How to use the questionInt function from readline-sync
Find comprehensive JavaScript readline-sync.questionInt code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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console.log (`Olá, ${name}. Obrigado por fornecer sua idade: ${age} e seu emaiL: ${email} ` );
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let password = read.questionNewPassword('Enter password: '); console.log(`Name = ${name}, age = ${age}, amount = ${amount}, password = ${password}`);
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let input = require("readline-sync"); // accept strings let name = input.question("Enter name: "); console.log(`Hi ${name}`); // accept numbers let age = input.questionInt("Enter age: "); console.log(`Hi ${name}, your age is ${age}`); // accept password let pass = input.questionNewPassword("Enter password: "); console.log(`Password is: ${pass}`)
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console.log(`Hello ${username}, you entered password: ${password} and phone: ${phone}`);
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while(test <= 0 || test > 100) test = rl.questionInt('Quantos testes deseja fazer? '); console.log('\n'); for(let i = 0; i < test; i++){ let S = P = 0; while(S <= 0 || S > 1018) S = rl.questionInt(`Quantas cabines tem no teste ${i+1}? `); while(P <= 0 || P > S) P = rl.questionInt(`Quantas pessoas estão na fila do banheiro no teste ${i+1}? `); console.log('\n'); stall.push(S); people.push(P);
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while(isNaN(opcao) || (opcao <= 0) || (opcao > 5) ){ console.log('[Erro]... Opção invalida. Digite uma opcao de 1 a 5'); opcaoUsuario = '' separador(msg='FICHA DE CADASTRO DE ALUNOS'); menuDeOpcoes() ; opcaoUsuario = readlineSync.questionInt("Digite a opcao:"); opcao = Number(opcaoUsuario); separadorEnd(); } return opcao;
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146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 = curr; this.length++; } } let list = new linked_list(); const value = readlineSync.questionInt('Enter a number: '); let index = readlineSync.questionInt('Enter the index: '); list.add(1); list.add(2); list.add(3);
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let bikes_info = [bikes,total_bikes] return bikes_info } else if (opt == 1){ let bike_qty = store1.showbike() let user_choice = input.questionInt(`------ Enter the seriel number of that bike you want:------\n`) if(user_choice>bike_qty || user_choice<1){ console.log("------ sorry, your request is Invalid:------"); return 0 }
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GitHub: rayfoster14/save-sync-unify
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if(back)console.log("\n[0] < Back >") let index = -1; let breakLoop = false; do{ index = rls.questionInt(question+" ") - (back?1:0) ; if(!options[index] && index !== -1) { console.log('Please enter a value between 0 - ' + ((options.length-1) + (back?1:0))); }else{ breakLoop = true;
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exports.__esModule = true; var rls = require("readline-sync"); var mes = rls.question("ingrese el mes actual: "); var mesDescuento = "octubre"; var precioUnitario = rls.questionFloat("precio del producto:$ "); var cantidadProducto = rls.questionInt("cantidad del producto: "); var subtotal = (cantidadProducto * precioUnitario); var valorDescuento = (subtotal * 0.15); var precioFinal = (subtotal - valorDescuento); if (mes == mesDescuento) {
GitHub: isaacmacedof/exercicios
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}) return promise } const weight = readline.questionInt("What’s your weight? ") const height = readline.questionFloat("What’s your height? ") calculateBmi(88, 1.71) .then(result => console.log(`Sucesso: ${result}`))
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return imc; } function main() { const kg = readline.questionFloat('Qual o seu peso? '); const cm = readline.questionInt('Qual a sua altura? '); const imc = bmi(kg, cm); if (imc < 18.5) { console.table(`${imc.toFixed(2)}: Abaixo do peso`); } else if (imc >= 18.5 && imc <= 24.9) {
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function createStudent(students) { console.log("Thêm sinh viên mới:"); const name = readline.question("Ten: "); const age = readline.questionInt("Tuoi: "); console.log( "Chon gioi tinh [1: male, 2: female, 3: other] (Khong can bam Enter):" ); const genderOptions = ["male", "female", "other"];
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} class Customer_Accounts{ intro(){ let opt = input.questionInt(`------Welcome to Accounts: \n\n-------1.Sign up\n-------2.Log in\n-------3.Exit\n`); if(opt == 3){ console.log(`------ Exited----\n`); return 0 }
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readline-sync.question is the most popular function in readline-sync (3769 examples)