How to use the BufferGeometry function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.BufferGeometry code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
BufferGeometry is a class in the Three.js library used for creating and managing buffer-based geometries for 3D objects.
GitHub: edankwan/The-Spirit

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for(var i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++ ) { i3 = i * 3; position[i3 + 0] = (i % TEXTURE_WIDTH) / TEXTURE_WIDTH; position[i3 + 1] = ~~(i / TEXTURE_WIDTH) / TEXTURE_HEIGHT; } var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( position, 3 )); var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([
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const triangleAttribute = (config.triangles_attribute && || null; const normals = (config.normals && || null; const vertices = (config.vertices && || null; const indices = (config.indices && || null; const uvs = (config.uvs && || null; let geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); let image; let object; let preparedtriangleAttribute;
How does three.BufferGeometry work?
is a class in the Three.js library that represents a geometry made up of an array of vertices, each with a set of associated attributes (such as normals or texture coordinates) stored in buffers for efficient rendering. It allows for a high degree of customization and optimization of geometries used in 3D scenes.
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test('pathing near close, adjacent nodes', (t) => { const pathfinding = new Pathfinding(); // Make a geometry that looks something like ./diagrams/close-adjacent-nodes.png const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); const position = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array([ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1,
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const sizes = (config.point_sizes && && === positions.length / 3) ? : null; const {colorsToFloat32Array} = buffer; const phongShader = THREE.ShaderLib.phong; let i; const boundingBoxGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); const geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronBufferGeometry(config.point_size * 0.5, meshDetail); const colorMap = (config.color_map && || null; let opacityFunction = (config.opacity_function && || null; const colorRange = config.color_range;
Ai Example
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// Create a new buffer geometry const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); // Add positions to the buffer geometry const positions = new Float32Array([ 0, 0, 0, // vertex 1 1, 0, 0, // vertex 2 0, 1, 0, // vertex 3 ]); geometry.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, 3)); // Add indices to the buffer geometry const indices = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2]); geometry.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(indices, 1));
This creates a new buffer geometry and sets up some vertices and indices for a triangle. The vertex positions are stored in a Float32Array and added to the geometry as a BufferAttribute. The indices are stored in a Uint16Array and set as the geometry's index.
GitHub: tentone/geo-three
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const terrain = MapMartiniHeightNode.getTerrain(data, tileSize, this.elevationDecoder); const martini = new Martini(gridSize); const tile = martini.createTile(terrain); const { vertices, triangles } = tile.getMesh(typeof this.meshMaxError === 'function' ? this.meshMaxError(this.level) : this.meshMaxError); const attributes = MapMartiniHeightNode.getMeshAttributes(vertices, terrain, tileSize, [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5], this.exageration); this.geometry = new three.BufferGeometry(); this.geometry.setIndex(new three.Uint32BufferAttribute(triangles, 1)); this.geometry.setAttribute('position', new three.Float32BufferAttribute(attributes.position.value, attributes.position.size)); this.geometry.setAttribute('uv', new three.Float32BufferAttribute(attributes.uv.value, attributes.uv.size)); this.geometry.rotateX(Math.PI);
GitHub: wkentaro/morefusion

