How to use the Box3 function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.Box3 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.Box3 is a class in the Three.js library that represents a three-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box.
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_vC = new THREE.Vector3(), _vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(), _vector4 = new THREE.Vector4(), _clipBox = new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3( - 1, - 1, - 1 ), new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ) ), _boundingBox = new THREE.Box3(), _points3 = new Array( 3 ), _points4 = new Array( 4 ),
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skinning: true, shininess: 0, flatShading: false, }) let bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh) let height = bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y let heightX = bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x let heightY = bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y
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How does three.Box3 work?
three.Box3 is used to represent a three-dimensional bounding box in the Cartesian coordinate system. A bounding box is an imaginary box that surrounds a collection of objects in space. The box is defined by its minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates. three.Box3 has the following properties: min: a Vector3 representing the minimum x, y, and z coordinates of the bounding box. max: a Vector3 representing the maximum x, y, and z coordinates of the bounding box. three.Box3 has several methods for working with bounding boxes, including: set(min, max): sets the minimum and maximum coordinates of the bounding box. setFromPoints(points): sets the bounding box to enclose a set of Vector3 points. makeEmpty(): sets the minimum and maximum coordinates of the bounding box to positive and negative infinity, respectively. isEmpty(): returns true if the bounding box is empty (i.e., its minimum coordinates are greater than its maximum coordinates), and false otherwise. expandByPoint(point): expands the bounding box to include the given Vector3 point. expandByVector(vector): expands the bounding box by the given Vector3 vector. expandByScalar(scalar): expands the bounding box uniformly in all dimensions by the given scalar value. containsPoint(point): returns true if the given Vector3 point is contained within the bounding box, and false otherwise. intersectsBox(box): returns true if the given Box3 intersects with this bounding box, and false otherwise. applyMatrix4(matrix): applies the given Matrix4 transformation matrix to the bounding box. three.Box3 is often used for collision detection and for determining the size and position of an object in a 3D scene.
GitHub: K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter
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} function getSceneBoundingBox(K3D) { /* jshint validthis:true */ const sceneBoundingBox = new THREE.Box3(); let objectBoundingBox; let world = K3D.getWorld(); Object.keys(world.ObjectsListJson).forEach(function (K3DIdentifier) {
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var color = ( hex !== undefined ) ? hex : 0x888888; this.object = object; = new THREE.Box3(); this, new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: color, wireframe: true } ) ); };
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Ai Example
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// Import Three.js and create a scene import * as THREE from "three"; const scene = new THREE.Scene(); // Create a Box3 object and set its initial min and max values const box = new THREE.Box3(); box.set(new THREE.Vector3(-1, -1, -1), new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1)); // Create a mesh and add it to the scene const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(); const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff }); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); scene.add(mesh); // Update the bounding box to include the mesh box.setFromObject(mesh); // Check if the bounding box contains a point const point = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); if (box.containsPoint(point)) { console.log("The bounding box contains the point"); } // Expand the bounding box by a scalar value box.expandByScalar(0.5); // Apply a transformation matrix to the bounding box const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(1, 0, 0); box.applyMatrix4(matrix); // Check if the bounding box intersects with another box const otherBox = new THREE.Box3(); otherBox.set(new THREE.Vector3(-2, -2, -2), new THREE.Vector3(-1, -1, -1)); if (box.intersectsBox(otherBox)) { console.log("The bounding boxes intersect"); }
In this example, we create a Box3 object box and set its initial minimum and maximum values to (-1, -1, -1) and (1, 1, 1), respectively. We then create a BoxGeometry and a Mesh object and add the mesh to the scene. We update the box object to include the mesh by calling setFromObject(mesh). We then create a Vector3 object point and check if it is contained within the bounding box by calling containsPoint(point). We expand the bounding box by calling expandByScalar(0.5), which increases the minimum and maximum values by 0.5 in all dimensions. Finally, we apply a translation matrix to the bounding box by calling applyMatrix4(matrix), and check if the bounding box intersects with another Box3 object otherBox by calling intersectsBox(otherBox).
