How to use the parser function from sax
Find comprehensive JavaScript sax.parser code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
sax.parser is a SAX-based XML parser for Node.js that provides a simple way of parsing XML documents.
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// Setup parser {{{ var parser; if (input instanceof stream.Stream) { parser = sax.createStream(true, {}); } else if (typeof input == 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(input)) { parser = sax.parser(true); parser.on = function(event, cb) { // Quick binder to simulate on() behaviour parser['on' + event] = cb; return parser; };
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error.note = error; //console.error(error); } module.exports = function (xml, userOptions) { var parser = pureJsParser ? sax.parser(true, {}) : parser = new expat.Parser('UTF-8'); var result = {}; currentElement = result; options = validateOptions(userOptions);
How does sax.parser work?
is a function in the sax
library that creates a new parser object that can be used to parse an XML document, emit events for each XML node, and call corresponding callbacks when those events occur. It is a low-level parser that can be used to efficiently parse large XML documents. The parser
function takes an optional configuration object as its argument, which can be used to specify various options for the parser, such as the case sensitivity of tags and attributes, and whether or not to include namespaces in the output.
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app.onerror = () => {}; `, outdent` const sax = require('sax'); const parser = sax.parser(); parser.onerror = () => {}; `, outdent`
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* @param {Object} options * @returns {Promise<Array.<Object>>} */ const getDashManifest = (url, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let formats = {}; const parser = sax.parser(false); parser.onerror = reject; let adaptationSet; parser.onopentag = node => { if ( === 'ADAPTATIONSET') {
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Ai Example
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const sax = require("sax"); const parser = sax.parser(true); // 'true' enables strict mode parser.onopentag = (tag) => { console.log("Open tag:",; }; parser.onclosetag = (tagName) => { console.log("Close tag:", tagName); }; parser.write(" John Doe 42 ").close();
In this example, we create a sax.parser object by calling sax.parser(true), which enables strict mode. We then set up event listeners for the onopentag and onclosetag events. Finally, we pass the XML document to be parsed to the parser by calling write() and then close(). As the parser encounters opening and closing tags in the document, it will trigger the appropriate event listeners, in this case logging the tag names to the console.
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var Transform = require('stream').Transform; var sax = require('sax'); function parseXML(str, cb) { var obj, current, parser = sax.parser(true, { trim: true, lowercase: true }) parser.onerror = parser.onend = done; function done(err) { parser.onerror = parser.onend = function() { }
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GitHub: jfscoertzen/bpmn
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* @param {String=} fileName * @return {Array.<BPMNProcessDefinition>} */ exports.parse = function(bpmnXML, errorQueue, mainProcessName, fileName) { var parser = sax.parser(true, {"xmlns": true}); var topLevelDefinitions = []; var processStack = []; /** @type {BPMNProcessDefinition} */ var subProcessDefinition = null;
sax.parser is the most popular function in sax (32 examples)