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new THREE.Vector3(-0.013, -0.01, 0.03), new THREE.Vector3(0.013, -0.01, 0.03), ]; var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0x0000ff}); for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints([new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), points[i]]); var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); line.position.set(position[0], position[1], position[2]); line.quaternion.set(quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2], quaternion[3]); scene.add(line);
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const size = primitive.size ? primitive.size : 5 const points = [] for (const p of primitive.points) { points.push(p.x, p.y, p.z) } const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry() geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(points, 3)) const material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({ color, size, sizeAttenuation: false }) return new THREE.Points(geometry, material) }
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offset += vertexCount; tube.dispose(); }); const outGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); outGeometry.addAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(mesh.position), 3)); outGeometry.addAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(mesh.normal), 3)); outGeometry.addAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(mesh.uv), 2)); outGeometry.addAttribute('basePosition', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(mesh.basePosition), 3));
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GitHub: ASSERT-KTH/ci-hackathon
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} ); geometry.computeBoundingBox(); geometry.computeVertexNormals(); textGeo = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry( geometry ); const pos = toGlobalPosition(obj.relativePosition) textMesh1 = new THREE.Mesh( textGeo , materials); textMesh1.position.x = pos[0];
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GitHub: VCityTeam/UD-Viz
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child.geometry.attributes.position.array.slice(startIndex, i * 3), 3 ); // Get all points that have the same value of the "nameOfGeometryAttribute" const mesh = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); mesh.setAttribute('position', positionByAttribute); // THREE.EdgesGeometry needs triangle indices to be created. // Create a new array for the indices
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image.onload = function onload() { sphereImg.needsUpdate = true; }; image.src = this.nodeParticleTexture; geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); // properties that may consty from particle to particle. only accessible in vertex shaders! // (can pass color info to fragment shader via vColor.) // compute scale for particles, in pixels const particleScale =
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mesh.children[0].geometry.computeBoundingBox(); mesh.children[1].geometry.computeBoundingBox(); } object.add(new THREE.LineSegments( new THREE.BufferGeometry(), new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5,
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const _camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 0, 1 ); // const _geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); _geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( [ - 1, 3, 0, - 1, - 1, 0, 3, - 1, 0 ], 3 ) ); _geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( [ 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0 ], 2 ) );
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let lmat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x999999 } ); lmat.linewidth = 5; let points = []; points.push( new THREE.Vector3(pos_a[0], pos_a[1], pos_a[2]) ); points.push( new THREE.Vector3(pos_b[0], pos_b[1], pos_b[2]) ); let lgeom = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points ); let line = new THREE.Line( lgeom, lmat ); this.scene.add(line); */
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geometryPromise = createDracoPrimitive( primitive ); } else { // Otherwise create a new geometry geometryPromise = addPrimitiveAttributes( new THREE.BufferGeometry(), primitive, parser ); } // Cache this geometry
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let geometryPromise; if (primitive.extensions && primitive.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION]) { geometryPromise = createDracoPrimitive(primitive); } else { geometryPromise = addPrimitiveAttributes(new three.BufferGeometry(), primitive, parser); } cache[cacheKey] = { primitive: primitive, promise: geometryPromise }; pending.push(geometryPromise); }
GitHub: alan-wu/ZincJS
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numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices * 3; baseSize = glyphsetData.metadata.base_size; offset = glyphsetData.metadata.offset; scaleFactors = glyphsetData.metadata.scale_factors; const loader = new JSONLoader(); this.geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); this.morph = new THREE.InstancedMesh(this.geometry, undefined, numberOfVertices); if (isInline) { var object = loader.parse(glyphURL); (meshloader(finishCallback, displayLabels))(object.geometry, object.materials);
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const attributesUsed = new Set( Object.keys( geometries[ 0 ].attributes ) ); const morphAttributesUsed = new Set( Object.keys( geometries[ 0 ].morphAttributes ) ); const attributes = {}; const morphAttributes = {}; const morphTargetsRelative = geometries[ 0 ].morphTargetsRelative; const mergedGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); let offset = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < geometries.length; ++ i ) {
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// convert the geometry to bufferGeometry if it isn't already var bufferGeometry = g; if ( bufferGeometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) { bufferGeometry = ( new THREE.BufferGeometry() ).fromGeometry( bufferGeometry ); } var meshid = `Mesh${ libraryGeometries.length + 1 }`;
GitHub: dpwoert/CityIO

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//custom material else { material = options.material; } var buffer = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); buffer.fromGeometry(geometry); geometry.dispose(); //create mesh
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three.Vector3 is the most popular function in three (22341 examples)