GitHub: VCityTeam/UD-Viz
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* @param {THREE.Object3D} obj - the object to fit inside the projection plane of the shadow camera * @param {THREE.DirectionalLight} dirLight - the light with the shadow camera */ bindLightTransform: function (offset, phi, theta, obj, dirLight) { // Computing boundingSphere const bb = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(obj); const center = bb.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3()); const bsphere = bb.getBoundingSphere(new THREE.Sphere(center)); const sphericalPoint = new THREE.Spherical( bsphere.radius + offset,
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GitHub: alan-wu/ZincJS
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*/ ZincObject.prototype.getClosestVertexIndex = function() { let closestIndex = -1; if (this.morph) { let position = this.morph.geometry.attributes.position; let boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromBufferAttribute(position); let center = new THREE.Vector3(); boundingBox.getCenter(center); if (position && boundingBox) { let distance = -1;
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* @param {GLTFParser} parser */ function computeBounds(geometry, primitiveDef, parser) { var attributes = primitiveDef.attributes; var box = new THREE.Box3(); if (attributes.POSITION !== undefined) { var accessor = parser.json.accessors[attributes.POSITION]; var min = accessor.min;
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GitHub: OpenSlicer/OpenSlicer
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group.add(wireframeObj) group.add(mainObj) let bb = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mainObj) normalsHelper = new THREE.FaceNormalsHelper(mainObj, bb.getSize(new THREE.Vector3()).length() / 20, 0x0000ff, 1) group.add(normalsHelper) mainGeom.computeBoundingSphere()
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* Given a compartment object, place the camera focus on it. * @param {object} compartment - Three object representing the compartment * @return null */ centerCameraAroundCompartment(compartment) { const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(compartment); - 10, boundingBox.min.y - 10, boundingBox.min.z - 10); this.trackControls.update(); const boxCenter = boundingBox.getCenter(); = boxCenter;
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GitHub: VCityTeam/UD-Viz
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// requester compute near far this.itownsView.addFrameRequester( itowns.MAIN_LOOP_EVENTS.AFTER_CAMERA_UPDATE, () => { const bb = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.scene); computeNearFarCamera(, bb.min, bb.max); } );
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geometry.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere( new THREE.Vector3(0.5 * sizeX, 0.5 * sizeY, 0.5 * sizeZ), new THREE.Vector3(0.5 * sizeX, 0.5 * sizeY, 0.5 * sizeZ).length(), ); geometry.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), new THREE.Vector3(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ), );
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GitHub: alan-wu/ZincJS
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let morphVertices = false; this.isGlyphset = true; let _transformMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); const _bot_colour = new THREE.Color(); const _top_colour = new THREE.Color(); const _boundingBox1 = new THREE.Box3(); const _boundingBox2 = new THREE.Box3(); const _boundingBox3 = new THREE.Box3(); const _points = []; const _current_positions = [];
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texture.needsUpdate = true; sprite.position.fromArray(object.positions, index * 3); sprite.scale.set(size, size, size); sprite.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromCenterAndSize( new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(size, size, size), ); if (config.model_matrix) {
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function computeBounds( geometry, primitiveDef, parser ) { const attributes = primitiveDef.attributes; const box = new THREE.Box3(); if ( attributes.POSITION !== undefined ) { const accessor = parser.json.accessors[ attributes.POSITION ];
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return Promise.all(pending); }); } function computeBounds(geometry, primitiveDef, parser) { const attributes = primitiveDef.attributes; const box = new three.Box3(); if (attributes.POSITION !== undefined) { const accessor = parser.json.accessors[attributes.POSITION]; const min = accessor.min; const max = accessor.max;
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}); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: color }); var text = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); // Measure what we rendered. var measure = new THREE.Box3(); measure.setFromObject(text); var textWidth = measure.max.x - measure.min.x;
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let geometry = new THREE.ShapeBufferGeometry( shape ); geometry.computeBoundingBox(); let mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this._getColor(i, states.length), side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true, opacity: this._getOpacity(i, states.length) } ) ); state.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().copy(geometry.boundingBox); group.add( mesh ); // Expand bounding box if (this.sceneBoundingBox === null)
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GitHub: msfeldstein/20-Portals
![msfeldstein profile picture](/msfeldstein.png?size=40)
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document.body.addEventListener('keypress', () => { showOther = !showOther }) var clock = new THREE.Clock() scene1.updateMatrixWorld() var portalBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(scene1.portal) var helper = new THREE.BoundingBoxHelper(scene1.portal) helper.update() // scene1.add(helper)
GitHub: max0ne/logo_thing
![max0ne profile picture](/max0ne.png?size=40)
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let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); renderer.setSize(containerDom.clientWidth, containerDom.clientHeight); containerDom.appendChild(renderer.domElement); scene.add(obj); const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(obj); 'xyz'.split('').forEach((axis) => { obj.position[axis] = - (boundingBox.max[axis] + boundingBox.min[axis]) / 2; });
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} if (this._state == STATE.SCALE || this._state == STATE.FOCUS || this._state == STATE.ANIMATION_FOCUS) { this._tbRadius = this.calculateTbRadius(; if (this.adjustNearFar) { const cameraDistance =; const bb = new three_1.Box3(); bb.setFromObject(this._gizmos); const sphere = new three_1.Sphere(); bb.getBoundingSphere(sphere); const adjustedNearPosition = Math.max(this._nearPos0, sphere.radius +;
three.Vector3 is the most popular function in three (22341 examples)