How to use the AudioLoader function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.AudioLoader code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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var THREE = require('three'); var settings = require('../../settings'); function AudioManager (id, isPositional, owner, loop, playOnStart) { var audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); = id; this.isPositional = isPositional;
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{ listener = new THREE.AudioListener(); var audLoad = new THREE.Audio(listener); visElements.sound = audLoad; audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); var mVal = music[index]; visElements.playTime = songLen[index]; updateDisplayTime();
GitHub: debian4tw/cuboid3
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
const core_1 = require("@cuboid3/core"); class AudioManager { constructor() { this.basePath = '/public/audio/'; this.listener = new THREE.AudioListener(); this.audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); this.loadedSounds = new Map(); core_1.EventHandler.subscribe('attachAudioListener', (mesh) => { mesh.add(this.listener); });
GitHub: star8ks/sketch
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
let assets = new Assets(); assets.load([{ key: 'audio-boing', url: './static/boing.mp3', loader: THREE.AudioLoader }, { key: 'tex-id', // url: './id.png', url: './static/id.png',
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this.linstener = new Three.AudioListener(); this.linstener1 = new Three.AudioListener(); this.sound = new Three.Audio(this.linstener); this.sendSound = new Three.Audio(this.linstener1); // 创建音频加载器 var audioLoader = new Three.AudioLoader(); audioLoader.load("./assets/audio/pow".concat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1, ".ogg"), function (buffer) { _this.sound.setBuffer(buffer); _this.sound.setLoop(false);
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: e-eq-mc2/cookingworld
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
// create a global audio source const sound = new THREE.Audio( listener ); const state = {isReady: false} // load a sound and set it as the Audio object's buffer const audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); audioLoader.load( fname, function( buffer ) { sound.setBuffer( buffer ); //sound.setLoop( true );
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this.sounds[num].setRefDistance(30); if (this.mesh) this.mesh.add(this.sounds[num]); this.sounds[num].onEnded(() => this.sounds[num].stop()); } else { let audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader(); audioLoader.load(`/assets/sfx/${path}`, (buffer) => { G.get('cache').audio[path] = buffer; this.sounds[num] = new THREE.PositionalAudio(G.get('listener')); this.sounds[num].setBuffer(buffer);
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