How to use the validRange function from semver
Find comprehensive JavaScript semver.validRange code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
semver.validRange is a function that checks if a given string is a valid semantic versioning range.
GitHub: cnpm/npminstall
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// try tag first let realPkgVersion = distTags[spec]; if (!realPkgVersion) { const version = semver.valid(spec); const range = semver.validRange(spec, true); if (semver.satisfies(distTags.latest, spec)) { realPkgVersion = distTags.latest; } else if (version) { // use the valid version
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runNpmShow(dep) { const depSplit = dep.split('@'); const [depName, depVersion] = dep.charAt(0) !== '@' ? depSplit : [`@${depSplit[1]}`, depSplit[2]]; if (depVersion) { const depRange = semver.validRange(depVersion) || ''; const specifiedVersions = depRange.replace(/[~^<>=]+/g, '').split(' '); const operators = depRange.match(/[~^<>=]+/g) || ['==']; return new Promise((resolve) => {
How does semver.validRange work?
semver.validRange is a function provided by the SemVer library that checks if a given string is a valid semantic versioning range.
Semantic versioning (or SemVer) is a versioning system for software that consists of three parts: a major version, a minor version, and a patch version, separated by dots (e.g., 1.2.3). Semantic versioning ranges allow developers to specify a range of compatible versions for a package, rather than a specific version number.
To use semver.validRange
, you pass a string as an argument that represents a SemVer range. The function will return null
if the string is not a valid SemVer range, or a normalized string representing the range if it is valid.
For example, if you pass the string ">=1.2.3 <1.3.0"
to semver.validRange
, it will return the normalized string ">=1.2.3 <1.3.0"
The semver.validRange
function is often used by package managers or other tools that need to parse SemVer ranges, to ensure that the ranges specified by users are valid and can be processed correctly.
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const semverRangeExtension = { base: Joi.string(), type: 'semverRange', validate: function (value, { error }) { return semver.validRange(value) ? { value } : { errors: error(`${extensionName}.valid`) } }, messages: { [`${extensionName}.valid`]: '{{#label}} needs to be a valid semver range' }
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.map(release => release.tag_name.substring(1)) // remove the "v" in the version .sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a, b)); // sort via semver // Test version constraint // "latest" and "next" will return invalid but that's ok because we check it explicitly const validVersionConstraint = semver.validRange(versionConstraint, { includePrerelease: false, loose: true }); var version // Include prelease versions, like v1.0.0-rc1 or v1.0.1-dev if (versionConstraint == 'next') {
Ai Example
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const semver = require("semver"); const range1 = ">=1.2.3 <1.3.0"; const range2 = "1.x"; const range3 = "latest"; console.log(semver.validRange(range1)); // ">-1.2.3 <1.3.0" console.log(semver.validRange(range2)); // ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0" console.log(semver.validRange(range3)); // ">=0.0.0"
In this example, we are using semver.validRange to check if the strings range1, range2, and range3 are valid SemVer ranges. The function returns a normalized string representing the range if it is valid, or null if it is not valid. In this case, range1 is a valid range and returns ">=1.2.3 <1.3.0". range2 is also a valid range and returns ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0-0". range3, however, is not a valid range and returns null.
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if (body == null) return callback() const resolved = { version: body.version, resolved: body.dist.tarball, from: semver.validRange(body.version) } if (body.dependencies && Object.keys(body.dependencies).length) { resolved.dependencies = body.dependencies
GitHub: Serzhanov/Studies
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// We add minors like this because a minor beta is still compatible with a minor non-beta. newRange = range; for (let minor = 0; minor < 20; minor++) { newRange += ` || ^${major}.${minor}.0-alpha.0 `; } return semver.validRange(newRange) || range; } exports.angularMajorCompatGuarantee = angularMajorCompatGuarantee; // This is a map of packageGroupName to range extending function. If it isn't found, the range is // kept the same.
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for (var _len2 = arguments.length, ranges = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { ranges[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return ranges.reduce(function (result, range) { var validRange = semver.validRange(range); var validRanges = validRange.split(regex.whitespace); return union(result, validRanges); }, []); }
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*/ function getDefaultVersion(filename) { const info = getPackageJson(filename) const nodeVersion = info && info.engines && info.engines.node return semver.validRange(nodeVersion) || DEFAULT_VERSION } /** * Gets values of the `ignores` option.
+ 15 other calls in file
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// no save spec for registry components as we save based on the fetched // version, not on the argument so this can't compute that. res.saveSpec = null res.fetchSpec = spec const version = semver.valid(spec, true) const range = semver.validRange(spec, true) if (version) { res.type = 'version' } else if (range) { res.type = 'range'
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