How to use the Client function from pg
Find comprehensive JavaScript pg.Client code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
pg.Client is a class in the pg library that provides a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
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const code = require('../message-formats') describe('copy-to', () => { describe('integration tests (postgres)', () => { function getClient() { const client = new pg.Client() client.connect() return client }
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if (cb) cb(null, pool); return pool; } function connect(json, cb) { var connection = new Client({ host:, port: json.port, user: json.user, database: json.database,
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How does pg.Client work?
pg.Client is a class provided by the pg library that allows you to connect to a PostgreSQL database and perform queries. To create a new pg.Client object, you first need to install the pg library and require it in your code: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const { Client } = require('pg'); Once you have the Client class, you can create a new instance of it by passing in an object with the configuration for your database connection: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">const client = new Client({ user: 'myuser', host: 'localhost', database: 'mydatabase', password: 'mypassword', port: 5432, }); This code creates a new pg.Client object with the configuration for a PostgreSQL database running on localhost with the specified username, password, and database name. Once you have a pg.Client object, you can use it to perform queries on the database using the query method. For example: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">client.query('SELECT * FROM users', (err, res) => { console.log(res.rows); }); This code performs a simple SQL query to select all rows from the users table in the connected database. The results of the query are passed to a callback function, which logs the rows to the console. pg.Client provides a range of additional methods and configuration options for working with PostgreSQL databases in Node.js. It is one of the most popular libraries for working with PostgreSQL in Node.js, and is used in a wide range of applications and projects.
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if (connectionString && !['local', 'memdb'].includes(connectionString)) { this.useRemoteDB = true; if (dbNodesTable) this.dbNodesTable = dbNodesTable; if (dbProgramTable) this.dbProgramTable = dbProgramTable; if (options.readOnly === false) this.readOnly = false; this.client = new Client({ connectionString }); await this.client.connect(); this.connected = true; } }
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GitHub: KwikKill/Kwik_bot
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console.log(discordJSVersion); console.log('Le bot est démarré !'); client.user.setActivity("with your lol stats", { type: 'PLAYING' }); const pgclient = new pg.Client({ user: 'postgres', host: 'localhost', database: 'lol_database', password: process.env.PSQL,
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Ai Example
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const { Client } = require("pg"); // create a new client instance const client = new Client({ user: "myuser", host: "localhost", database: "mydatabase", password: "mypassword", port: 5432, }); // connect to the database client.connect((err) => { if (err) { console.error("Error connecting to PostgreSQL database", err); } else { console.log("Connected to PostgreSQL database"); } }); // perform a query client.query("SELECT * FROM users", (err, res) => { if (err) { console.error("Error executing query", err); } else { console.log(res.rows); } }); // disconnect from the database client.end();
In this example, we first create a new pg.Client object with the configuration for a PostgreSQL database running on localhost with the specified username, password, and database name. We then connect to the database using the connect method, which takes a callback function that is called when the connection is established. We then perform a simple SQL query to select all rows from the users table using the query method. This method takes an SQL query string and a callback function that is called with the results of the query. Finally, we disconnect from the database using the end method. This method closes the connection to the database. This example demonstrates how you can use pg.Client to connect to a PostgreSQL database, perform a query, and handle errors.
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} return resp; } function makePgClient() { pgConn = new pg.Client({ connectionString: "pg://" }); console.log("Postgres client connected"); pgConn.on("end", function() {
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const DB_URL = process.env.DATABASE_URL || `postgres://localhost:5432/${DB_NAME}`; let client = new Client( (config = { connectionString: DB_URL, ssl: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
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// import * as pg from 'pg'; // import pg // const { Client } = require('pg') // const client = new Client({ // user: "postgres", // host: "", // database: "HTMS_database", // password: "ahmed",
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const { Client } = require("pg"); // imports the pg module //The pg module is a Node.js package for working with PostgreSQL databases. The Client object is a class provided by the pg module that you can use to create a client connection to a PostgreSQL database. //supply the db name and location of the database const client = new Client(process.env.DATABASE_URL); //alternate method to setup client // METHOD 1: const client = new Client("postgres://postgres:1234@localhost:1234/juicebox-dev"); // METHOD 2: const client = new Client({
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if (config.password === "") { // See return reject(new Error("Password is undefined.")); } const client = new Client({ connectionString }); client.connect((err) => { if (err) { reject(err);
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GitHub: mchonofsky/amtrak-lol
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}; exports.createClient = function createClient() { const connectionString = process.env.HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AQUA_URL || process.env.DATABASE_URL || "postgres://mchonofsky:mchonofsky@localhost:5432/amtrak-lol"; const client = new pg.Client({ connectionString: connectionString, ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false, },
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var { Pool } = require('pg'); var axios = require('axios'); //var mergeImages = require('merge-images'); var base64 = require('file-base64'); //const { Canvas, Image } = require('canvas'); const pgClient = new Client({ host: '', port: 5432, database: 'dcrgs2nbc0i5vf', user: 'nrgkzvyxpdfhkb',
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118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127, res) => { res.status(404).render('404'); }); let client, _firebaseApp = firebase_conf_1.firebaseApp, _firebaseAdminApp = firebase_conf_1.firebaseAdminApp; async function handleDisconnect() { client = new pg_1.Client(posgre_1.PostgreSQLConfig); await client.connect((error) => { console.log(error); }); console.log("Connected");
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GitHub: JayRGopal/clickme_imagenet
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var DbManager = function (username, password, host, port, dbName) { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var pgUrl = util.format("postgres://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s", username, password, host, port, dbName); this.client = new pg.Client(pgUrl); console.log('Connecting to: ', pgUrl); this.client.connect(function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Error connecting to local sql database: ', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
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const pg = require('pg'); const { query } = require('express'); //import dotenv require('dotenv').config(); //obj to connect const client=new pg.Client(process.env.DataBaseUrl); //middleware functions server.use(cors()); server.use(errorHandler);
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async function checkDatabaseversion() { let method = "checkDataBaseVersion"; try { let connection = new pg.Client(connectionStringSupabase); await connection.connect(); let sql = "SELECT databaseversion FROM systemconfiguration;";
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