How to use the DepthLimitedBlurShader function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.DepthLimitedBlurShader code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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} this.vBlurMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( THREE.DepthLimitedBlurShader.uniforms ), defines: Object.assign( {}, THREE.DepthLimitedBlurShader.defines ), vertexShader: THREE.DepthLimitedBlurShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: THREE.DepthLimitedBlurShader.fragmentShader } ); this.vBlurMaterial.defines[ 'DEPTH_PACKING' ] = this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ? 0 : 1; this.vBlurMaterial.defines[ 'PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA' ] = ? 1 : 0;
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