // divide math.exp(8) // exponent (e ** x) math.log(a) // ln math.log(a, 2) // log base 2 math.mod(a, b) // modulus (remainder) math.multiply(a, b) // multiply math.pow(a, b) // a ** b math.sqrt(a) // square root math.subtract(a, b) // subtract
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GitHub: Geronimo-Yowzah/ReactNumer
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setValueX(X); console.log(X); } function check(A,ValueX){ var checkX = math.multiply(A,ValueX); setcheckValue(checkX); } const [ValueX, setValueX] = useState([]);
mathjs.evaluate is the most popular function in mathjs (87200 examples)