How to use the argv function from optimist
Find comprehensive JavaScript optimist.argv code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
optimist.argv is a JavaScript object that represents the command-line arguments passed to a Node.js application using the Optimist library.
GitHub: hjespers/teslams
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.alias('?', 'help') .describe('?', 'Print usage information'); // get credentials either from command line or config.json in ~/.teslams/config.js var creds = require('./config.js').config(argv); argv = argv.argv; if ( === true) { console.log('Usage: teslacmd.js -u <username> -p <password> -XZ'); console.log(' -P [listen port (default 8888)]');
GitHub: ahkimkoo/neocrawler
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.options('h', { 'alias' : 'help', 'describe' : 'Help infomation' }); var options = userArgv.argv; if(options['h']){userArgv.showHelp();process.exit();} var settings = require('./instance/'+options['i']+'/'+'settings.json'); settings['instance'] = options['i']; ////log level/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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How does optimist.argv work?
optimist.argv works by parsing the command-line arguments passed to a Node.js application using the Optimist library. The object contains properties that correspond to the command-line options and arguments, with the option names as keys and the option values as values. By default, Optimist automatically detects the presence of common command-line flags such as -h and --help, and generates help output based on the defined options. Developers can also define their own command-line options using the option() method of the Optimist instance, which allows for a variety of customizations such as default values, boolean flags, and aliases. By providing a simple and intuitive way to access and manipulate command-line arguments, Optimist.argv can help to streamline the development and testing process for Node.js applications.
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.options('h', { alias: 'help', descripe: 'Show help info' }); var argv = opt.argv; if ( { return opt.showHelp(); }
GitHub: datopian/datapipes
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h: {alias: 'help', boolean: false, describe: 'Show help (generic or specific operation)'} }) .usage(usage) .demand(1, 'Please provide a data source and at least one transform') ; var argv = yargs.argv; if (argv.h) { if (argv._.length > 0) { var opName = argv._[0];
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Ai Example
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const optimist = require("optimist"); // Define some command-line options using Optimist const options = optimist.usage("Usage: $0 --file [filename]").options({ file: { alias: "f", demand: true, describe: "The name of the file to process", type: "string", }, verbose: { alias: "v", describe: "Enable verbose output", type: "boolean", }, }).argv; // Access the command-line options using Optimist.argv console.log(`Processing file: ${options.file}`); console.log(`Verbose mode enabled: ${options.verbose}`);
In this example, we use optimist to define some command-line options for a Node.js application. We define two options using the options() method of the Optimist instance: --file (or -f for short), which takes a string value and is required, and --verbose (or -v for short), which is a boolean flag that can be omitted. We then access the command-line options using optimist.argv, which returns an object containing the values of the defined options. We output the values of the --file and --verbose options to the console using string interpolation. By using optimist.argv, we can easily access and manipulate command-line arguments in a Node.js application and customize its behavior based on user input.
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]; /** * @type {{ build: boolean; run: string; runGlob: string; coverage: boolean; help: boolean; }} */ const argv = optimist.argv; if ( { optimist.showHelp(); process.exit(1);
GitHub: iotorlabs/iotor-config
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var home = osenv.home(); function rc(name, cwd, argv) { var argvConfig; argv = argv || optimist.argv; // Parse argvConfig = || {}, function (value) { return value === 'false' ? false : value;
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.describe('h', 'Print this help message') .alias('o', 'out') .describe('o', 'output directory relative to temporary') .describe('dere', "I-its's not like I'm an option so DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA!") var argv = options.argv if (argv._.length === 1) { runCode(argv) }
GitHub: square/protob
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
.options("f", { alias: "outfile", describe: "Output file for compiled protos" }); var argv = optimist.argv; if( ) { optimist.showHelp(); process.exit(0); } if( argv._.length == 0 && fs.existsSync("./protos.json")) Protofile.protoPaths.push("./protos.json");
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const Tx = wanutil.wanchainTx const EthTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction let web3url, owner, leader, admin, leaderPk, web3; const args = optimist.argv; const whiteCountAll = 4; const whiteBackup = 3; const whiteCount = whiteCountAll - whiteBackup; const memberCountDesign = 4;
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GitHub: cjdaic/upload
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var all_passed = false; var osx_cached_defaults = null; function main() { var config_path = path.join(__dirname, optimist.argv.config + '.json'); fs.readFile(config_path, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) { console.error('ERROR: Could not locate configuration file ', config_path);
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GitHub: zhuxihuaizuo/myGo
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.describe('maxunrankedhandicap', 'Max handicap for unranked games') .describe('nopause', 'Do not allow games to be paused') .describe('nopauseranked', 'Do not allow ranked games to be paused') .describe('nopauseunranked', 'Do not allow unranked games to be paused') ; let argv = optimist.argv; if (!argv._ || argv._.length == 0) { optimist.showHelp(); process.exit();
optimist.argv is the most popular function in optimist (138 examples)