How to use the ObjectLoader function from three
Find comprehensive JavaScript three.ObjectLoader code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The three.ObjectLoader is a class that is used to load and parse object data in Three.js.
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} } return null; } // The ExtensibleObjectLoader extends the THREE.ObjectLoader // interface, while providing some hooks for us to perform some // custom loading for things other than three.js native JSON. // // We currently use this class to support some extensions to
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return deferred.promise; }; var postProcessWorld = function (json) { var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); var obj = loader.parse(json); var mergedMeshesGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
How does three.ObjectLoader work?
is a class in the Three.js library that provides a way to load 3D models from external files in various formats and convert them into Three.js scene objects, using the JSON data format. It is capable of asynchronously loading multiple models and can handle animations, materials, and textures. The class exposes methods for loading different types of assets such as geometry, materials, and animations, and can be customized with options such as loading manager and URL modifier.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 = State.get('camera'); this.scene = State.get('scene'); this.counter = 0; var objectLoader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); var self = this; objectLoader.load('models/ground.json', function (obj) { obj.children.forEach(function (value) { if (value instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
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// everything is loaded. this.loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager(); this.loadingManager.onLoad = this.onLoad.bind(this); // Load the Android model by fetching it from the server. const loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(this.loadingManager); loader.load("assets/android.json", object => { // Save a reference to the loaded android model. = object;
Ai Example
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import * as THREE from "three"; const loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); loader.load( "models/mymodel.json", function (object) { scene.add(object); }, function (xhr) { console.log((xhr.loaded / * 100 + "% loaded"); }, function (error) { console.log("An error happened"); } );
In this example, a new ObjectLoader is created from the three library. The load() method is then called on the loader with the path to the JSON file to load, a callback function to run when the model has been loaded, a progress function to report on the load progress, and an error function to handle any loading errors. Once the model has been loaded, it is added to the scene.
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// ) // = 'box' scene.add(customWave) const loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader() loader.load('./model.json', (object) => { console.log('geometry', object.geometry) const something = new THREE.Mesh(object.geometry, material) something.position.z = 60
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//import * as THREE from ''; //import { OrbitControls } from ''; //const THREE = require('three'); import * as THREE from 'three' const loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); const scene = new THREE.Scene(); loader.load( // resource URL '../models/json/human.json',
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// obj 加载器 const objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); objLoader.setPath(MODEL_PATH); // json 模型加载器 const objectLoader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); objectLoader.setTexturePath(MODEL_PATH); // prefab 数据加载器 const prefLoader = new THREE.FileLoader();
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}; var onError = function( xhr ) { console.error( xhr ); }; //var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader( manager ); //var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader( manager ); // create a new loader to load collada files and use the download manager loader.load( myScene.fileToLoad , function( object ) {
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this.inv = data.inv; for (let key in data.stats) this[key] = data.stats[key]; let loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader(); loader.load(`/assets/3d/${data.path}.json`, (object) => { G.get('cache').json[data.path] = object;
+ 3 other calls in file
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!(event.keyCode == 69) || interact(event); // E !(event.keyCode == 81) || attack(event); // Q !(event.keyCode == 82) || attackAlt(event); // R }); new THREE.ObjectLoader().load('/assets/3d/sword/sword.json', (weapon) => { G.get('camera').add(weapon); weapon.scale.set(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); weapon.position.x++; weapon.position.y -= 1.2;
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) this.renderer.setClearColor(0x444444, 1.0) this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true this.renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PSCFSoftShadowMap let loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader() this.scene = loader.parse(baseScene) = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(this.VIEW_ANGLE, this.ASPECT, this.NEAR, this.FAR), 200, -200)
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