How to use the LineLoop function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.LineLoop code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.LineLoop is a class in the Three.js library that creates a closed loop geometry object consisting of a series of connected line segments.
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} else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES) { mesh = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP) { mesh = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP) { mesh = new THREE.LineLoop(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS) { mesh = new THREE.Points(geometry, material); } else { throw new Error(
+ 14 other calls in file
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mesh = new THREE.Line( geometry, material ); } else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP ) { mesh = new THREE.LineLoop( geometry, material ); } else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS ) { mesh = new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
How does three.LineLoop work?
is a Three.js object that represents a looped line segment in 3D space, with each segment defined by two connected vertices, and the last vertex connected to the first vertex to form a closed loop.
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} else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP) { mesh = new three.Line(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP) { mesh = new three.LineLoop(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS) { mesh = new three.Points(geometry, material); }
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case 'LineSegments': child = new THREE.LineSegments(originalGeometry, material); break; case 'LineLoop': child = new THREE.LineLoop(originalGeometry, material); break; case 'Line': child = new THREE.Line(originalGeometry, material);
+ 9 other calls in file
Ai Example
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// create geometry const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); const vertices = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]; geometry.setAttribute( "position", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(vertices, 3) ); // create material const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 }); // create line loop const lineLoop = new THREE.LineLoop(geometry, material); scene.add(lineLoop);
In this example, we first create a BufferGeometry that defines the vertices of the LineLoop. We then create a LineBasicMaterial and use it to create a new LineLoop object, passing in the geometry and material as arguments. Finally, we add the LineLoop to the scene.
GitHub: VeinKowal/veins
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} else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES) { mesh = new _three.LineSegments(geometry, _material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP) { mesh = new _three.Line(geometry, _material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP) { mesh = new _three.LineLoop(geometry, _material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS) { mesh = new _three.Points(geometry, _material); } else { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Primitive mode unsupported: ' + primitive.mode);
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let material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: color}); let geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry(radius, segments); geometry.vertices.shift(); let line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); line.material.transparent = true; let lineLoop = new THREE.LineLoop(geometry, material); line.add(lineLoop); let vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); line.position.copy(position); line.lookAt(vector3);
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