How to use the keyIn function from readline-sync
Find comprehensive JavaScript readline-sync.keyIn code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
readline-sync.keyIn is a synchronous function that waits for user input from the keyboard and returns the pressed key.
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const readLine = require('readline-sync'); // const name = readLine.question("What's your name?"); // console.log('Welcome ', name); while (true) { const key = readLine.keyIn('Press a key'); if (key === 'q') { process.exit(0); } if (key === 'a') {
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'[Z] <- -> [X] FIX: [SPACE]\n'); while (true) { console.log('\x1B[1A\x1B[K|' + (new Array(value + 1)).join('-') + 'O' + (new Array(MAX - value + 1)).join('-') + '| ' + value); key = readlineSync.keyIn('', {hideEchoBack: true, mask: '', limit: 'zx '}); if (key === 'z') { if (value > MIN) { value--; } } else if (key === 'x') { if (value < MAX) { value++; } } else { break; }
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How does readline-sync.keyIn work?
is a synchronous method of the readline-sync
module in Node.js that waits for user input from the terminal and returns the input as a string or a number, based on the options provided, until a specific key is pressed.
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The `query` is handled the same as that of the [`question`](#basic_methods-question) method. For example: ```js menuId = readlineSync.keyIn('Hit 1...5 key: ', {limit: '$<1-5>'}); ``` ### <a name="basic_methods-setdefaultoptions"></a>`setDefaultOptions`
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GitHub: Alafazam/simple_projects
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} }); console.log('Exited'); pressedKey = readlineSync.keyIn("What is your age\nA :10\nB :20\n", { limit: '${A-D}' }); console.log(pressedKey)
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Ai Example
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const readlineSync = require("readline-sync"); const choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]; const index = readlineSync.keyInSelect(choices, "What's your choice?"); console.log(`You chose ${choices[index]}`);
In this example, the keyInSelect function is used to prompt the user to select a choice from the provided array of options, and the user's choice is returned as the index of the selected option. The index is then used to retrieve the corresponding value from the array.
readline-sync.question is the most popular function in readline-sync (3769 examples)