How to use the promptCLLoop function from readline-sync
Find comprehensive JavaScript readline-sync.promptCLLoop code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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projectDescription: '', projectVersion : '', herokuValidator : '' } readLineSync.promptCLLoop( { npm: () => { data.manager = 'npm' return true
+ 15 other calls in file
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if (command === '--interactive') { controller.dispatch('show', undefined); console.log(); console.log('Enter a command, or type "help" for a list of options:'); console.log(); readlineSync.promptCLLoop({ show: function() { controller.dispatch('show', undefined); }, add: arg => controller.dispatch('add', arg), remove: arg => controller.dispatch('remove', arg), complete: arg => controller.dispatch('complete', arg),
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console.log('error'); events.stopWatching(); } }); // readlineSync.promptCLLoop({ // // return count // getCount: function () { // let count = contractInstance.getCount();
readline-sync.question is the most popular function in readline-sync (3769 examples)