How to use the format function from prettier
Find comprehensive JavaScript prettier.format code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
prettier.format is a JavaScript function that automatically formats your code to adhere to a consistent set of rules and style guidelines.
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} configure(getStories, module, false) `; const formattedFileContent = prettier.format(fileContent, { parser: 'babel' }); fs.writeFileSync(storybookRequiresLocation, formattedFileContent, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w',
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assert (moduleAst.program.body[0].expression.body.type == "BlockStatement"); const mainBody = moduleAst.program.body[0].expression.body.body; const moduleCode = generate(babel.types.Program(mainBody)).code; const moduleCode2 = prettier.format(moduleCode, { parser: "babel", }).trim(); fs.writeFileSync(getModulePath(moduleId), moduleCode2);
How does prettier.format work?
prettier.format is a function in the Prettier library that automatically formats JavaScript code to adhere to a consistent set of rules and style guidelines. When you call prettier.format with a string of JavaScript code as its argument, Prettier parses the code and applies a set of rules and heuristics to determine the most appropriate way to format it. These rules cover a wide range of formatting concerns, such as indentation, spacing, line length, and more. By applying these rules consistently to your code, Prettier ensures that your code is easy to read, maintain, and share with others. prettier.format can be used as a standalone tool, integrated into your development workflow, or used in conjunction with a code editor or IDE that supports Prettier. Prettier supports a wide range of JavaScript syntax and has plugins available for other languages such as CSS, HTML, and TypeScript. By automatically formatting your code, Prettier can save you time and reduce the cognitive load of manually formatting your code. It also helps to enforce a consistent code style across your team or project, which can improve collaboration and reduce the likelihood of errors caused by inconsistent formatting.
GitHub: remix-pwa/remix-pwa
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"\n" + swHook + "\n" + RootDirNull.replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").slice(index); const formatted: string = prettier.format(NewContent, { parser: `babel${parser}` }); const cleanRegex: RegExp = /{" "}/g; const newFormatted: string = formatted.replace(cleanRegex, " "); const rootArray: string[] = newFormatted.split("\n");
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links[latestVersion].rel = "alternate"; links[alternate].rel = "latest-version"; } fs.writeFileSync( vocabFolder + vocab + ".json", prettier.format(JSON.stringify(json, omitLineNumbers), PRETTIER_OPTIONS) ); const markdown = lib.csdl2markdown(xmlfile, json); fs.writeFileSync(vocabFolder + vocab + ".md", markdown.join("\n"));
Ai Example
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const prettier = require("prettier"); // Define some unformatted JavaScript code const unformattedCode = `function myFunction() { const myVariable = 'hello'; console.log(myVariable); }`; // Format the code using Prettier const formattedCode = prettier.format(unformattedCode, { semi: false, singleQuote: true, }); // Output the formatted code to the console console.log(formattedCode);
In this example, we start by defining some unformatted JavaScript code in a string. We then pass that code to prettier.format, along with an options object that specifies that we don't want semicolons (semi: false) and we want to use single quotes for strings (singleQuote: true). Prettier then formats the code according to its rules and returns a new string with the formatted code. We output the formatted code to the console using console.log. The output of this example will be the formatted JavaScript code, with consistent indentation, spacing, and other formatting rules applied: javascript Copy code
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{ throwOnUndefined : true, }, ) nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter('highlight', (code, language) => highlight.highlight(code, {language}).value) nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter('prettier', (code, parser) => prettier.format(code, {parser})) module.exports = (env, args) => { const production = args.mode === 'production' const configuration = {
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GitHub: fatesigner/antdvx
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// eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return prettier.resolveConfig(process.cwd()).then((options) => { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return if (options) { try { const content_ = prettier.format(content, { ...options, parser: 'typescript' }); resolve(content_);
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GitHub: lenolee16/mock
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const input = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); const withParserOptions = { ...options, parser: fileInfo.inferredParser, }; const output = prettier.format(input, withParserOptions); if (output !== input) { fs.writeFileSync(file, output, 'utf8'); console.log(`\x1b[34m ${file} is prettier`); }
GitHub: mui/mui-x
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const prettierConfig = prettier.resolveConfig.sync(jsPath, { config: path.join(workspaceRoot, 'prettier.config.js'), }); const prettierFormat = (jsSource) => prettier.format(jsSource, { ...prettierConfig, filepath: jsPath }); const prettified = prettierFormat(codeWithPropTypes); const formatted = fixBabelGeneratorIssues(prettified); const correctedLineEndings = fixLineEndings(source, formatted);
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GitHub: LuxScript/LuxScript
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document.head.appendChild(script); } if (typeof documentdoctype !== 'undefined') { html = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + document.documentElement.outerHTML; } const formattedHtml = prettier.format(html, { parser: "html" }); if (tok[4] && tok[4]["value"] !== "RIGHT_PAREN") {
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config: prettierConfigPath, }); try { const input = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); if (shouldWrite) { const output = prettier.format(input, options); if (output !== input) { fs.writeFileSync(file, output, 'utf8'); } } else {
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const firstLine = document.lineAt(0); const lastLine = document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1); const content = document.getText(); let formatted; try { formatted = prettier.format(content, options); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } if(typeof formatted !== 'undefined'){
GitHub: Xeltax/padlet
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/** * @param {string} actual * @returns {string} */ print(actual) { return Prettier.format(actual, { printWidth: 100, tabWidth: 4, useTabs: true, htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'ignore',
GitHub: Brncnnr/totara
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return { ...config, parser: parser }; } function formatCodeWithPath(filePath, code) { const config = getConfig(filePath); return prettier.format(code, config); } module.exports = { run,
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break; } } if (partialsMapHasChanged) { const prettierOptions = await prettier.resolveConfig(filePath); const newPartialsMap = prettier.format(JSON.stringify(partialsMap, null, 2), { ...(prettierOptions || {}), parser: 'json', }); await writeFile(filePath, newPartialsMap);
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export default ${source.sourceName}Scraper; `; const formatContent = prettier.format(content, { parser: 'typescript', ...prettierConfig, });
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() => content, ]), get("output"), ]), tryCatch( (output) => prettier.format(output, { parser: "babel" }), (error, output) => pipe([ tap(() => { console.error(error);
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GitHub: TDesignOteam/tdesign-api
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exportDesc, ].filter(v => !!v); const str = `${r.join('\n\n')}\n`; // ts[cmp] = str; try { ts[cmp] = prettier.format(str, prettierConfig); } catch (e) { console.log('格式化失败,请检查生成的文件是否存在语法错误\n')); console.warn(e); }
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} function formatCode(codes) { let res = codes try { res = format(codes, { singleQuote: true, trailingComma: 'all', semi: false, parser: 'babel',
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} }); writeFileSync( ROUTES_PATH, prettier.format( `import { EndpointsDefaultsAndDecorations } from "../types"; const Endpoints: EndpointsDefaultsAndDecorations = ${JSON.stringify( sortKeys(newRoutes, { deep: true }) )}
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RestEndpointMethodNamespaceTypes.push(`${namespace.namespace}: { ${namespaceMethods.join("\n")} }`); } const methodTypesSource = prettier.format( [ `import { EndpointInterface, RequestInterface } from "@octokit/types";`, `import { RestEndpointMethodTypes } from "./parameters-and-response-types";`, "",
prettier.format is the most popular function in prettier (372 examples)