How to use the BackSide function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.BackSide code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.BackSide is a constant representing the back side of a mesh in the Three.js library.
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var cubeMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: cubeShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: cubeShader.vertexShader, uniforms: cubeShader.uniforms, depthWrite: false, side: THREE.BackSide } ); cubeMaterial.uniforms[ "tCube" ].value = textureCube; Object.defineProperty( cubeMaterial, 'map', { get: function () {
GitHub: alan-wu/ZincJS
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if (materials && materials.length > 0) { if (json.materials[0].singleSided) { materials[0].side = THREE.FrontSide; } else if (json.materials[0].flipSided){ materials[0].side = THREE.BackSide; } else { materials[0].side = THREE.DoubleSide; } if (json.materials[0].specularCoef) {
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How does three.BackSide work?
three.BackSide is a constant that represents the back side of a three.js 3D object, which can be used in the side property of a material to specify how it should be rendered. When the side property is set to three.BackSide, the material will be rendered only on the back faces of the geometry.
GitHub: alan-wu/ZincJS
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this.secondaryMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.morph.geometry, secondaryMaterial); this.secondaryMesh.renderOrder = this.morph.renderOrder + 1; this.secondaryMesh.userData = this; = this.groupName; } this.morph.material.side = THREE.BackSide; this.morph.material.needsUpdate = true; this.morph.add(this.secondaryMesh); this.animationGroup.add(this.secondaryMesh); }
+ 14 other calls in file
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new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ fragmentShader : skyboxShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader : skyboxShader.vertexShader, uniforms : skyboxShader.uniforms, depthWrite : false, side : THREE.BackSide }) )); },
Ai Example
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const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ side: THREE.BackSide, color: 0xff0000, });
In the above example, the MeshBasicMaterial is created with color set to 0xff0000 and side set to BackSide, which will only render the back faces of the mesh.
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