How to use the Frustum function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.Frustum code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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_modelMatrix, _modelViewProjectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), _normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3(), _frustum = new THREE.Frustum(), _clippedVertex1PositionScreen = new THREE.Vector4(), _clippedVertex2PositionScreen = new THREE.Vector4();
+ 10 other calls in file
GitHub: tentone/geo-three
1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434
} } const projection = new three.Matrix4(); const pov = new three.Vector3(); const frustum = new three.Frustum(); const position = new three.Vector3(); class LODFrustum extends LODRadial { constructor(subdivideDistance = 120, simplifyDistance = 400) { super(subdivideDistance, simplifyDistance);
GitHub: hobuinc/usgs-lidar
691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700
// this.fromCamera.updateMatrix(); // make sure camera's local matrix is updated this.fromCamera.updateMatrixWorld(); // make sure camera's world matrix is updated this.fromCamera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( this.fromCamera.matrixWorld ); var frustum = new THREE.Frustum(); frustum.setFromMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(this.fromCamera.projectionMatrix, this.fromCamera.matrixWorldInverse ) ); for (var i = 0, il = this.points.length ; i < il ; i ++) {
three.Vector3 is the most popular function in three (22341 examples)