How to use the MTLLoader function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.MTLLoader code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
three.MTLLoader is a class in the Three.js library that allows loading and parsing of Wavefront OBJ files and their associated MTL material files.
GitHub: wkentaro/morefusion
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scene.add(line); } } function loadObject(data, index) { new THREE.MTLLoader(manager) .setPath('/assets/reconstruction/models/' + data.poses[index].class_name + '/') .load('textured.mtl', function(materials) { materials.preload(); new THREE.OBJLoader(manager)
GitHub: ASSERT-KTH/ci-hackathon
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return a; } function addObjects(){ //var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader(); //mtlLoader.load("/static/r1.mtl", function(materials){ //materials.preload();
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How does three.MTLLoader work?
The MTLLoader class in the Three.js library is used to load Material Template Library (MTL) files, which describe the material properties of 3D models, and parse them into usable data for Three.js. When called, it will read the contents of an MTL file, parse the data, and return it in a format that Three.js can use to apply textures and other visual properties to 3D models.
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} var objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader(); var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); // stonebird teach me how to use require
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GitHub: 52black/scratch-vm
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return OBJLoader; } )(); exports.MTLLoader = THREE.MTLLoader; exports.OBJLoader = THREE.OBJLoader;
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Ai Example
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import * as THREE from "three"; import { MTLLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/MTLLoader.js"; import { OBJLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/OBJLoader.js"; const mtlLoader = new MTLLoader(); mtlLoader.load("model.mtl", (materials) => { materials.preload(); const objLoader = new OBJLoader(); objLoader.setMaterials(materials); objLoader.load("model.obj", (object) => { scene.add(object); }); });
In this example, MTLLoader is used to load the materials defined in the model.mtl file. Once the materials are loaded, they are passed to OBJLoader, which is then used to load the 3D object defined in the model.obj file. Finally, the loaded object is added to the scene.
GitHub: PrashanthG45/aframe
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THREE.Cache.enabled = true; } // TODO: Eventually include these only if they are needed by a component. require('three/examples/js/loaders/OBJLoader'); // THREE.OBJLoader require('three/examples/js/loaders/MTLLoader'); // THREE.MTLLoader require('three/examples/js/BlendCharacter'); // THREE.BlendCharacter require('three/examples/js/loaders/ColladaLoader'); // THREE.ColladaLoader require('../../vendor/VRControls'); // THREE.VRControls require('../../vendor/VREffect'); // THREE.VREffect
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THREE.Cache.enabled = true; } // TODO: Eventually include these only if they are needed by a component. require('../../node_modules/three/examples/js/loaders/OBJLoader'); // THREE.OBJLoader require('../../node_modules/three/examples/js/loaders/MTLLoader'); // THREE.MTLLoader require('../../node_modules/three/examples/js/loaders/ColladaLoader'); // THREE.ColladaLoader require('../../node_modules/three/examples/js/controls/VRControls'); // THREE.VRControls require('../../node_modules/three/examples/js/effects/VREffect'); // THREE.VREffect
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GitHub: Neticon/webgl-tests
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return loader.load(urls) } })() const objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader() objLoader.loadP = jsUtil.promifyFn(objLoader.load.bind(objLoader), 1, 'rsv') const mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader() mtlLoader.crossOrigin = true mtlLoader.loadP = jsUtil.promifyFn(mtlLoader.load.bind(mtlLoader), 1, 'rsv') const radiants = degrees => Math.PI / 180 * degrees const { innerWidth: WIDTH, innerHeight: HEIGHT } = window
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